Sermon Illustrations

Birds of Feather

Flock Together

Many in America will tell you that they are Christians because they believe in Jesus Christ. Others attempt to proclaim their faith in Him by becoming members of a local church that they may or may not regularly attend. They have convinced themselves as long as they occasionally do what appears to be religious they are making a proclamation of being disciples of Christ. Thus, many find themselves only producing a form of godliness, yet denying the power of the true God in their lives.

Jesus gives this approach to witnessing, “A new command- ment I give you: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35) God’s word gives clear instructions on how to fulfill Jesus’ commandment to “Love One Another.” A foundational Scripture is Rom. 12:10, “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another.” (KJV)

The heart of a true child of God who is led of the Holy Spirit realizes that his purpose is to love and express a life that honors the Lord so that those in this world may know that he is a disciple of Christ. People by nature observe what is lived out before them. There is a powerful truth which says, “The people you associate with and allow to influence your life indicate who or what your gods are.”

Naturalists have observed that Canadian Geese have a strong sense of family dedication. Both parents defend and provide for the young. Often several parents in family groups will join together in taking care of the little goslings. Those who study Canadian Geese have been intrigued by their loyalty to family groups which stay very close together even within large flocks. If a bird becomes ill or injured during migration and cannot continue with the flock, a few family members will go down with the unhealthy bird to keep it safe while it recuperates. Only when the injured bird is ready to fly or succumbs to death will the healthy geese take off again. God has placed within these geese what is needed for their individual survival and for the existence of the entire flock. These natural instincts are given to them by their Creator.

Usually Canadian Geese are seen with other Canadian Geese, Snow Geese with other Snow Geese and sparrows with other sparrows. The title of this CrossRoads is taken from a familiar saying that all of you have heard and know the meaning of, “Birds of a feather flock together.” The Creator of the heavens and earth has given all that a man needs to know for abundant life in His Word, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing…” (Hebrews 10:25)

As people observe your life, who do they see you fellowship with? Which flock do they see you joining? Are you seen mostly with those who desire and hunger for the Word of God? With those who are striving to meet the needs of others…raising up and protecting new believers in Christ? Are you seen as someone who takes every opportunity to do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of God? (Galatians 6:10) Do you prefer to be with the Body of Christ and to be seen as having the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus? If not, surrender to God’s call today; receive Christ to be both Savior and Lord of your heart and life! Become a true disciple of Christ!

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