
Summary: “Woman, behold thy son.” Expression of affection by the perfect man

Woman, Behold Thy Son

John 19:25

I. Introduction

A. The First Three Words from the Cross

1. “Father, forgive them.” Expression of forgiveness by the perfect Son

2. “Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.” Expression of assurance by the perfect Savior

3. “Woman, behold thy son.” Expression of affection by the perfect man

1. The first: His pity for man

2. The second: His power towards those who believe in Him

3. The third: His provision for those upon whom His love is set

II. Body

A. This Word Reminds us of Jesus and the Family

1. In His dying hour, Jesus speaks of motherhood and sonship

2. The family is instituted of God

a. Chose to be born into an earthly family

b. Chose to accept the training and discipline of a home

c. Taught that marriage is for life

d. Insisted on the sanctity of the home

e. Showed His love for children

3. Christ longs to be the center of every home

4. “Except the Lord build a house they labor in vain that build it” (Ps. 127:1)

5. Happy the home where Christ is truly the head

a. He wants to remove the strife from your home

b. He wants to plant love in your home

B. This Word Reminds us of Jesus and the Faithful Few

1. Only a few are there: four women and one man

2. Matthew 26:56: “All forsook Him and fled”

3. But John returns … love draws him

4. How few were the faithful … but how faithful were the few!

5. They stood at the cross

a. It was not an easy place to stand

b. Mary and the fulfilled prophecy, “A sword shall pierce” (Luke 2:35)

c. Men are willing to rally to so many banners and causes

d. Few are willing to stand at the cross

e. Martyrs of the cross through the ages, both men and women

6. Most of the work of Christ has been done by the minority

7. “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few” (Matt. 9:37)

C. This Word Reminds us of Jesus and His Faithfulness to us

1. “Woman, behold thy son!” “Behold thy mother”

2. Notice that John is to care for Mary

3. Jesus cares for Mary’s needs:

a. For her emotional needs … has her sent away before the darkness

b. For her spiritual needs … He dies for her … and you and me

c. For her temporal needs … John will minister to her

4. John to be a personal representative for Christ

5. We are also to be ambassadors and represent Christ to others (2 Cor. 5:20)

III. Conclusion

A. What does this Statement of the Cross say to you?

B. How will you Respond?

C. Will you Allow Christ to be Lord of your Home?

D. Will you be Faithful to Him even if it Means Being in the Minority?

Campbell, R. F. (1997). Preach for a year. Kregel Publications.

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