
Summary: This is a very simple outline dealing with the good and bad of government, and our response to govenment as a believer in Christ.


Matthew 22:21


A People are self-centered, and as such walked away from God

B The needs of the community are important

1 There were safety and protection needs

2 Judges were established to lead the people

3 When issue was done, people reverted to old ways and walked away from God

C Judges led the people from turmoil and disorder to peace and order

D Government was meant to protect the people, preserve their peace and rights


A Biblically, government was to be a theocracy – Government by God

1 God was to rule and lead

2 Theocratic Government was perfect government

a Sufficient to meet the needs of people

b Sufficient to deal justly

B The people would cry for a king to lead them

1 By nature, this form of government is a statement against the authority and sufficiency of God

2 By nature, this form of government aligned the people of Israel closer with those around them and further from God

3 Ultimately result of this form of government

a Bring extremes in leadership – IE: David and Ahab

b Divide the nation of Israel

c Introduce idolatry into the nation as a whole

d Result in defeat

C The best leader apart from God is

1 Finite

2 Limited in knowledge and ability

3 Bias at some point

4 Redeemed, yet influenced by his EVER PRESENT sin nature

D Human Government demands sacrifice

1 The sacrifice of self -- service

2 The sacrifice of property

3 The sacrifice of resources -- taxes


A Everyone has a responsibility to obey their government

B Everyone has a responsibility to support their government

1 The issue of taxes

2 The word is pay means to fulfill or complete

3 The believer is responsible to fulfill his obligations no matter what they are!

4 Same word used of Christ when He knew all things were finished and said He was thirsty

John 19:28-30 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty." 29 A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

C I have a responsibility to accept my government as from God

1 Government officials are ultimately responsible to God who put them in place

2 Those in government were appointed to do what they are doing

IV THE RESPONSE OF GOVERNMENT – Luke 18, Acts 4:3;5:18

A Execute the will of the people

1 Our responsibility to obey does not negate our accountability to God

2 We are accountable to God for our obedience to our government.

B Execute justice despite personal preferences

1 We are to stand for what is right

a To change our government

b To accept the consequences of protest

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