
Summary: Believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit will break strongholds, pray for you and teach you.

The Ultimate Decision

July 17, 2013

It has been two weeks since I have been able to write to you. Not because I have not wanted to but I have been in a huge war against evil. You see speaking in Tongues for personal edification so we ca learn the desire of the Spirit is something Satan does not want you to know about. That is because there is power to break all of his strongholds. I have had migraines for a week nonstop and a host of other problems. But I grin at this because I know why they are coming. Satan does not want us to learn this. Maybe you also are experiencing the same type of attacks. Remember that He (Jesus) who is in us is greater than he (Satan) that is in the world.

Dave Roberson's wrote a book that says

"Satan, the great deceiver, has successfully spread confusion and division regarding this passage of Scripture in First Corinthians 12 — so much so that entire denominations have split over different interpretations of the operation of spiritual gifts and the offices they empower. So it would profit us to make a careful examination of what Paul is teaching the Corinthian church in these verses. In First Corinthians 12:4-6, Paul says this: Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit, And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.And there are diversities of operation, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. What is Paul saying? Well, we know that the “gifts” he is talking about in verse 4 are the nine gifts of the Spirit listed in First Corinthians 12:8-10: 1) the word of wisdom; 2) the word of knowledge; 3) the gift of faith; 4) gifts of healings; 5) working of miracles; 6) prophecy; 7) discerning of spirits; 8) divers (or different supernatural manifestations of tongues; and 9) interpretation of tongues."

"Therefore, Satan is very, very fearful of a people who will relentlessly pursue God through praying in tongues."

If the Lord has not unlocked your tongue don't worry and don't think it is a lack of faith. Just keep seeking and praying. When you are praying in the natural just stop and be quiet and let the Lord create in you this new language. It may only be one syllable;e to start. But that syllable will be supernatural, FROM God.

Don't get discouraged as God desires for all of us to have this wonderful gift that edifies our Spirit for personal edification so we can then encourage others.

We need to understand what scripture says and how these gifts have not ceased. God desires to give all His children these gifts.

Have a joyous hope of what is to come. Let us pray for one another that we would never be discouraged by the devil's schemes but have victory in the Lord.

Have a great day


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