
Summary: An explanation of the existence of evil.

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Another unhealthy response is to react with cynicism and bitterness toward God, rejecting Him and His sovereignty in the affairs of men.

C. God’s Ultimate Triumph

We’ve seen that God has not destroyed evil because He would have to destroy us. We have looked at some responses to evil and suffering.

But there is another aspect to all this. There is another response. And that response is to LOOK AHEAD.

You see, even though God won’t DESTROY evil, He will ultimately DEFEAT evil. And what a glorious day that will be, amen?

I’ve read the end of the book! Satan and his deceptions will be done away with forever, and we will no longer be at the mercy of a world gone mad, because we will be in the presence of God forever!

Go ahead and check it out!

III. Conclusion

The problem of evil is, indeed, a problem, and not one to be taken lightly. But it doesn’t have to leave us in defeat and bitterness.

We can take it with the understanding that our good and all—powerful God is also all-loving.

He has our best interests at heart. And He sees the bigger picture.

There’s the story of the man flying his plane above a mountain road. He looked down to see a car trying to pass a semi truck. However, the man in the car could not see around the truck to pass due to the dips and curves in the road.

The pilot could see that there were no other vehicles in the area, and that the car would be in no danger in passing the truck.

All he could do was sit up there and reflect on the fact that from his vantage point he could see what the man in the car could not see. Because he had a bigger picture.

It is the same with God. He sees the BIG picture.

Trust Him in the present and look forward to the future.

Let’s pray.

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