Summary: There are times in each person’s life when real friends are needed.

Luke records a conversation that took place between Jesus and a lawyer concerning the question "What makes a real neighbor, or what makes a real friend?" The lawyer, apparently, was not a good neighbor and was looking for a way to justify himself. And so Jesus, as he oft times did, taught a lesson by speaking a parable.

He said, 30)“… A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31)And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32)And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. 33)But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, 34)And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35)And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. 36)Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? 37)And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

The text in Luke descibes the "extra mile effort" a real friend or a real neighbor will travel to help someone in trouble. A real friend, or a real neighbor will make great personal sacrifice in order to be of assistance to someone in need - even if it means placing themselves in a hostile environment.

Such is the case of a real friend who offers to fight a giant for King David. In 2 Samuel 21:15-17 we learn of yet another fight with a giant (one no doubt, related to Goliath - the Philistine whom David defeated when he was still a little shepherd boy. One thing is obvious, Giants have friends too and apparently when one defeats one giant in a family, the others line up to fight next.

The 2nd Samuel text says that: 15)Moreover the Philistines had yet war again with Israel; and David went down, and his servants with him, and fought against the Philistines: and David waxed faint. 16)And Ishbibenob, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to have slain David. 17)But Abishai the son of Zeruiah succoured him, and smote the Philistine, and killed him. Then the men of David sware unto him, saying, Thou shalt go no more out with us to battle, that thou quench not the light of Israel.

I believe that these two passages of scripture describe for us the profile of what real friendship is about. Our world is built on the concept of what I call, “DISPOSABLE RELATIONSHIPS.” Something that is disposal is something that you use, for awhile, until you get out of it what you need to get out of it… and then you throw it away.

This morning, I used a disposal razor to shave with. It served it’s purpose well. And I’ve discovered that I can use a disposal razor a couple of times, but if I use it more than that it becomes dull and irritating, and so… I throw it away!

I use Q-tips to clean my ears, in order to hear better. But I’ve learned that you can’t use Q-tips but once without risking infection. Nobody wants an infection and so… we throw Q-tips away!

Some people like “Wet Wipes.” You know… those little moist towellets of paper that can be used to clean-up things. But like any sanitary material, Wet Wipes can only be used one time to clean up a mess, then you have to… throw them away!

And of course, everyone in today’s modern world knows about disposable diapers. You put them on babies and sometimes adults, but once they’re…. (you know) … everybody wants them removed and done away with.

Well… it’s often true that - in life - some of the people we think are our friends turn out to be "disposables" who are with us, either until they get what they want out of us, or until they use us up! As long as we don’t become an irritation; as long as we don’t become a risk; as long as we remain clean… they’re our friends. But the minute we become a risk or un-useful to them… they want to trash us! That’s why Benjamin Franklin once said, “Be slow in choosing a friend and be slower in changing friends” In other words, be careful who you call “Friend” and when you find a real friend… cherish it like you would a precious jewel!

Now these two stories in text teach us about the three kinds of people in our world: 1)Those Who Need A Friend, 2)Those Who Could Have Been A Friend, &

3)Those Who Will Be A Friend When The Need Arrives!

First, let us look at One who needed a friend. In Luke 10 the man mentioned was a nameless “nobody”. He was a nobody to society, but he was somebody to God. This man had been assaulted on the road to Jericho! Understand that Jericho was the oldest, hottest and wildest town in Israel. And the road to Jericho has been referred to as “The Bloody Road” for on that road lay unscrupulous and sinister folk who waited in thickets for the unsuspecting well to do, or weak people to come along. If you had any stature in society, the Jericho road was not a road you should travel! And it didn’t matter the hour of the day. You know, some places are not good to go to at night. Matter of fact, some places are not to go to in the day. But at least during the day you’re a little bit safer!

…But on the Jericho Road, even in broad day light, men and women had been known to be mugged, murdered and marauded. And some well to do folk were accosted by people who looked honorable on the outside, but were low-down on the inside!

Believe it or not… this man Luke mentions is representative of all who have been injured by other men, or other women. That’s why it says, “a certain man.“ (That way it fits all of us) Even in the church, believe it or not, there are people who wear the façade of honorable and holy on the outside, but in reality are a whole lot less than what they say they are!

… And I ain’t talkin’ about folk who get caught-up in stuff and admit their shortcomings…I’m talking about people who smile in your face, pat you on your back, call you brother, call you sister, say they’ve been born again, play like they’re saved, sanctified and Holy Ghost filled… but when the time comes for them to be Christians “in the real sense“ you find out whose side they’re on!

The thing I see about this ‘certain man on the Jericho Road’ is that he is an illustration of those who have been hurt by the world system. My sisters and my brothers, there are many people in our world who have been stripped, wounded, and deserted by society. It doesn’t take much, by our holier-than-thou-standard, these days to be deserted by people. All you have to do, really, is mess-up one good time and folk are through with you! Yes… if you really want to know who your real friends are, make a mistake!! Real friends will stay with you no matter what!

-Real friends remain true at the risk of being ostracized, themselves!

-Real friends pray for you when other people won’t speak to you!

-Real friends will petition heaven on your behave when other people want to send you to hell! You ought to turn and tell somebody today “I Need A Real Friend!”

This man (and I’m gonna leave you alone in a minute) represents all who have been brutalized by Satan. Satan hangs out on the Jericho Road! Sometimes he dresses up in a three piece suit to look like another traveler! Sometimes he wears a skirt to look appealing! Sometimes he puts on a choir robe and sings like a angel! Sometimes he puts on the face of a well-wisher, but deep down inside he’s a back-stabber! Sometimes he prays like a deacon, works like a missionary, gets happy like a church mother, and even preaches like a preacher… but make no mistake about it, Satan’s mission is to “Rob, Steal & Destroy!” The Devil wants to keep you from your purpose. He wants catch you when your guard is down so as to steal your joy. He wants to catch you in your wilderness experience (like he did with Jesus) so as to cause you to doubt God’s love for you.

Yes… the Devil is sneaky and cunning, and ruthless, and sinister. But the Devil messed up today… he should have never let you make it to this service, because I stopped by to tell you that you have the power… and your power is in the name of a friend that sticks closer than a brother!

You have the power… and your power is in a friend by the name of Jesus… and Jesus will always send somebody (from a place you least expect them to come from) to minister to your needs! You ought to slap somebody a high five and tell them… “I messed-up, but I still got a friend!”

Now… I’m not gonna get into all of the Luke text because I want to get to the 2nd Samuel story, but I want you to notice that this ‘certain man’ was in a bad way and a whole lot of folk came along that could have been and should have been his friend. Here he was beaten, robbed, stripped and left for dead and first and some people came along who “Could Have Been A Friend, but passed by. First, here comes a priest, followed by a Levite. In other words, a preacher and a church goer.

Now, I’ll give them credit… both had moral vision, but they were spiritually blind. In other words, they were without compassion and anytime you are without compassion, you are without mercy, and without mercy you are blind spiritually! They had closed hearts that showed no Godly mercy! This man needed a friend, but they showed no mercy. Ain’t that like some folk in the church? I don’t mean any harm here, but I get sick of folk who always act like they’re so Holy that they never think a sinful thought or commit a sinful act! Tell your neighbor: “You messed up somewhere today!”

We need to stop perpetrating that holier than thou fraud! Mankind is naughty by nature and as long as you stay in the flesh, some stuff that ain’t suppose to be in your mind, will somehow find a way to get in there! The only reason you weren’t left for dead by folk on the Jericho Road was because of God’s mercy!

Not only were they spiritually blind. But they were Selfish: They had closed hands!!! They couldn’t see this man’s fallen state because all was well in their lives! I don’t know… maybe they were worried about getting polluted themselves! But tell somebody, “True friendship involves a risk!” They were religious, but not caring. They were mindlessly carrying on tradition. But thank God a Samaritan came along!

Not just any Samaritan, but “A Good Samaritan.” We got a lot of Samaritans today, but not all of them are good. I’m talking about a “Good Samaritan.” The Good Samaritan had his eyes open. He LOOKED. Why? Because robbers might still be around! He kept his eyes open, but he also kept his heart open! He had an open heart. He felt sympathy and compassion.

Not only hat, but he had OPEN HANDS. He took ACTION. Even though it cost him personally, I heard him say: “I’ll pick him up, put him on my beast, take him to the nearest Motel-6 (because they leave the light on there) and pay his bill. And I’ll tell the hotel clerk, “Take care of him; and you need tp spend more than I’m giving you, I’ll pay it back on my rebound.” I’m talk about “Those Who Will Be Friends When The Need Comes!”

Well… let me pull this other text in so I can leave you alone. In 2nd Samuel 21, David was a “somebody.” God had blessed him to become a leader among his people. He had already slain one Giant years before, but was now about to be slain by one! The record says that, “… Ishbibenob, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of brass in weight.“ (That was about half the size of Goliath’s spear.) And Ishbibenob had beat david down and had left him for dead!

I know I’ve been preaching this sermon for a while, but I have to park here for a minute to tell somebody that “Giants Come Back!” And when they do, you need some help! That’s when you need your Real Friends. Tell somebody again, “I Need A Real Friend!”

Thank God, the bible says that, “Abishai” (David’s nephew) came to the rescue and killed the Philistine. And when David asked his soldiers why they risked their lives, they said: “…We can’t let you risk your life in battle anymore! You give light to our nation, and we want that flame to keep burning.”

That’s why every church partner needs to pray for it’s Pastor. (I say partner, because partner means more than member. I person who is a partner in a minitsry is one who has an investment in it. A member is one who just comes, but really has no investment in what’s happening.)

You need to pray for your Pastor (as the undershepherd of God’s house) so that when giants come to attack the ministry, your Pastor will have strength. But even more important, you need to offer to fight the fight so that your spiritual leader won’t have to risk being assailed on the battlefield. That’s why “Abishai” (David’s nephew) came to David’s rescue and killed the Philistine giant. Abishai said, “Uncle David… we can’t let you risk your life in battle anymore! You give light to our nation, and we want that flame to keep burning.”

I know that David no doubt felt a little embarrassed, but he was grateful! I don’t know about you today church, but I’m grateful for all of the real friends that God has put in my life!

--He’s put some preachers there…

--Some teachers there…

--Some doctors there…

--Some lawyers there…

Yes… I’m grateful! But I am so grateful that I have Christ in my life! Where would my life be without him? I’d be just like a ship without a sail!

--When I am sad… he cheers me!

--When I am lonely… he will my comfort be…

--That’s why I’m grateful….

…Truly grateful…

…I’m so grateful, that I have Christ within my life!

If you don’t know Him today, if He’s not your friend… allow me introduce Him to you. His love…

-Lifts one out of the commonplace into the supernatural…

-It’ll pull you out the valley and place you on the mountaintop…

-It’ll take you out of the gutter of sin and place you in the throne room of God…

-It’ll rescue you from the dungeon of despair and stand you on the balcony of heaven…

-It’ll pull you out of the pits of frustration and fear, and sit you on the mercy seat of God!

His love makes the…

-Burdens become lighter…

-The nights become brighter and friendships tighter!

No wonder the song writer said, “His love lifted me!” When nothing else could help… His love! His love! His love! Lifted me. You ought to slap somebody a high five tonight and tell them “Thank God I got a friend like Jesus!” Yes... I thank God for my real friend, but most of all I thank God that there is no friend like the lowly Jesus. No not one, no not one!