Summary: We gather in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the presence of our Heavenly Father and Almighty God, our Creator, the One who ignites dreams and unveils visions.

As we continue our series on visionary view, I want to speak about Divine Vision: Walking with Purpose.

In our lives, our focus must be a perspective that aligns our hearts with God's divine purpose.

There are five areas I am going to preach about:

The Divine Call to Vision

Directing Our Gaze Forward

Anointed to Envision

Triumphing Over Trials, and

A Heavenly Outlook

The Divine Call to Vision:

As followers of Christ, we are summoned to live with a vision that transcends the ordinary.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, is the book of Habakkuk. This book is part of the Minor Prophets and is located in the section of the Bible known as the Old Testament prophetic literature.

Habakkuk was a prophet who lived around the late 7th century BC, and the book contains a dialogue between the prophet and God about the challenges and questions Habakkuk had concerning the state of the world.

Habakkuk 2:2 (NLT) says, "Then the Lord said to me, 'Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.'"

In this verse, God is instructing Habakkuk to write down the response or answer that God is going to provide to the prophet's questions. The metaphor of writing on tablets signifies a permanent record that can be easily seen and shared. The reference to a runner carrying the message emphasizes the urgency and importance of spreading the divine revelation to others.

This verse reflects the idea that God's messages are not meant solely for the immediate recipient, but are intended to be shared and passed on to others. It underscores the significance of recording and sharing God's revelations as a means of communicating His plans and purposes. In the context of the book of Habakkuk, this verse sets the stage for God's response to the prophet's concerns about the apparent injustice and suffering in the world.

Just as God instructed Habakkuk to engrave His revelation on tablets, He invites us to etch His divine plans onto the canvas of our hearts. This is not about mere daydreams; it is a summons to a life marked by purpose.

Directing Our Gaze Forward:

The apostle Paul, a man of vision, understood the power of looking beyond the present.

Paul wrote a letter of teaching and encouragement to the believers in the city of Philippi.

In Philippians 3:13-14, he wrote, “No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”

Paul shared his perspective on the Christian journey and his own pursuit of spiritual growth and maturity.

This verse contains so much, so let me unpack it a little further:

1. Not Yet Attained: Paul begins by acknowledging that he has not yet fully achieved the spiritual perfection or maturity that he desires. He humbly admits that he is a work in progress, still striving to become all that God intended him to be.

2. Focused on One Thing: Despite not having reached the fullness of his spiritual goal, Paul expresses his determined focus on "this one thing." This one thing is the key to his Christian life: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.

3. Forgetting the Past: Paul emphasizes the importance of letting go of the past. This doesn't mean erasing memories, but rather not allowing past failures, regrets, or achievements to hinder his present and future progress. He wants to avoid being burdened by what is behind him.

4. Looking Forward: Instead of dwelling on the past, Paul directs his attention to what lies ahead. He is forward-looking, anticipating the unfolding of God's plans and purposes in his life.

5. Pressing On: Paul uses the imagery of a race to describe the Christian journey. He likens his pursuit of spiritual growth and closeness to God to a race that requires effort, endurance, and determination. "Pressing on" signifies his commitment to continually striving for spiritual advancement.

6. Heavenly Prize: The ultimate goal of Paul's pursuit is the "heavenly prize." This prize represents the culmination of a faithful Christian life. It's the reward that awaits believers in the presence of God, signifying eternal life and the fullness of blessings in Christ.

7. God's Call Through Christ: Paul reminds the Philippians that this pursuit is not just a personal goal but is in alignment with God's call through Christ Jesus. God's purpose is to transform believers into the likeness of Christ, and Paul is responding to that divine call.

In summary, Philippians 3:13-14 encapsulates Paul's passionate desire for spiritual growth and his determination to live a purposeful Christian life.

It encourages believers to focus on their journey ahead, leaving behind the distractions and burdens of the past, and pressing forward with dedication towards the ultimate heavenly prize that God has set before them.

In our spiritual race, our gaze must be fixed on the horizon of God's purpose.

Anointed to Envision:

The Old Testament prophet Joel prophesied a time when God's Holy Spirit would be poured out, leading to prophetic dreams and visionary insights. Joel 2:28 states, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions."

In this verse, God is declaring through the prophet Joel that a time will come when He will pour out His Holy Spirit on all people.

This outpouring of the Holy Spirit is a significant event that carries spiritual significance and blessings for God's people.

The verse lists some of the specific outcomes of this outpouring:

1. Prophesying: Joel prophesies that as a result of the Holy Spirit being poured out, God's people, both men and women, young and old, will receive the ability to prophesy. Prophesying involves speaking forth God's messages, revelations, and insights under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

2. Dreams and Visions: The verse mentions that both the old and the young will experience spiritual dreams and visions. These dreams and visions will be a means through which God communicates His will, guidance, and revelations to His people.

Joel's prophecy of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit has broader implications as well. In the New Testament, the Apostle Peter referenced this passage on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:17-18, when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the believers in the upper room. This event marked the beginning of the Church Age and the empowerment of believers to spread the Gospel message.

The Holy Spirit is able to empower and equip us - His people for prophetic ministry, dreams, and visions. It emphasizes the inclusive nature of God's blessings, reaching across age and gender boundaries, and highlights the essential role of the Holy Spirit in guiding and revealing God's truths to His people.

As children of the Most High God, we are anointed to see God's plans and convey His truth to a world in need.

Triumphing Over Trials:

Nehemiah's determination to rebuild Jerusalem's walls exemplifies the resilience required to bring a vision to life. In the face of adversity, Nehemiah clung to the divine vision. Nehemiah 2:18 resounds, "Let us rise up and build!" So they strengthened their hands for this good work.

In this verse, Nehemiah is addressing the people of Jerusalem and inspires them to take action to rebuild the city's walls and restore its security. Again, let's unpack the key elements of this verse:

1. "Let Us Rise Up and Build!": Nehemiah's statement serves as a rallying call to the people. He recognizes the urgency of the situation and presents a clear course of action. The phrase "rise up and build" encapsulates the idea of taking initiative, working together, and pursuing a common goal.

2. Strengthened Hands: The act of rebuilding the walls required physical labour, determination, and unity. The phrase "strengthened their hands" suggests that the people embraced the challenge with renewed vigour and determination. This implies that they were willing to put in the effort and hard work needed to accomplish the task.

3. For This Good Work: Nehemiah emphasizes that the work they were embarking upon was not only necessary but also good. It was a work that aligned with God's purposes and would result in the betterment of the city and the safety of its inhabitants.

This verse reflects Nehemiah's leadership style and his ability to motivate and unite the people towards a common cause. He recognized the importance of rebuilding the walls for the city's protection and restoration, and he effectively communicated this vision to the people. The response of the people to Nehemiah's call illustrates their willingness to overcome obstacles and work together for the greater good.

In a broader context, this verse serves as an inspiring reminder that challenges can be overcome through unity, determination, and a shared commitment to a worthwhile goal.

It also highlights the significance of visionary leadership in inspiring positive change and bringing about transformation in challenging circumstances.

When challenges arise, do not be disheartened. Like Nehemiah, rise with unwavering resolve, knowing that the vision surpasses any obstacle.

A Heavenly Outlook:

The book of Revelation unveils John's glimpse into the heavenly throne room, transforming his perspective and inspiring divine revelations. The book of Revelation is a prophetic and symbolic account of visions given to the apostle John about future events, including the culmination of God's plan for the world.

Revelation 4:1-2 recounts, "Then as I looked, I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the same voice I had heard before spoke to me like a trumpet blast. The voice said, 'Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.'"

1. A Door Standing Open in Heaven: John describes seeing a door that is open in heaven. This door serves as a symbol of access to divine revelation and insight into heavenly realms. It signifies an invitation to gain a deeper understanding and insights into God's plans and purposes.

2. The Voice Like a Trumpet Blast: John hears a voice that resonates like a trumpet blast. This loud and authoritative sound captures John's attention and prepares him for the significant message he is about to receive. In biblical symbolism, the trumpet often represents a call to attention and a message of importance.

3. "Come Up Here": The voice instructs John to come up to heaven, indicating that he is to be given a divine perspective on future events. This summons signifies a moment of divine interaction and revelation, where John is granted the privilege of witnessing and understanding things beyond the earthly realm.

4. "I Will Show You What Must Happen After This": The voice assures John that he will be shown events that are to take place in the future, specifically after the present moment. This introduces the prophetic nature of the vision, as John is given insights into the unfolding of God's plan for the world, particularly in the days to come.

In a broader context, Revelation 4 marks a pivotal moment in the book. It is the beginning of John's vision of the heavenly throne room, where he witnesses the worship and majesty of God, along with various symbolic imagery that signifies spiritual truths and future events.

This passage emphasizes the importance of divine revelation and the invitation to gain a heavenly perspective. It speaks to the idea that God provides insights to those who seek Him, enabling them to see beyond the limitations of the earthly realm and comprehend His eternal purposes.

Revelation 4:1-2 sets the stage for the unfolding revelations that follow, offering readers a glimpse into the profound and symbolic visions that make up the book of Revelation.

By viewing life from a heavenly perspective, our actions align with God's eternal plan.

In Conclusion:

Friends, let us not meander through life aimlessly, but stride with purpose. Embrace the call to dream, envision, and live out God's entrusted plans. As Habakkuk inscribed God's answer, let us engrave His vision in our hearts. With our eyes fixed on the horizon, determination to conquer obstacles, and a heavenly perspective, we journey in harmony with the Creator of visions.

May our hearts be ablaze with the fire of God's purpose, and may we be known as a people who walk hand in hand with the visionary view.

As we forge ahead, let Proverbs 29:18 resonate: "When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful."

1. "When People Do Not Accept Divine Guidance, They Run Wild": This part of the verse highlights the concept that without clear guidance and direction, people tend to go astray. The phrase "run wild" implies acting without restraint or control, often leading to negative outcomes. It suggests that without a higher moral compass or guidance, individuals can make choices that are not in their best interests.

2. "But Whoever Obeys the Law Is Joyful": Here, the verse contrasts the previous statement. It suggests that those who follow and obey divine guidance or laws experience a sense of joy and contentment. Obedience to God's principles and wisdom leads to a life that is aligned with His intentions, resulting in a deeper sense of purpose, fulfilment, and ultimately, joy.

This verse conveys the idea that having a clear vision and following divine guidance is crucial for leading a meaningful and purposeful life. Without such guidance, people can become morally adrift and make decisions that lead to negative consequences.

Conversely, those who adhere to God's guidance find joy and fulfilment.

It's important to note that different translations of this verse may use variations of the wording. However, the core message remains consistent: having a vision or guidance that is rooted in divine wisdom is essential for living a life that is characterized by purpose and positive outcomes.

The final encouragement is this, may you embrace the divine guidance of the visionary view, and step boldly into the plans God has intricately designed for you.

Embracing Divine Vision: Walking with Purpose

In the mighty name of Jesus, the author, and perfecter of our faith, I pray we will experience Divine Vision: and walk with Purpose for God’s Honour and Glory.