Summary: This passage helps us to understand how impotant the simple blessings of God are.

The Blessed Giver

Scripture Reference: Mark 12:41-44 (KJV)

Mark 12:41 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. 42 And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. 43 And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow has cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: 44 For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.


Many of us think that since the God we serve is so powerful and pays so much attention to our every little detail and is so concerned about us that he even knows the very number of each hair on our head (Luke 12:7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.), that we have to be extravagant in our effort to serve him.

We may think that the only offerings that are well received are the large ones. Some of us think that we have so little to offer, that we would rather hold on to our small offering instead of giving it all to God and allowing a mighty God to do a mighty work with that small offering. We think that it would be far better for us to just keep the quarter in our pocket than go up to the offering plate and be embarrassed by putting it in.


Let us not forget about the woman with two mites. She was in the midst of people who gave big offerings and she came forth with her two coins and was immediately recognized by Jesus. He used her faithfulness to minister to the people and he still uses that woman’s faithfulness to minister to us now.

It would be common sense and completely logical to think that when we are in our most needy times that the answer would be to hold on to the little that we have. When we attempt to use math and science applications to lead our lives this makes perfectly good sense. However in this passage of scripture Jesus is teaching us that our logical applications of life have nothing to do with the Kingdom of God and how it works in our lives.

Not only was she poor but the fact that she was a widow meant that her earthly provider had passed away and left her to fend for herself.

Today in America there are many different programs and facilities set up for people in such a situation where if they could just reach out for it then they can get a little help. For this woman in this place however there was no such help. When Jesus explained that she threw in all that she had he really meant that she threw in all that she had. There were no back up programs and the such available. The woman had no way out of her situation that she could see.

The reason that this point is so important to us now is because God may have us in a situation where we really don’t see any way out. Saints believe me if there has ever been a time that God is watching you to see what you are going to do next it is now. God has his eye on our every move and is very concerned about how we will react in our dire times of need.

There was no bell ringing, no grand prize to be given away, in fact, the bible does not say what happened to the woman after she gave what she gave. All that is pointed out is the fact that although she was in a desperate time of need she chose to be a giver. Not only that but we must also recognize where she was when she gave.

Her husband must have been dignified for her to even think that she was supposed to be in the same temple as the people who could give large offerings out of their abundance. At some point in her life (probably while her husband was alive) she enjoyed the finer things in life.

We should also notice that this offering was not given so that the church could survive off of it. This was simply a cry for help using all that she had.

The woman did not go to Jesus to explain her situation yet Jesus knew exactly what she was doing.

Many times we are going to the people of the church seeking answers to our dilemmas. Some of the very people that we seek advice from may be in worse situations than what you are in right now. We need to keep our focus on God and trust that he has a way to help us. By this woman giving all that she had she was assuring God that without a doubt she trusted her life to him.

God has some of us in situations similar to this woman right now. We have done all that we know and now we are in situations that if God does not step in right now we will be doomed.

Are we willing to give all that we have in the faith that he will deliver us?

Remember the conclusion to the story is that the woman gave all that she had and not that she gave and was delivered in her giving. Because this story is open ended the woman could have died from starvation because of a lack of food. However, only a non-bible reading unbeliever would believe that Jesus would allow this woman to be anything but blessed.

Some of us are deceived into thinking that it is because of our offering that the church survives or without us the church would not be able to function. Let me assure you that if the ministry in which you are serving is God sent then it will survive easily if you never gave another penny. However, think it not small when you are not truly blessed because of your display of such a lack of trust, faith and loyalty.

When you give you should never give to impress the leaders of the church or to make sure you meet a certain quota. Maybe you think that you are doing the best you can because you are sticking to your quota but maybe God wants you to give more. Believe me in order for God to expect more out of you then he has to provide you with more.

Here is an experiment that you can try at home. Try to give more to God than he gives to you. You must make sure that you are first anchored in his word through reading scriptures, praying, fasting and tithing but once you can get those things under control try to give him more than he gives you.

I have never met a person who has beat him yet. I would love to be able to hear the testimony of this woman in this scripture about what happened to her after she gave this offering.


I am sure that there are many people of God going through situations that don’t make any sense at all. Some have gave and others have prayed but I beseech you to hold on and be prepared for a touch from God. Daniel was prepared to go through a lot more when Gabriel told him his prayer had already been answered (Daniel 9: 21 Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation. 22 And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding. 23 At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.). We have to take a look at ourselves and see the many positions God has allowed us to serve in to help build his kingdom.

Woe to the Christian who believes that because of their filthy lucre (money) that God will move on their part. God will only move at God speed and how he sees fit. God is not your earthly father or mother that he will move and change his mind every time you shed a tear. Face it saints, your tears don’t move God. Sincere prayer, sincere servitude, sincere desire to hear from God will move God.

God knows our situation and he knows exactly what it will take for us to be delivered. The only way that we will ever be able to use his wisdom to deliver us is to completely trust him. 100% trust is the only way and 99.5% is not enough. If he decides that he wants to use our willingness to give to bring us out then we should have no problem being delivered because we should always be ready to give.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord I thank you. Though I have given to the church for a long while now I really want to become a blessed giver that I be able to do more with the little that I have. I realize that in order to accomplish this I must first get anchored in your word and get my tithing life together but nevertheless I would like to enter into a higher level of giving one that will cause you to call me blessed. These prayers I ask in your precious son Jesus name. Amen

Thank You. May God continue to bless you and keep you. Amen

Your Friend

Minister Juan D. Lane Sr.