Summary: A look at where the church is headed

The State of the Church

Deut. 1:1-5


Let me set up what I just read to you. Here we have the

entire nation of Israel sitting just outside of what they

have been promised. For about a month Moses spends

telling them what is in the book of Deut. In a nutshell

this is what he is saying to them. We have been in the

desert now for 40 years and this what God has done for

us during that time; Moses reiterates all of the miracles

and victories, all of the incredible things that God has

done for them. Then he begins to renew with the

Israelites the covenants and laws that God had given to

them. In other words he says this is what happened and

this is what God wanted from us. What he is attempting

to do is get them to remember that God had something

for them, something better, something greater,

something just ahead. All of those things in the past

were good, but you have to understand we were

wandering because of some of our decisions and

actions. You see I believe that Moses was preparing

them for what God had in store for them. Moses was

giiving them a state of the nation address.

How many of you have ever watched our president give

a state of the union address. In it he tells us what has

happened in the past year, the good the bad, and then he

lays out what he thinks that the future holds in store for

our nation.

This is what I think of when I read what Moses was

doing here. He was telling them of their past and

renewing their vows to God. But then he was pointing

across the river, and saying, but this is where we belong.

Not right here, but over there.

This morning if I can I want to talk to you and give a

state of the church address. I am not going to show you

some revelation of the scripture, or what the voice of

God has spoken. This morning I want to talk from my

heart. What has happened in our church and where we

are in God’s sight.


Aubrey Malphurs in the book “Vision for ministry”

writes: Ministry without vision is like a surgeon without

a scalpel, a cowboy who has lost his horse, a carpenter

who has broken his hammer. To attempt a ministry

without a clear, well-articulated vision is to invite


Vision helps us to hear from God in a fresh way, it

encourages us, provides clarity and direction, makes our

time count, and creates momentum.

It is for these very reasons that we are right now in

process to ascertain what we believe is God’s vision for

our church. Since just before the new year, six of the

members of this fellowship have been seeking God for a

fresh revelation and direction. In just two more this

commitee will finish a vision statement for our church,

that is for right now and our community.

These are exciting times.........


For the first time since We came to pastor this church, a

church board has been established and will meet for the

first time this month. Most of you know that this is

exciting to me, for I now have a group of men who I

can call on to pray for me and serve this fellowship and

be it’s leadership to guide where we are going as a

church. I believe that this is one of the greatest strides

that we have made over the past year. I say this because

I believe that a church board is essential to the things

that God has in store for us.



Probable the greatest miracle God has performed in this

church has been the financial breakthrough that has

happened in the past year. We are in the best shape that

we have ever been in, according to the records and history of the church. In two years the church income has climbed from 18,000 to 50,000. This past year our

mission giving increased by 100% from 2000 to 4300.

God honors a church that believes in missions.



Last year was the year of renovation for our church

building. Our church building saw new carpet and tile,

central air conditioning, sewer hookup, an expansion of

the parking lot, landscaping, and a new sign. But I

believe that God has even more in store before the end

of the year.



Last year we implemented Sunday school for the first

time since we have been here. And of course that was

just recently moved to Wednesday night to help

accomodate the overflow that we are having on Wed.

plus the inneffectiveness it was having on Sunday before

church. Our Wed. night is thriving as we started the new

year with 60 people and expect that grow as we add a

bus ministry. Our WM’s is stronger than ever, we have

seen our youth ministry grow, and I believe that this

year will be great year for our men’s ministry. The

warfare prayer, a vital aspect for our church, is at it’s

highest attendance as we come together and pray for

God to move in our church.


Over the past year the atmosphere of our fellowship has

become more of what I believe God wants in our

church. There is more of a genuine love and caring for

one another that can be felt and seen. At times we see

an excitement in our worship services.

Of course there are areas that we need to improve in.

We can always show more love and compassion to each

other and to each person that walks through our doors.

When someone comes they need to feel like we are so

glad that they have come into this place, because it truly is an honor when someone walks through those doors. We need to assess why we come to church, is it for me or is it so GOd can work through me, what can I give to Him. If we are to be the church God wants us to be then we need to be here early before services, preparing ourselves for ministry and loving one another. No visitor wants to come to church that the people are not excited enough to be with one another. A parking lot that is full 15-20 minutes before service speaks volumes to the unchurched and lost.

We need to let God use our talents and gifts for his

kingdom. There are some who are sitting out there

today that wonderful gifts and talents and yet they are

not being used to do his work. God desires to use you

and you will never be satisfied in life until you are doing what God wants you to do.


As I look over the incredible things that have taken

place in the past year, sometimes you just want to shake your head and go wow. God is moving and doing

wonderful things. I am not completely sure of what the

future holds for Victory. I have a stirring and sense of something. I do know this though, that when the

Israelites were at the Jordan and looked back at what

had happened, it was very shortly thereafter that they

walked into the promised land and took possession of it

piece by piece. People we are standing at the Jordan

and it’s time for us to step into our promise.