Summary: The power of evangelism is one of the most effective ways of reaching out to a world in search of answers with some looking for a reason to live. You cannot give what you do not have, and, to be a successful soul winner, you must know the value of what you are presenting to others.


(Matthew 28:19-20) (19) “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost:” (20) “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Amen.

(Proverbs 11:30) “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”

(Daniel 12:3) And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.

(Acts 1:8) “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”


This message come about when I was invited as a guest speaker in the Recognition and Appreciation of Evangelists and Missionaries at the Aristocrat Restaurant, with the Manila Body of Christ Council of Elders in Partnership with the Association of Evangelists Global Network Philippines, Inc.

Beloved, I was asked to prepare a twenty to thirty-minute message for pastors and evangelists worldwide on the power of evangelism. While thinking and praying on the request, the Lord showed me a vision of a number 2 yellow pencil like the ones commonly used in schools.

I instantly understood the message He was showing me in the vision for I purposely made it a point to carry those pencils with me in my big truck especially in the winter months of the year, and this vison awakened thoughts within me on how to present the Gospel, the most significant news on earth, to a troubled and confused world searching for answers and a reason to live.

The great commission tells us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit which emphasizes the importance of understanding the actual value and characteristics of what one is presenting before confidently doing so.

To illustrate this point, I had my wife issue one hundred number 2 yellow pencils to most of the event's pastors and evangelists sitting at their assigned tables, and as I asked each of the ministers to hold up and look at their pencil, I began to share my journey of battling severe mental health issues which lasted for more than seven years.

I informed them that during this challenging period, I experienced divine interventions in the form of human Angels, which played a significant role in my recovery, and after many years, I regained my sanity and pursued a ministry that has positively impacted people from different parts of the world.

To summarize, I went on to inform them that after finding my way back to a loving God, I made the decision to dedicate myself to a life-changing ministry that aimed to win over the lost at any cost, for after suffering through my wilderness experience, I learned firsthand the transformative power of the gospel which made a positive change in my life and is able to change a life for eternity.


Beloved, the effectiveness of the power of evangelism lies in its ability to reach out to a hurting confused world in search of answers and a reason to live, and as children of God, we have presence of the Holy Spirit who enables us to believe in what we are presenting.

1. "Evangelism is the means to fulfill the Great Commission."

(Matthew 16:15) instructs devoted followers of Christ concerning sharing the gospel message and its teachings with fervent prayer to win over non-believers, and once they are converted, they should be baptized in water as a visible symbol of the transformation that has taken place in their lives.

The Great Commission is an essential commandment that we should all obey, and as followers of Christ, we have been called to share the good news of salvation with all people, understanding that our efforts working under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, will make a difference in the lives of others.

In summary, the Gospel has the power to transform society, and as it changes individuals, it can lead to significant improvements in our cities, our churches, our communities including our government, resulting in a society with less wrongdoing and more positivity, where justice reigns, and everyone strives to live a better, more fulfilled life.

2. "Evangelism is an open door to share our faith."

Evangelization is not just about converting people to Christianity. Still, it is an open door to share the Good News of Jesus Christ so that people can experience healing, forgiveness, and experience the joy of knowing him as savior.

There are many ways to share our faith with others, such as giving our personal testimony of how Jesus transformed our lives or inviting them to a church or Bible study, but the best thing is to set a good example through our actions and words, trusting that God will use us to reach others for His glory and their salvation.

Beloved, we are responsible for sharing the Gospel message through our lives and trusting that the Holy Spirit will work in a person's heart. It is important to remember that we cannot control whether someone accepts and follows Jesus, but we can ask the Lord to push back the powers of darkness so that they can make the decision to accept or reject the gospel presented to them.

3. "Discipleship is preparation for evangelism."

Beloved, when someone speaks from the heart with the anointing of God, they can inspire other evangelists and encourage them to share the word of the Lord with non-believers, and it is important to remember that preaching with head knowledge will only reach the head of the listener, but preaching with a message seasoned with prayer and warmed by the Holy Spirit will reach the listener's heart.

4. "Discipleship is the means to prepare and awaken others."

Do you feel like you must help others awaken to their true potential? If so, you're not alone. Many of us deeply desire to empower others and inspire them to be all they can be for Christ, and the desire to awaken others is a noble and worthwhile pursuit, as it can profoundly impact the world around us.

5. "Discipleship & evangelism demonstrate the Love of God."

Beloved, evangelism, and discipleship open the door to sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with others and are beautiful ways to demonstrate God's love and compassion for all humanity. Evangelists reach out to people to offer help and support and share the message of hope and salvation through the Lord Jesus. Evangelism is not just about spreading the word of God; it is also about demonstrating His love to people.

In summary, evangelists show compassion and care for others, just as Jesus did during His time on earth, and by doing so, they demonstrate God's love and encourage others to draw closer to Him.

6. "Evangelism helps prepare the church for Christ's return."

Beloved, what made the difference between Peter cowering in fear before a servant girl while denying our Lord and what caused the same Peter to later stand boldly before top authorities in the land? The answer is the Holy Spirit.

Three thousand souls were saved when Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, stood on the day of Pentecost before people from more than 85 nations, hearing him speak in their language and beloved; this demonstrates to us today that the power needed for evangelism is the Holy Spirit.

In summary, to be effective in our ministry assignments, like Peter, we must be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit and beloved; we need discipleship and evangelism to manifest the power of God for souls to be added to his kingdom.


Please do not underestimate the humble number #2 yellow pencils we often see used in schools, and we all know that this simple tool, made by enclosing graphite between two wooden pieces, can leave a mark on paper, and with the addition of an eraser at one end, we can quickly correct our mistakes and start something new.

In this message, we will discover that the qualities found in a pencil, and we will learn that from its humble beginnings, with its ability to bring ideas to life by creating intricate lines and shading, that the pencil has become a symbol of creativity,

Beloved, did you know that graphite, used in pencils, can be transformed into a diamond when subjected to high pressure and temperature and its graphite components are stronger than those found in a diamond?

Did you know that something as simple as a number 2 yellow pencil can mean the difference between life and death, and did you know that in my 43-year span being an over-the-road truck driver, that I always kept a pack of number 2 lead pencils and high-quality jumper cables?

The Midwest continental United States experiences harsh weather conditions with strong winds and heavy snowfalls, and there have been too many untimely deaths due to families being in snow storms, encountering unforeseen problems and freezing to death, all because they did not plan ahead.

Beloved, the temperatures in the western continental United States can without warning drop to as low as unfavorable 50 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, approximately negative 30 degrees Celsius, and in such extreme weather, running the big diesel engine in my truck at full throttle will not produce enough heat to stay warm, and it would be hard to imagine what it would be like to be stranded in the snow on a mountaintop with your family in a passenger car.

Beloved, this is the reason I always carried a pack of the number 2 yellow leaded pencils in my truck along with a good set of jumper cables because stranded in the middle of nowhere where the winds are driving the blinding snow in sub zero temperatures is scary even to think about it much less being caught up in it.

Beloved, did you know that the graphite used to make a pencil is an excellent conductor of electricity, and if you remove the wooden part of the pencil and attach one end of your jumper cables to each side of the graphite pencil, then connect the jumper cables to the positive and negative posts of your battery, the graphite in the pencil will become red hot and emit heat like a heater?

Beloved, even if it is snowing heavily with fallen trees and other debris around your vehicle, the glowing red-hot graphite will warm and dry the surrounding area, providing enough heat to start a fire and keep you and your family warm and safe.

Beloved, have you ever wondered how the power of evangelism works, and how some evangelists have great success in their crusades, the answer is that they learned early in their ministry that to be an effective witness, you must first have become familiar with your product enough to believe in its ability to better the lives of others.

I presented the little illustration of the pencil to those present in the meeting and asked them to consider the importance of my message, especially after learning the value of the graphite in a pencil expounding to them that most of them initially thought that the pencil was not worth much, but once you they learned more about its background and qualities, such as its ability to save lives, that they can more readily see its value and sell it confidently.

In summary, this inspirational gives meaning to the power of evangelism and the that strength found in people working together in unity and harmony to improve the lives of others and through the illustration of a pencil, they can see and communicate the value of something that is life-changing both physically and spiritually which will not only better their life and walk with God but also enrich the lives of others.


1. Like a pencil, I have a built-in eraser allowing me to correct my mistakes, and I may not be able to change the past but I can make a new mark with new ideas.

2. Like a pencil, I do better if I’m sharpened occasionally, because my mind and my skills grow dull without an occasional sharpening. The sharpening I get from living through tough times is often painful, but I can use the experiences to make me a better person.

3. Pencils work best in a skilled hand, and like a pencil, I can make some creative marks when in the hands of a skilled person.

4. Like a pencil, I have the ability to leave my mark whenever possible, and all too often, I underestimate the influence I have on others.

5. Like a pencil, it is what is on the inside that matters, and a pencil without lead is useless.

6. A pencil works best on paper or canvas, and it will never leave its mark on water or wear itself against a mirror.

7. Finally, like a pencil, the most significant part of my purpose in life can be summed up in three words: “To be useful.

The bottom line is that when I’m too broken to hold it all together, when everything is ground away or worn down, when I no longer have anything to contribute, I know my life is coming to an end. Steve Goodier


Beloved, after suffering rejection through most of my childhood, I came to a place where I thought I could run from my troubles and myself. My parents were trying to make up their minds about having me committed to an asylum, and sadly, I was back on drugs.

I took off trucking and ran the wheels off my truck, averaging over six thousand miles per week, but my troubles and troubled past seemed to haunt me through my windshield, and out of nowhere, I started having thoughts of suicide mainly because for I had run out of reasons to live.

Beloved, i was a young, backslidden preacher who was overworked and stressed to the limit getting very little rest and these conditions caused me to suffer a partial nervous breakdown, which lasted more than seven years.

It was in the early 80s that I left home and secured a job running coast to coast thinking that I thought I could run from my troubles and myself.

Sometime during this era, I decided I that I no longer had the desire to live and tried on three different occasions to end my life, however, I began having angelic encounters that helped guide me out of that nightmare and back into my right mind, and in 1994, I rededicated my heart and life back to the Lord, and the following year, I accepted God's call back into ministry and later became a recognized chaplain with the Association of Christian Truckers.

I had the privilege of ministering at the Road Angel Truckers Center located off Exit 68 on Interstate 70 in Brownstown, Illinois which is still in operation today and they still distribute some of by published books to the drivers that stop by.

During my wilderness experience, I discovered the God of grace, who had planned my life from the end from the beginning, that he loved me unconditionally, and was not waiting for me to fail.

Those early Angel encounters conditioned to God's ministry with a newfound zeal and a clearer understanding of its value, and my experiences with him helped me understand the power of evangelism to accept the call on my life to leave everything and become an International evangelist for Jesus.

Beloved, I took the name and C.B. radio call sign "The Guardian Angel," and began to drive the big rigs ministering the gospel from coast to coast, and it was during this time that I discovered the value of gospel tracts and how they can be used to spread the message of Jesus throughout the trucking industry.

I purchased tracts such as the Chick tracts and placed them where people could easily find them usually under candy bars, chewing gum, inside coolers, vending machines, and restrooms, inside the play boy books and even leave them with a nice tip for the waitress in a restaurant.

Beloved, in my mind, I could envision another messed up lonely trucker like me slipping to the play boy book rack, opening the book thinking he would get some fulfillment only to discover that his grandmother's prayers had found him.

To summarize this message, when I made it back into God's ministry, I came back not only with a better understanding of my worth but also of the one I would be representing to a lost and confused world that is looking for answers and like me, a reason to live, because like the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, I had been to the mountain and gotten a glimpse of the promised land, and when I returned to ministry, three acres of heaven fell in my soul, with God filling me with His Spirit, which is the power of evangelism, the power of the gospel in motion.


The power of evangelism can be illustrated by telling a true story that involved an elderly lady of a church who had a deep inward desire to become a soul winner. The lady was a devoted member of her church, and loved listening to people share their testimonies of God's saving and transforming power.

The lady was especially moved by the stories of those who, after being lost in addiction or homelessness, were now redeemed by Jesus, and inspired by their stories, the lady felt called to learn more about evangelism.

The enrolled in a soul winning class at her church and successfully passed it causing her pastor to be proud of her and soon assigned her a task to visit a young couple who had recently moved into the neighborhood.

The lady was eager to share her faith with a couple who welcomed her into their home and offered her refreshments, but her excitement soon took a turn for the worst when she attempted to witness to them and forgot what she had learned in bible school.

The embarrassed lady began to tremble and ask God to help her and her humble cry impacted the young couple prompting them to kneel and join her in prayer for God to help her and he did. The presence of God permeated the room and as a result, the couple surrendered their lives to Jesus.

The elderly lady became an influential evangelist, leading many people to Christ through her love and complete surrender to God, and her method was like no other, for she did not rely on a formula or a script to share the gospel, but placed all her trust in God allowing the Holy Spirit to work through her and touch the lives of others, which is a demonstration of not only the love of Jesus living in her heart, but the power of evangelism stretching out.

To summarize this important message, let me tell you what my mentor Apostle Don Stewart once called to tell me, "Jerry boy, "people do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care," and if you have a right standing relationship with God, the Holy Spirit’s presence will make a difference not only in your life, but in the lives of others.


Beloved, "The Roman Road to Salvation," has been used for centuries by devout Christians using a series of scriptures that help lead a wayward soul to the saving grace that is found in Christ Jesus.

1. (Romans 3: 10) “As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one.

2. (Romans 3:23) “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

3. (Romans 6:23) “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

4. (Romans 5:8) “But God demonstrates his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

5. (Romans 1:16) “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

6. (Romans 5:1-2) (1) “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;” (2) By whom also we have access by faith into this grace in wherein we now stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.”

7. (Romans 10:9-10) (9) “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (10) “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.”


Beloved, the effectiveness of evangelism lies in its ability to reach out to a world that is hurting and confused, one that is in search of answers and a reason to live.

Throughout the Bible, we see various stories that depict the transforming power of God, and did you not know that the ministry of Christ and His apostles was only successful because God consistently confirmed His word with signs, miracles and wonders?

The early Christian era was characterized by an abundance of miraculous events, so much so that the historical record of that period is what we are studying today in the book of Acts known as the Acts of the Apostles which I love to call Luke twenty five, because Luke wrote the book of Acts and where Luke twenty four leaves off, the first chapter of Acts picks up.

Beloved, discovering the true worth of the gospel was a life-changing experience for me, and through it, I found a sense of purpose and hope that I had been searching for, that caused me to get my eyes off of man and what they may think of me which is only a reputation someone might have labeled on me, but God knows my true character and he is the one that called me into his ministry.

For those of us who feel a calling in our lives, it's essential to understand that the highs and lows we experience in life are preparing us for God's purpose, and by embracing the Gospel's teachings of love, compassion, and forgiveness, we can work towards creating a better future for ourselves and those around us.

Beloved, we have a collection of free books available for download on our website, and one of the books I highly recommend is the published book,"18 Wheels and Jesus." The book is novel that tells the story of a truck driver who faces numerous challenges while on the road, and despite these hardships, the trucker remains focused on God and realizes that even though the world may reject him, he is unconditionally loved by his Heavenly Father.

Beloved, the events in the truckers life were orchestrated by God to propel his ministry to reach people who may have been difficult to reach. We encourage you to check it out and download the PDF manuscript from our website and there is also a green book there published by "Free Truckers Stories Book by Step by Step Ministries & my story in the book is the 2cd one titled, "Coast to Coast." "These books can be found on our website: ""

International Evangelist

Jerry W. Hulse, Ph.D.

Miracle Life Church International