
Summary: Samson was a man of many flaws as the Bible reveals, but he undoubtedly was a great man of faith who accomplished exactly what God wanted through him. What of us?


A man of flaws, yet in great faith overcame his enemies and fulfilled God’s will.


A. It is natural and often asked: What is God’s plan for my life?

1. We say this knowing the overall answer: to do His will.

2. Yet, throughout our lifelong service to Him in the Lord we take matters into our own hands.

3. It is easy to forget God’s will when our own schemes (plans) seem to contradict His plan.

B. Samson’s life reflects an illustration of our own lives.

1. God reveals His plan for Samson’s life.

2. Yet, throughout his consecrated life to God, he often took matters into his own hands – at times

against the Lord’s commandments.

3. But, in the end, even when his plans seem to contradict God’s, God’s overall plan was fulfilled.

4. The same can be said for our lives as we strive to live for Him. cp. Rom. 8:28

C. In this short lesson we look at:

1. How Samson’s consecrated life to God included choices that were against God’s will, yet still

lived his life ultimately to fulfill God’s will.

2. Lessons we can learn about our lives in light of Samson’s life.


A. During the duration of the Nazarite (dedication by separation) vow: Num. 6:1-21 (cp. Dt. 23:21)

1. Abstinence from intoxicating drink (wine, strong drink), vinegar or anything from the grape.

2. Refrain from shaving hair from his head.

3. Avoiding contact with the dead.

B. The Angel of the Lord comes to Manoah’s wife telling of God’s plan for Samson.

1. Samson would be a Nazarite from her womb: that is, his life was to be peculiarly separated unto


2. He was to be raised up as a deliverer for Israel against the Philistines who ruled over them.


A. Samson’s marriage to a Philistine woman. Jdg. 14

1. The Philistines were not explicitly mentioned as on the list of “forbidden nations”, yet his choice

to marry a foreign woman was seriously lacking/disappointing his parents. Dt. 7:1-3; Jdg. 14:3

2. Still, God’s overall purpose for Samson to deliver the Israelites from the oppression of the

Philistines was fulfilled. Jdg. 14:4

3. God used Samson’s spirit of revenge (cp. Dt. 32:35; Rom. 12:19) to fulfill his judgment upon the

Philistines. Jdg. 14:19

B. Samson burns the crops of the Philistines; 1,000 Philistines killed.

1. His father-in- law gives Samson’s wife to a friend of his: in another act of revenge he burns the

crops, vineyards, and olive groves to the fields of the Philistines. Jdgs. 15:1-5

2. Having angered the Philistines, Samson is given over to his enemies, but breaks free and

revengefully takes the jawbone of a donkey kills another 1,000 of his enemies. Jdg. 15:9-16

C. Samson and Delilah: 3,000 Philistines killed.

1. After being with a harlot the Philistines surround him only for Samson to be delivered out of their

hands. Jdgs. 16:1-3

2. He then falls in love with Delilah, whom the Philistines asked to entice him. Jdgs. 16:6, 7, 11, 17

3. By allowing his enemies to know the source of his strength he gave them opportunity to cut his

hair (which was against the Nazirite vow).

4. He is thrown in prison and his eyes are also gauged out during this time.

D. More killed in his death than all during his life.

1. While in prison Samson hair grows back. Jdgs. 16:22

2. He prays to God that He may avenge his eyes. Jdgs. 16:28

3. God hears and obliges Samson’s prayer and brings 3,000 lords of the Philistines to their death.

Jdgs. 16:23-30


A. God has a plan for His children who are to be consecrated to Him.

1. We may not have an Angel of the Lord come to tell our parents what that is.

2. But, God’s plan for His children is for each of us to live by faith.

3. Through such we are able to have our lives and/or the lives of others delivered from our great

enemy: Satan.

B. Even though God has a plan for us, we still make personal choices throughout our life- long service to

His will.

1. We desire to live by faith. Heb. 11:6 (cp. vs. 32)

2. We also sometimes sin but have God’s grace through Jesus. 1 Jn. 2:1-2

3. In the end, we want to be victorious over our enemy in service to His overall plan for our lives.

cp. Rev. 2:10


A. The revelations about Samson’s life, as do many other biblical characters, serve as a microcosm of our


B. We need to know that our lives are consecrated to God Himself.

1. While we may take matters inadvertently, but sinfully into our own hands, our lives are given to

His cause.

2. May we, like Samson, give our life in victory over our enemy.

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