Summary: What is the difference between the saved and lost? Is there a contrast? Should there be?

On the day that man sinned and fell, God promised a Redeemer. Just before God penned the last Amen in the Bible, He gave another invitation to sinners to accept that Redeemer. In verses 7-8, is shown the sharp contrast between the saved and the lost. The one thing that brings about that contrast and difference is Jesus. Now in this text the Lord speaks of three different classes of individuals:

The overcomer…. Christ

The overcomers…. Christians

Those overcome…. Carnal men…. lost men

I want to take these three classes of individuals as the outline for the message this morning.

I. The Overcomer…Christ

1. John 16:33

2. How did Jesus overcome the world? Many answers that men give today.

3. One says, “He overcame the world by His good life.” He did live a good life.

a. Acts 10:38, He went about doing good.

b. He fed the 5000, broke up funeral trains. Turned sorrow into gladness.

c. He had no sin, 2 Corinthians 5:21

d. Pilate – just man. No guile or deception in his mouth.

4. He lived a good life, but He did not overcome the world by His good life.

5. Another says, “By His miracles.” He did many miracles. Powerful, wonderful miracles, John 2:11

6. No, He did not overcome the world by His miracles.

7. Another says, “By the keeping of the Law.”

a. Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus came to fulfill the law, but did not overcome the world, flesh, and the Devil by keeping it.

8. He overcame by His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.

9. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, this is the gospel. Jesus came to die for sinners. His sinless birth, His sinless life means nothing apart from His sinless death for us.

10. John 1:29, 3:14, 1 Timothy 3:16, Here is the story in condensed form.

a. God in the flesh, justified in the Spirit.

b. Romans 1:4, declared to be the Son of God.

11. Jesus was manifested: 1 John 3:5, to take away our sins. 1 John 3:8, to destroy the works of the Devil.

12. The preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God.

a. What about Buddha, What about the cross.

b. What about Mohammed, What about the cross.

c. What about Joseph Smith, What about the cross.

13. There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins, and sinners plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains.

14. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world.”

II. The Overcomers…Christians

1. Revelation 21:7

2. 1 John 5:1-5, overcomers by belief. John 1:11-13

3. This is the testimony of God throughout His word.

a. Abraham believed God and it was counted as righteousness.

b. Able, believed God, Hebrews 11:4

4. Romans 4:13, promise of inheritance made to Abraham and his seed through faith, belief, Galatians 3:26-29

5. Paul – “I know whom I have believed.

6. John 3:1-4, how to be born again? Key word in John 3 is believe. Verses 12, 15, 16, 18, 36.

7. Revelation 21:7, look at the benefits of the overcomers.

a. I will be His God. Ephesians 2:11-13, 1 Peter 2:9-10

b. Romans 8:16-17, heirs of God.

c. The greatest benefit is that my sins are forgiven, Romans 5:12.

d. I was under the sentence of death but now I have eternal life.

III. Those Overcome

1. Revelation 21:8

2. Isaiah 5:11-16, listen to the voice of God.

a. Verse 11-12, description of sinners.

b. Verse 14, hell is enlarged and being enlarged.

c. Verse 15, all kinds in Hell.

d. Verse 16, God exalted.

3. Look at the fate of the lost in scripture.

4. You say, “Preacher, that is old fashioned.” Many have said that and have taken Hell out of their religion. They will never be able to destroy the place.

5. Also think with me for a moment about the friends of the lost man: The Devil, Anti-Christ, all other vile creatures, Revelation 21:8.

6. John 15:22, no cloak for your sins, no covering. What about it today my friend, what is your cloak?

a. Church membership, anyone can join a church.

b. Money, anyone can give money.

c. Self-righteousness, good as church members, probably better than some.

d. Are you saved? That is the question. The blood is the only covering for sin.

e. He died. Now He pleads. Come and receive life.