
Summary: 1st in series [which is complete in its entirety] - The Lord took John away from his busy life as Pastor of the church at Ephesus that he might write down heavenly visions revealed unto him. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, PowerPoint.

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True Title: What does it say in your Bible? “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”

Year: 96 AD

John is up in years, perhaps in his 80’s. About 65 years previous, Jesus called John to leave his fishing boats and become a fisher of men.

John was present at many significant occasions:

Mt. of Transfiguration—he saw Jesus glorified

Garden of Gethsemane—as Jesus submitted to go to the cross

Foot of the Cross—as Jesus died

Wrote 5 books of the Bible: His Gospel, I, II, III John, and Revelation

Book of John—“Believe!”

Epistles—“Be Sure!”

Revelation—“Be Ready!”

Book of John--salvation



Book of John—portrays Jesus as the prophet.



The Lord took John away from his busy life as Pastor of the church at Ephesus that he might write down heavenly visions revealed unto him.

God used the evil emperor Domitian to exile John on a miserable little rocky desert island called Patmos off the coast of what is today Italy. Like Alcatraz, it was where the Roman government sent their roughest criminals. Rather than killing John for preaching the gospel, Domitian had John boiled in oil, then left on Patmos to die a long, painful death.

It was during John’s devotions one day that Jesus Christ appeared to him and gave him what is recorded in chapter 1.

1. The Focus of the book of Revelation. (1ST 5 WORDS)

It’s not John, it’s not the beast, it’s not the anti-christ, it’s Jesus Christ!

Revelation means “unveiling” (like a new statue…pull the canvas off)

While on earth, Jesus’ glory was veiled in human flesh. For only a brief moment it was revealed on the Mt. of Transfiguration. John was there along w/ his brother James and Peter. The glory on Jesus’ inside was seen on the outside and the disciples described it as the shining of the sun.

Human eyes could hardly stand the intensity…God had to veil it again in an instant. But in Revelation, the Lord gives John some special glasses, if you will, and allowed Him to see unveiled before him, in all of his splendor, majesty, and glory, THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!”

Together, we will see Jesus Christ for who He is. We will see His power like never before.

We can see Jesus in the gospels, His first coming to earth…

…but in Revelation we see His second coming, not veiled in human flesh, but robed in royalty, glory, majesty, power, splendor…the GOD OF ALL GODS, THE LORD OF ALL LORDS, THE KING OF ALL KINGS!

Gospels: Revelation:

Crucifixion Coronation

Came for a tree comes for a throne

Stood before Pilate (judged) Pilate will stand before Him

Suffers shame Shows splendor

Came to redeem Comes to rule and to reign

Justifier Judge

Lamb Lion

We need to see both sides of this Jesus who came down for us for one purpose…and yet is coming back for a different purpose altogether.

Caution: Some people love to study prophecy but aren't looking for Jesus in it as much as gloom and doom, death and destruction, and current events. We will have to see all these things as we's all around us, but let's make a point to make our point of Jesus!

As we launch out into this powerful study, we need to be looking not for the sensational, but for the Sovereign…not just for current events, but for the coming King!

Ill.—Picture a train station. There's a Station Master. He has a schedule. He knows when every train will come and go. He has his charts and schedules. He has them memorized…he knows every detail of how that station is supposed to operate.

Also in the station is a young lady. She doesn’t know the schedule of every train. What she does know is that her fiancé’, whom she is deeply in love with is, on one of those trains that is due…ANYTIME! She can hardly wait. Her heart beats wildly with anticipation.

Don’t study Rev. like the station master, trying to get down all the facts. Make it about your true love you are waiting to arrive anytime now!

Focus on Jesus!

That is how we should study this book together.

(focus on Jesus)

2. The Function of the book of Revelation

What purpose does this book serve?

v.1 To show the future! “shortly come to pass”

Many go around prophesying about what will happen in the future:

“88 Reasons He’s coming back in 1988”—big seller in the mid ‘80’s, not now!

“Russia’s going to nuke us!” “Saddam’s going to use biological weapons”

“Bin Laden is the false prophet!” Please!!!

All there is to know about the future has already been predicted.

It has been fulfilled with 100% accuracy so far, and will continue in like fashion.

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