Summary: Whatever we lost at the Mankind’s fall is very less in comparison to the failure or negligence to receive or experience the vast riches available at the Cross of Jesus Christ. The treasures available and accessible at the Cross are far larger than those in the Garden of Eden.

Whatever we lost at the Mankind’s fall is very less in comparison to the failure or negligence to receive or experience the vast riches available at the Cross of Jesus Christ. The treasures available and accessible at the Cross are far larger than those in the Garden of Eden. We lose so much eternally if we do not believe and experience the abundant riches available at the Cross. The working knowledge of Jesus, Father God and Holy Spirit is available only at the Cross. We enter a better covenant not based on our works, but based on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross. Jesus was laid bare at the Cross. The riches, knowledge, wisdom and attributes about the person of Jesus were laid bare or open at the Cross.

At the Cross, the fullness of Christ’s nature, compassion, and mercy is constantly available in a raw form. A suffering saviour become the redeemer of the universe. The price Jesus paid on the Cross was far greater than what was required for our salvation. For example, the cost of paying for humanity's sins is 1000 dollars, yet Jesus paid a cost of 1000 million rupees at the Cross. The cost of the sacrifice was at least a million times greater than what was required for our salvation. Jesus paid this additional price so that once we are saved, we can know him, enjoy his blessings, and start on an eternal journey to live with him eternally.

The additional price is for knowing, realising Yahweh's greatness, comprehending the Trinity, preparing for eternity, experiencing Jesus' riches and grace, following His truth and love, and so on. This additional price or deposit is like a mine of priceless treasures and provisions, which includes Jesus' overflowing riches, nature, provisions, kindness, and goodness, among other things. The Cross of Jesus Christ is the gateway or door to this mine of immense abundant riches. This mine has secrets about God, the universe, and creation from eternity past to eternity future. Knowing and receiving the fullness of Jesus are treasures available in this mine. This mine provides access to the Glory of the person of Jesus. This mine contains riches that will last forever and will not be harmed by rust or moth.

Through the Cross of Jesus, we can enter a better garden or kingdom than the Garden of Eden. This new garden has lot of trees similar to garden of Eden. We can eat from the trees that were closed or barred in the garden of Eden through the cross of Jesus Christ. Man went into hiding after eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, but in this new garden, we will be like Jesus and will be able to eat all of the garden's fruits. Through the Cross of Jesus Christ, this new garden will have the Tree of Life and many other good trees. When Jesus has done so much through the Cross of Jesus, why are we not coming to the Cross?

We lose so much in terms of knowing God, receiving heavenly blessings and deposits, as well as living our lives in the perspective of eternity, when we do not come to the Cross and experience the abundant riches of God. Jesus' sacrifice is not only for salvation, but also for entering a path to know an eternal God and spend eternity with God.