Summary: I do my best to encourage others to craft and sing a new song unto the Lord. I give some reaons why every person has a song to sing!

A New Song for the New Year

December 28, 2002

Intro: Greetings! I trust each and every one of you had a safe and Merry Christmas. I just want to say “Merry Christmas” over and over. I’m tired of hearing “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings.” Just a personal thing I guess. But we are getting to that time of the month where we begin to see the Year in Review stuff on television. From the top news stories of the year to the top sports stories. We reflect on what has happened in the life of our world this past year. I went to this week and got a refresher on all the top stories of 2002. Here are some of them: * Tension rise over standoff with Iraq *Sniper attacks in D.C. *Corporate America rocked by business scandals *Martha Stewart investigations *Catholic church sex scandals *Actress Winona Ryder convicted of shoplifting * Miraculous rescue of the Pensylvania miners *Jennifer Lopez and Ben Aflect get engaged!

Let’s be honest there are some things about this year that we would like to forget. Not only things that have happened in our world and country but also in our own lives. AS many of us look back on our lives this year there were some significant things that have happened and some not so significant things. As a matter of fact many would be uncomfortable with their own personal year in review.

But I want to read a verse to you tonight. It’s found in Psalm 96:1: “Sing a new song to the Lord! Let the whole earth sing to the Lord!”

For many that is the last thing you want to do right now. But honestly for all of us in here it is the most important thing we do as we begin this new year.

Sing a new song to the Lord. I want to talk about the power of a song tonight. A power of your song to the Lord. But first of all I want to talk about music and singing. Music is such a part of our culture and who we are. It’s a way we express ourselves. It’s a way we escape and dream. It’s a way we get lost in the moment. It’s also a way we escape. Music is powerful. That’s why it generates millions upon millions of dollars in revenue a year. Now think about it. I bet most of us in here own numerous cassettes and c.d.’s. I did a quick count of how many c.d.s Amanda and I have just in our c.d. towers (which we have three) and I counted over 118!!! By the way, does anyone own a record or 8 track?

We buy music for all sorts of reasons. It’s a big part of our lives. When we’re in a good mood what do we normally do? We whistle or we sing. When we are depressed and blue what do we want to do? Do we want to put in a c.d. that’s loud and makes you want to dance? No. You put in something mellow. You throw in some country and western.

ILLUSTRATION: I remember a few times when I got in trouble with my parents and they sent me to my room. I went straight for my walkman. Music is powerful. It gets our attention. The world knows that. That’s why it has such an impact (both positive and negative) on the hearers. Whether we like it or not it influences the hearers.

ILLUSTRATION: While Amanda and I drove to San Angelo this past week to see my family for the holidays we were surfing the radio stations. We came across a radio station and a song came out by the rapper Eminem. It was a song called “Lose Yourself” and it is on the 8 mile sound track. Now, I am in no way promoting Eminem, his music or this movie. As a matter of fact I would steer people away from him altogether because of the content of his music. But as I listened to his song it was powerful. The beat was real catchy but what struck me was the content of his lyrics. The song (I believe) is a testimony about his life and working hard to finally get where he is today. I thought about the millions and millions of people who buy his album are on his favorite fan list and follow him from concert to concert. Folks, we are competing against people like Eminem to influence the lives of other people.

Music and singing is a gift from God. We fail to forget that God was the inventor of it. As you look in the Bible you see how much singing, worship, praising, etc. is found in Biblical culture. The Greek word for “Psalm” means “a song to the accompament of a plucked instrument.” In the Bible one of the ways the Hebrew and Christian history was passed down was by putting the historical events to a song and communicating it to others. It’s also interesting to see that not only was it a tool used to communicate history but it was also something that God’s children did before, during and after defining moments in their lives. As a matter of fact as you study the scriptures you will see some famous songs in the Bible:

· Exodus 15:1-21 (Moses song of victory and praise after God led Israel out of Egypt.)

· Numbers 21:7 (Israel’s song of praise to God for giving them water in the desert.)

· Deut. 32:1-43 (Mose’s song of Israel’s history with thanksgiving and praise as the Hebrews were about to enter the promised land.)

· 2 Samuel 22:2-51 (David’s song of thanks and praise to God for rescuing him from Saul and his other enemies.)

· Song of Songs (Solomon’s song of love celebrating the union of husband and wife.)

· Ezra 3:11 (Israel’s song of praise at the completion of the temple’s foundation.)

· Luke 1:46-55 (Mary’s song of praise to God for the conception of Jesus.)

· Luke 1:68-79 (Zecharia’s song of praise for the promise of a son.)

· Acts 16:25 (Paul and Silas sang in prison.)

· Rev. 5:9-10 (The “new song” of the 24 elders acclaiming Christ as worthy to break the seven seals of God’s scroll.)

· Revelation 14:3 (The song of the 144,000 redeemed from the earth.)

· Revelation 15:3,4 (The song of all the redeemed in praise of the Lamb who redeemed the earth.)

So today as you and I begin another year—2003, I want to encourage us all to sing a new song. This song that you sing I want you to create it. We talk a lot about resolutions this year. Well, this is going to take the place of your resolutions. This song is a statement of faith. It is a tangible statement of your dependence on God. It’s a way for you to remember God’s faithfulness and provision in your life. It is also going to be a testimony to others.

For many here today this whole idea sounds ridiculous. You have no motivation do to that. There’s a lot of reasons for that. One of the purposes of this message is to help motivate you to create and sing a new song unto the Lord! Every serious musician needs some inspiration. I don’t know if you saw Larry King Live on Christmas day. He interviewed Pat Boone’s grandson Ryan who was injured after falling off of a balcony. He was in a coma and it is a miracle that he is alive today. I want to show you about 4 minutes of that interview.

(Show interview)

Let’s read Psalm 40:1-5. For some here today are saying the only way I’ll be singing is if the Lord gives me that song. He can and will if you let him. In these verses we see how David was pulled out of his rut and how the Lord gave David and new song to sing. He first of all trusted in the Lord (vs. 5). He then cried out to him. You see it’s when we trust in him that we cry out. David was finally patient. He waited patiently for the Lord. You can wait impatiently and you can wait patiently. Just trust the Lord that he is up to something in your life.

At this time I want to share with you some reasons every believer has a song to sing no matter how your year has gone.

1). Salvation is free and for the taking

2). There’s not a mess dirty enough he won’t get you out of. Psalm 40:2

3). God’s blessings for you are too numerous to count Psalm 40:5

4). WE are one day closer to eternity than we were yesterday.

ILLUSTRATION: This past week while at my family’s home we looked through some old pictures of us growing up. It was a great time reminiscing. When I saw some of those pictures it seemed like just yesterday I was there. [Show baby picture] Time sure does go by fast. I was reminded how short life is and how quickly eternity is coming.

5). Death is not the end. John 11:25-26

6). Pain and suffering will not last forever Rev. 21:4

7). Evil will decisively be taken care of.

No matter what you have faced this year or what you might be facing this next year—you can sing a new song to the Lord. (Even if he has to give it to you.)

As you prepare to create your song to sing this new year let me give you a few suggestions. First of all, Don’t worry about your music ability or lack of it. The important part is the content of the song. Look to the scriptures (famous songs in the Bible.) Keep the focus of the song on Christ. It is about him and his faithfulness to you. Remember, he is the audience.

For some, your song will be a celebration of what God means to you. Others, your song will be about how you are struggling but know God will get you through. Others, as new believers it will be a song about how even though you don’t know all there is to know about the Christian life you’ll trust in him.

I want to encourage you to turn it in. Email it to me. I want to see them. Maybe we can post them around the office or maybe even the worship team can put some music to it.