Sermon Illustrations

I heard an illustration from Pastor Tony Evans that I altered some to fit us here in Arkansas

• We love our Razorbacks, we make time for our Razorbacks

• Especially Razorback football

• Me and my wife love football

• But, have you ever thought about how much time we devote to football?

• The average NCAA football game lasts an average of 3 hours and 15 minutes

• But did you know that in that 3 hrs. 15 min, there is usually only about 15 minutes of actual gameplay?

• The majority of the game is consumed by coaches talking, referees standing, walking and arguing

• TV commercials take almost an hour by themselves

• You spend 2 hours listening to the hosts talking with the analysts

• Now, if you actually go to a home game, in Fayetteville

• Oh my goodness

• 2 hour drive there and 2 hours back

• You get there 30 minutes early

• It takes 45 minutes to leave, because of the traffic

• So 4 hrs. drive time, 3 hrs. 15 min game time 30 min early and 45 min to leave…4 plus 45… carry the 2

• That’s 8.5 hours for one game

• Then the next day you spend all day talking about it with your buddies at work

• Then you start looking forward to next week’s game

• Let me ask you this

• What have the Razorbacks done for you lately?

• But I know somebody that will give you what you ask

• Somebody who will show you what you are seeking

• Somebody who will open the door and accept you

• Somebody that says all these things shall be added unto you

• If I can get your undivided attention in relationship under My rule, My kingdom

• Instead of asking what this world can provide

• Instead of seeking desires and pleasures of this world

• Instead of knocking on every door of opportunity that comes before us

• We need to seek His kingdom and righteousness FIRST!

• The King of kings will provide all our needs

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