Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: This is the 143rd sermon in the series "Action". This is the 23rd sermon from Romans.

Series: Action [#143]


Romans 14:1-12


Today, is the beginning of what I call “Fickle Sunday”. I know that you are thinking, “No, it is Palm Sunday”. I say this, because the people were shouting, “Hosanna”, (which means save) on Sunday; and shouting, “Crucify Him” on Friday.

John 12:12-15

Luke 19:35-38

They were praising Jesus as the Messiah, and a few days later wanted Him dead. How typical of people. Now, the Religious Leaders of the day were the people stirring up all of the trouble. The enemy was using them to cause trouble between the people- He was confusing them to the truth. The enemy is still causing trouble.

There has been much said about me, the Church, and people that attend this Church; and it has not been very kind. I realize that this is the enemy trying to hurt us; but we can continue to have victory over the enemy if we draw close to God and one another. We have each other and we will remain strong as long as we don’t start turning on one another. Our text tells us how Christians ought to treat one another.

Romans 14:1-2

Christians treat each other right by…

1. Not arguing over differences.

You are not supposed to pass judgment on disputable matters. What are disputable matters? There are some things that the Scripture doesn’t come out and say that we should or shouldn’t do. In those areas, Christians must seek God’s direction and when we disagree with one another on these things, we need to just let it go.

Romans 14:5-6

* Do not allow things that do not matter to destroy your relationship with other Christians.

I have a friend at work that this applies to. She is a strong Christian woman; but she believes that I am wrong about the day I attend Worship Services. She is Seventh Day Adventist, and she believes that worship is to be on the Sabbath, (which is Saturday); not on Sundays. Obviously, we disagree about what day we should have our Worship Services; but who cares? We both believe that Jesus Christ came to this Earth, lived a perfect life, and became our sins on the cross. We also both believe that Jesus Christ arose from the dead on the 3rd day and has given us victory. Why ruin a friendship over a day? That is exactly what Paul was telling the Romans- Do not let things that do not matter ruin your relationships.

Romans 14:7-9

* Do not forget that we are on the same side.

This is not all about you or me. I think that Christians often forget that we are part of 1 body. I think that we forget that we are part of 1 army. I think that we forget that we are part of 1 Church. When Christians attack one another, we cause those who aren’t Christians to question the sincerity and truth of our religion. Just because we disagree with one another doesn’t give us the right to destroy one another. I must tell you that most of the attacks that we face are by people who say they are Christians. They are hurting the Body of Christ.

Romans 14:3-4

Christians treat each other right by…

2. Not judging one another.

We must remember that the only opinion that really matters is God’s.

Romans 14:10-12

* Don’t forget that each of us will stand before God and give an account of our life.


Let us not be like the people on that Sunday that Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a King that shouted, “Hosanna to the Messiah”; and then on Friday shouted, “Crucify Him”. On this day that begins what many call “Holy Week”, do whatever it takes to lift up Jesus and encourage one another.

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