
Summary: why keep on doing right.

1. the classes of weary well doers:

a. those who are bored with worship---st. john 4:24---philippians3:3---matt. 15:8-9.

b. those who are broken in their walk...col.4:17---2tim.4:17

c. those who are bruised in their work.---2corin.11:23-30.

d. those who are blind to the will of God.--rom10:3...phillip.2:12-14.

2. the causes of weary well doers.

a. weak in compassion...vs.1,3,10.---jonah 4:5-11.

b.weary of criticisim...acts15:5-11

c. weary in comparing themselves..2corin.10:12

3. the cure for the weary well doer.vs.10

a. recall your salvation experience..acts26:13-20

b. remember your saviour..heb.4:16

c. repent of your sins..1john1:9---isaiah 1:16-20

d. remember the sinner..rev20:10

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