
Summary: Good Friday devotional reading.

It is Good Friday! A name that stirs a bit of confusion within my soul. Really what is so good about this day? A man died for my sins. A man gave his life for the things that I had not even done yet, but here I am 2000 years later observing it, some say celebrating it. How can I celebrate?

In the US we have termed the Friday before Easter as Good Friday. It is the day that Jesus was crucified. Really I have to ask again what is so good about it.

Many other countries call the same day “Holy” Friday, some call it “Sacred” Friday. Some think that Good Friday comes from the phrase “God’s” Friday, much the same way that good-bye means God be with you.

I don’t know really, what to call it; maybe sin day or something of that nature. Good Friday sure does not convey to me what happened and why.

When I read the story of the cross I vision the pain and agony that Christ must be going through. I hear the screams of the crowds, possibly the laughter of the Roman soldiers. I hear the sound of a thud as the cross hits the ground. I see the sight of soldiers tossing a tired beaten man on top of that cross. Perhaps the most ear shattering sound of all, the hammers hitting the nails. Really we want to call this Good?

In all the chaos of the story I can barely focus on the man, the man on the cross. What did he do? Nothing!

What really hurts when I look at this story is what I did to put him there. The fact that selfish, fleshly desires of doing things wrong and my way has caused another to suffer is intolerable. I am faced with the fact that I have not done what is right and have sinned. That my short comings separate me from the eternal bliss of a relationship with God. All throughout the New Testament I am reminded that I need to have a relationship with God but the only possible way that I can is through this horrendous act of sacrifice.

Sin cannot be ignored, it must be atoned for. A penalty has to be paid for it. That penalty in the Old Testament was always paid with a blood offering from a sacrificial lamb; an act of contrition to signify that I have acknowledged my error and want to restore my relationship with God.

God does have the answer, the answer that foils all logical thought and precepts of our modern age. It is simply God’s path to restoration that is on display here The drastic has to happen in order for His plan to be fulfilled as we journey through out our life. There will never be a way to fully explain or understand what has taken place on the cross until the day we meet Him.

On the meeting we will see those nail scares, we will hear the voice, we will know why. We live our life for that day; the day that forgiveness if fully realized in the presence of the one that gave His life for us.

I only wish that I could stop having to go back to the cross and seek forgiveness. I wish that I could not error in my life. I wish that troubles would not befall me. I wish that the price of one’s life had not had to be paid because I could not keep my covenant with my creator.

I guess Good Friday is good after all! It is an example of tremendous love. It tells me that no matter whom I am or what I have done in life that I am loved. My creator loves me enough to ensure that my mistakes do not burden me with guilt.

My life would have been over before it started if not for Good Friday. I would die in my sin and rebellion. The fact that three days later he arose and covers me with the grace I need is an act of love that has taken place in no other way in history.

I am saved, I know, I confess it, I just struggle to live it. I know that there is no way that I can fix my situation on my own. I know that I am covered and loved. I know that death does not end me.

This Journey that I embark on is not easy. It is filled with battles and disappointments. It is filled with pain, heart ache and at times loneliness. It is, however, filled with the pure love of a savior and that covers all.

When I hear the sounds of nails, it reminds me of whose I am. My desires should be replaced with the desires and love of the One who suffered for me.

Yes I guess Good Friday is good after all.

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Bonnie Trevanion

commented on Mar 29, 2018

Thank you Michael. This is beautiful.

Michael Parks

commented on Mar 29, 2018

Thank you so much, may God Bless You.

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