
Summary: This is a message for Easter.

Title: “Do not be afraid…He is not here!” Scripture: Mt. 28:5-6

Type: Easter/Evangelistic Where: GNBC 3-31-24

Intro: My father-in-law was a man who knew a lot about a lot and a little about everything. He knew things the average person didn’t know or sometimes even care to know. In 1973 while the family were in London, PD began to imitate the tour guides. As the family were near the Thames River, holding up his umbrella like a guide, he pointed at an area near the famous river and said: “And this is where London Bridge used to be before they moved it to Arizona.” The family all thought he was joking and kept telling him they didn’t believe him. Finding a Bobby, PD asked the man where London Bridge was: “Why governor, they done moved it to Arizona!” On another occasion the family wanted to go East for their annual vacation. One of the points of interest was Niagara Falls, NY. PD: “That won’t do any good.” “Why not?” “They turned off the Falls this year for maintenance.” Uproarious laughter and disagreement. “Ok, I will prove it to you.” Family drove the 763 miles to Niagara to see…the Falls dry. They had in fact been damned up for maintenance! Needless to say, its always shocking when you go to see something you expect to see, want to see, or long to see, only to find out…it isn’t there! Now as shocking as the absence of London Bridge and water at Niagara Falls was, it didn’t even come close to comparison to the absence of Jesus’ body in the Garden Tomb that first Easter morning. In our passage today see women going to the tomb early Easter Sunday morning and they are met with an open tomb, and a surprise no one expected.

Prop: The angel’s words to the women that first Easter morning had/has 3 important implications.

BG: 1. The “person” making the pronouncement to the beleaguered women at the grave that first Easter Sunday morning was no “person” at all, but rather, an angel! Appropriate. Angels foretold Christ’s birth, heralded His birth, and now an angel was announcing the greatest message of all: “He is Risen!”


Prop: The angel’s words to the women at Christ’s Empty Tomb had 3 Important Implications.

I. 1st Implication: The Assurance of Easter

A. The Res. of Jesus Causes His Followers to not Be Afraid.

1. What was the Fear the Women Faced that 1st Easter Morning?

a. When the women arrive at the Garden Tomb early that morning, they find an unusual sight. An earthquake has taken place. The massive stone that would have sealed the tomb has been rolled away. A group of women followed Jesus from His ministry in Galilee to the last day of His life. They faithfully supported Jesus from their own means (Luke 8:2-3). They witnessed the worst moment in history— Jesus’ gruesome death— and observed the desertion of His fearful disciples. If you harmonize all 4 Gospel accounts you find the following women were at the tomb that day: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, Mary the mother of James, Salome, and “other women” who were not identified.

b. The proclamation of the messenger: “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified.” The body of Jesus is missing, and a terrifying angel greets these grief-stricken and now terrified women. Has Jesus’ body been taken? Have robbers come? Have the Jewish leaders stolen the body to further desecrate it? And, who is this being who is announcing this bizarre news!

2. The Missing Body of Jesus is cause for Assurance

-Why were Mary Magdelene and the other Mary at the tomb Resurrection Morning? They had hurriedly prepared the body for burial before the Sabbath, and now they were coming back to properly anoint the body for burial. I don’t think they knew that Nicodemus and Joseph had already done this. They saw Jesus die. They knew He had been buried. They saw the wounds. They witnessed the water and blood separate. They saw the Romans soldiers. They saw the dead body taken down. They were coming because they knew in their minds that He must still be dead. Dead people don’t come back to life…Or do they??!!

B. How Does the Resurrection of Jesus Cause us to Overcome our Fears Today?

1. The Resurrection of Christ was an Unexpected Intrusion.

a. Illust: As many of you know Carol and Daniel and I went to Ireland earlier this month. One of my best friends is a man by the name of Harry Nesbitt. Harry and my birthdays are a week apart and over the years we have each surprised the other with unexpected visits. When we determined our travel dates I texted Harry’s wife, Carole (It’s confusing!) to let her know we were coming and NOT to let Harry know! We toured in the South and then went up to the North and stayed in an ABNB a few days in Belfast. Sunday morning, Harry’s wife told him that were some people needed to pick up for church. His wife came to our door and I went out in the pouring rain. Tall hedges near street. He was looking at phone when I tapped on the car window and sat down in the passenger’s seat. “Hello Harry!” Utterly speechless! Is it really you?” “What are you doing here?!” You might say my appearance was an unexpected intrusion in my old friend’s life!

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