Summary: It is God’s gift to us that we have the ability to make choices. However, the choices we make also have consequences and let us learn how we can choose right and choose life.

We read in Deuteronomy 30:19, I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life. (GNB)

These were the words of Moses to the people of Israel as he admonished them to choose life.

The freedom of choice

Many people have this question in their minds as to why God who created the beautiful Garden of Eden, and also created Adam and Eve to enjoy it, placed in it the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Their premise is that if that tree was not planted in that Garden, there would have been no trouble at all for mankind. The reasoning is that if God did not place the tree in the Garden, Adam and Eve would never have eaten of it, and we would not have to suffer the way we do today.

If God is good, Almighty and a loving God the thought is why did he create the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and then forbade Adam and Eve to not eat of its fruit. Our God is good, He is just and wise, and we can be sure that our God will never make a mistake. Every time we are confused about some things that happen in our lives, let us remind ourselves that God never makes mistakes. God is without fault, and everything He does is only for our good.

The reason God kept the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden was because He gave man the option to obey Him or disobey Him. God gave the freedom of choice to mankind.

This is what we read in Deuteronomy 30:19, that God gave the people a choice to choose life or death or to choose the blessing of God or the curses of God, and he exhorted them to choose life.

Even today we have the freedom to make our own choices, and God never forces anyone to obey Him. If we were to give serious thought to it we will realize that the reason for many of the problems in our lives is because of the wrong choices that we have made.

There was a lady whose young daughter committed suicide. That young girl was a godly girl who used to attend church regularly, but in a season of depression she was so overwhelmed that she ended her life. The mother of the young girl was heart-broken, and she asked me, ‘Pastor, my daughter was such a good girl, so why didn’t God stop her when she planned to take this extreme step?’ At that moment the Lord reminded me that even when Eve made the choice to eat the forbidden fruit the Lord did not stop her from doing so. We do not have authority to take our lives because God created us for a purpose, and when we choose to rebel and disobey, God will never stop us from doing so.

When we willfully make choices that are not in line with God’s will, be sure that God will never stop us, because God has given us the freedom to choose to obey Him or disobey Him. All the counsels of God is clearly given to us through His word, and it is up to us to live according to it. Moreover, Jesus also lived a perfect life, and has set us the example to follow so we have no excuse to make wrong choices, and then blame God for all the things that go wrong because of the same. God is a good God, and it is never His intention or His nature to bring trouble, and hardships upon us.

As human beings we all know what is good and what is bad, but sadly often we choose bad and make wrong choices because of the pressures we face. If we pray, and ask God sincerely, He will surely help us to make the right choices in life. For example, we are all in church today because we made a decision to be here, and those who did not make such a decision did not make it.

We will study in detail to see how we can make the right choices in our lives every single day.

The choice a Governor made

In Matthew 27:2, we read, They put him in chains, led him off, and handed him over to Pilate, the Roman governor (GNB)

Pontius Pilate was the Governor of Rome, and Jesus was brought before him for trial. There was a crowd that had gathered there along with the Jewish religious leaders who falsely accused Jesus. Pilate knew after the interrogation that Jesus had done nothing wrong, and that He was faultless. Also, Pilate knew that Jesus did not deserve death on a cross as He had done nothing worthy of such a death sentence.

We read in Luke 23:4, Then Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds, "I find no reason to condemn this man." (GNB)

If we study the background of Pilate we are told that he was a hard and cruel man who did not fear to condemn anyone to death. However, such a man testified that Jesus was without any fault. This testimony about Jesus was not only made by Pilate, but also by Judas Iscariot and the Roman Centurion who stood near the cross of Jesus. The right choice for Pilate would have been to release Jesus.

Have you noticed how when we make choices we are sometimes fully aware if the choice we are making is right or wrong? For example as parents give their children good advice, and tell them that they should be good students, be obedient to their teachers, and attentive in class. Often children will be influenced by their peers, and though they know what the right thing to do is, they find it more appealing to listen to their peers, and end up in trouble. A husband and wife will have good relationship with each other, but this is sometimes messed up because they will share some of their issues with a colleague at work, act on their counsel, and thereby ruin their good relationship with each other. Often it is people outside who influence us, and pressure us to make wrong decisions.

Pilate knew that Jesus was faultless, and wanted to release Jesus, but he gave in to the pressure of the crowd that gathered that day.

Every one of us know what is right and what is wrong without anyone having to say anything to us. The reason for this is because the God who created us has given each one of us a conscience. This conscience dictates to us which is right and what is wrong. Many people are dissuaded from their faith because of the negative comments and pressures of people around them. No matter what the pressures are we must seek God’s guidance to make the right choices all the time.

There is another pressure that we face these days is through social media as this is readily available on our mobile phones. For every situation be it politics or medicine or any other topic under the sun, there are umpteen people who freely give their opinions and advice. There are many people who have followed all sorts of advice from the internet for their health issues, and finally ended up seeking professional help only at a critical stage. Sometimes a person will break a red light thinking that there is no cop in sight, but will be shocked to receive a message on their phone that they have to pay a fine. What they did not realize was that their wrong move was caught on camera. For every wrong choice we will have consequences, and this even included the small and seemingly insignificant choices we make.

Pilate was in a fix

We read in John 19:12, When Pilate heard this, he tried to find a way to set Jesus free. But the crowd shouted back, "If you set him free, that means that you are not the Emperor's friend! Anyone who claims to be a king is a rebel against the Emperor!" (GNB)

Pilate was now in a dilemma for in his heart he knew that Jesus was innocent, but because of the crowds and his allegiance to Caesar he was trapped.

Sometimes we put ourselves in a situation that we cannot get out of because of our choices. I have heard of young people who go on trips without the knowledge of their parents, and later get themselves into many kinds of troubles. When we know what’s right, but choose the wrong, there will come a time when we will be caught in a trap, and though we try we will be unable to free ourselves.

I remember a story that used to be told of a place where the river was in spate which brought with it many items that were washed away in the floods. A group of young people on the banks of the river were so excited that they began to step in, and retrieve as many items as was within their reach. They also knew that they could not step in too deep as they too would be pulled along with the strong currents in that river. Suddenly, there appeared a huge black object that looked so tempting that one of the young men decided to grab a hold of it. As he stepped deeper than he should, the youth on the banks shouted out to him to let go of the black thing as they knew that he was now in a dangerous situation. However, the young man was helplessly being washed away, and he shouted back, ‘I let go of it, but this thing won’t let go of me.’ Unfortunately the black thing he went to grab was a black bear.

This is just a funny story, but it is a fact that we have to be sure that we must be cautious about every decision that we make. After we go to a certain point there will be no turning back. That’s why we need God’s counsel and wisdom to make right choices, and ask God’s help to let go of those things that we need to let go of, before they become an encumbrance to us.

Pilate washes off his hands

We read in Matthew 27:24, When Pilate saw that it was no use to go on, but that a riot might break out, he took some water, washed his hands in front of the crowd, and said, "I am not responsible for the death of this man! This is your doing!" (GNB)

Though Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent when he realized that there was no way he could convince the crowd that had gathered and fearing a riot may break out, he simply washed his hands off. Pilate was in a seat of authority, but he sadly made a wrong choice when he allowed the crowds to have Jesus sentenced to death.

There are many of us when we feel trapped in a situation have the same tendency to wash our hands off, so we take no responsibility for what happens. Every one of us, whether we are old, young or just children, we must learn to make the right choices if we wish to have a good future.

Remember that every choice that we make, however small or big, every one of them has a consequence. Good choices will result in blessings, and our bad choices will result is confusion, chaos and complications.

Also there are some people who when unable to handle the pressures from outside or within the family, try to find solace in relationships that God does not approve of. This is true for both men and women who are married, who sometimes feel that they could find what is lacking, in a relationship outside of their marriage. This is a wrong decision because marriage is a covenant that is also legal agreement, almost like we would make a contract for the purchase of a property. When we break this covenant, the consequences are dire, and we can never even imagine what they would be. We must deliberately cut of all these relationships many of which begin with some casual conversations or chats. Instead of regretting about these later, it is far safer to set things right, and let go of those unnecessary relationships that would surely entangle us.

Every time we make a decision, we must be sure that the Lord approves of it, and when we take such decisions, we will surely enjoy the blessings of the same. Sometimes, people make a choice to not be in church or fellowship, and the consequence is that they miss out on hearing the word, and also on the transformation that God brings about when we take time to listen to His word. Let us never neglect the meeting together as the family of God, and may we never prioritize work over our coming together as a church. I can share as a testimony that since the day I began the church in 2009 right until this time I have never missed a Sunday at church, and the Lord has been so faithful to me, and enabled me to carry on this ministry that He has entrusted to me.

We read in Romans 8:38-39, For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below---there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord. (GNB)

Paul could say boldly, and with confidence that nothing could separate us from the love of God. Pilate as a Roman Governor had a choice to either take a stand for Jesus or to wash his hands off and sadly, he did the latter. We too have a choice to stand firm in our faith and love for Jesus through all the pressures that come from within and without.

In our country we have this huge dilemma especially when a marriage alliance is fixed. There is so much of pressure to conform to many unwanted traditions, and it is at that time that we need to take a stand to be different and not wash our hands off to say, ‘anything is ok’ as long as the wedding is conducted as planned.

A disciple who chose wrong

We read in Mark 14:43, And immediately, while he was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him a crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. (ESV)

Generally the crowds that came seeking after Jesus did so to hear His teachings, or to receive their miracles. However, the crowd that came that day was different, and the leader of this group was Judas Iscariot who was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Judas had been with Jesus for three and a half years, and suddenly he joined the camp that was against Jesus. No idea when this kind of change came upon Judas that prompted him to join the enemy camp. Judas was one who willingly and joyfully accepted the privilege to be a disciple of Jesus, but somewhere along the line Judas had a change of heart.

All of us too have made a decision to follow Jesus, and have decided to be His disciples. However, if we want to continue in this commitment, it is crucial that all the choices we make are right choices.

Judas’ heart was set on money, and this even motivated him to steal from the money bag that was entrusted to him. This boldness to steal from the money bag would not have happened suddenly, but it must have been carried on in a small and subtle way for a long time.

We looked at this process in the previous sermon, where it all begins as a thought, and then is revealed through words, and finally becomes an action. It was the same for Judas too who first must have had a thought to steal the money. His thoughts were exposed when he complained about the perfume that Mary poured out on Jesus’ feet, where he expressed the thought that the perfume could have been sold, and the money given to the poor, when in truth he cared nothing about the poor. He only told that because he was a thief and stole money that was not his.

We read about this in John 12:6, He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief. He carried the money bag and would help himself from it. (GNB)

When our choices are wrong, a disciple too can become a thief. If a disciple who spent three and half years with Jesus could turn into a thief, none of us are exempt from falling prey to the snares of the evil one. It is therefore so important that we make sure that every choice we make is right and in accordance with the will of God. We will get many opportunities to make wrong choices. Today many young people are eager and anxious to be married to unbelievers. Let us remember that though you may have umpteen reasons to justify what you are doing, the word of God clearly teaches us otherwise, and we must decide to make right choices.

Probably, one of the other reasons that Judas followed Jesus was because he imagined that Jesus would become a King, and that he would become a minister, and have due prominence. He must have waited expectantly for three, and a half years for this to happen so he could probably be the minister of finance under rule of Jesus.

We read in Matthew 27:3, When Judas, the traitor, learned that Jesus had been condemned, he repented and took back the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders. (GNB)

There is a possibility that Judas might have thought that when he betrayed Jesus for the thirty silver coins, Jesus would never allow them to arrest Him, but would manifest Himself as a king, and overthrow all of them. So when Jesus had been condemned, he was shocked and repented. Judas even tried to give back the thirty silver coins, but it was too late for him to retract. Jesus gave Judas a long time to think about all he was doing, but Judas did not make use of it.

All of us are in the period of grace, and let me explain this through how our mobiles work. When our mobiles are not recharged or the bill is not paid, the service provider will cut the outgoing calls, and give us a seven day grace period to make the payment. If we don’t do the needful, the service provider will cut both outgoing and incoming calls. I feel many of us are in a situation like this where we are just about to lose everything because we are not setting right all those things that should be set right in this period of grace.

We read in Luke 22:6, Judas agreed to it and started looking for a good chance to hand Jesus over to them without the people knowing about it.(GNB)

This was not a casual or emotional move by Judas, but one that was planned for a long time.

Sometimes, people make excuses saying they made a wrong decision at the spur of the moment, but the truth is every decision we make is mostly thought through before it happens.

We read in Matthew 26:48, The traitor had given the crowd a signal: "The man I kiss is the one you want. Arrest him!" (GNB)

Judas first became a thief, but having been overcome with greed for money and position, he now turned into a traitor. For just thirty pieces of silver, Judas was ready to betray Jesus. Think about the method he adopted to betray Jesus. When Judas kissed Jesus it appeared to everyone that he was such a loving disciple, but in his heart he was filled with wickedness. Judas has become so hard hearted that he did not even feel when he betrayed the Lord Jesus with a kiss. Outwardly Judas kissed Jesus, but inside his heart he had no respect for Jesus whatsoever.

We too can come to church regularly, give a generous offering, but we must keep in mind that God is more concerned about our heart than about all these outward actions. The word of God warns us to not harden our hearts because if we keep on hardening our hearts, our conscience is dulled, and we will not be able to discern what is right and what is wrong. Every decision we make must be good and approved by God, and we must truly honor God from deep within our hearts. Our desire should be that there should be no dichotomy between our outside and the inside, we should be same within and without.

The choice the Saviour made

We read in Matthew 26:39, He went a little farther on, threw himself face downward on the ground, and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering from me! Yet not what I want, but what you want." (GNB)

The Lord Jesus Christ too had a choice before Him, whether to go to the cross or not to do so. There are many who assume that Jesus had no way out, and that He was overpowered and sent to the cross.

We read in John 18:6, When Jesus said to them, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground. (ESV)

The ones who came to capture Jesus were not ordinary men but soldiers. When they asked who is Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus replied, ‘I am He’ immediately all of them drew back, and fell to the ground. It was not possible that those who fell down at Jesus’ words actually had the strength to stand before Him or arrest Him.

Jesus also said in Matthew 26:53, “Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?” (ESV)

We understand that Jesus willingly submitted Himself to death on a cross. Why did Jesus the sinless Son of God surrender Himself to such a death? The important thing that happened on the cross, was that the sins of all mankind was placed on Jesus, and at that point there was a break in the relationship between God the Father and Jesus. No wonder Jesus agonized and prayed that the cup should pass away. All through His earthly life Jesus, the Son of God had such an intimate relationship with His Heavenly Father which was going to be severed for a while on the cross. We see that Jesus too had the choice whether to drink of the cup of suffering and death or to let it pass by, but He submitted to the will of His Father. The way Jesus prayed at the Garden of Gethsemane was so intense, and filled with agony, his sweat were like drops of blood. Jesus humbled Himself to the death on the cross so that each one of us could be called the sons and daughters of God. Jesus made a costly choice to redeem us, and we should never take that lightly.

The first word of Jesus on the cross was, ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do.’ A little later Jesus cried, ‘My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?’ At that point the sins of all mankind was placed on the Lord Jesus, and the relationship was broken between God the Father and God the Son. The judgement of God, and His wrath was poured on Jesus, and every time we take part in the communion and partake of the bread and wine, we must remember that the body of Jesus was broken for us, and His precious blood shed on our behalf.

In the Old Testament there were many sacrifices that were required for the remission of sins. Once when the Prophet Elijah offered a sacrifice, the entire sacrifice along with the stones and water was consumed by the fire of God that came down from heaven because the wrath of God was poured out that day. However, in the New Testament when Jesus took our place on the cross and the wrath of God was poured out on Him for our sakes, but Jesus our sacrifice was still hanging on the cross. When it was all over Jesus cried out, ‘Father into your hands I commit my Spirit.’

We have the position to stand as children of God today because Jesus made that supreme choice to surrender Himself to death for the sins of all mankind. Jesus surrendered Himself so that mankind has a way to get to heaven, and all of us have the privilege to be called the children of God.

May we decide that we will make right choices in our lives. The Lord Jesus who gave His life for us is more than able to help us handle all the little challenges that come our way. He is able to heal our diseases, He is able to strengthen us in our weakness, and He is able to help us deal with all the hardships that come our way.

If you are on the verge of making wrong choices, tell the Lord that you will change them. Let go of those unhealthy relationships, friendships and habits that God is not pleased with. May we always be thankful for the grace of God in our lives, and decide to submit to the Lord Jesus. If you have never asked Jesus to come into your life, you can ask Him to, and ask the Lord to forgive you of all your sins, and grant you a new life. As you stand in the shadow of the cross decide to let go of all those sins that you have been in bondage to, and ask the Lord to help you make right decisions going forward. Confess to the Lord all those times when you have washed your hands off like Pilate, or betrayed the Lord like Judas did. Jesus can forgive you of all your sins, and cleanse all the uncleanness in your heart so you can have a brand new start. May God help you to make right choices like Jesus did so that your life will be blessed, and become a blessing to many.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon

Transcribed by: Sis. Esther Collins