Summary: This is the 102nd sermon in the series "Action". This is the 4th sermon from 2 Corinthians.

Series: Action [#102]


2 Corinthians 2:12-17


We often talk about the importance of what we say and do; but what about how we smell? Certain smells bring back memories. When I smell cookies baking, I’m reminded of my grandmother “Nanny”; who loved to make sugar cookies for us. When my mom smells something foul in her house, I’m sure she is reminded of the roadrunner that my brother brought home from school in a paper bag and that got loose and ran from them for quite some time.

Certain smells alert us to danger. If we’re holding 1 of these sweet babies, our sense of smell lets us know when it is time to give the baby back to the mother. If something is on fire, we can often tell it by smelling the smoke. How we physically smell is important. If you stink, people don’t want to be very close. There are companies making tons of money on perfumes, colognes, scented lotions, etc… Why- Because it matters how we smell. Now please don’t forget this very simple fact: In order to smell good, you must first be clean. I tell you this because I’ve seen junior high age boys run and play at school; and then put tons of cologne on top of that sweaty body. That doesn’t help them smell better; it’s just a different type of stinky smell.

This morning I want to talk to you about how you smell spiritually. You probably don’t think about that too often; but it does matter.

Genesis 8:20-21

Exodus 29:18

The smell of the burnt offerings was a pleasant aroma to God. You might be wondering how that fits for us since we no longer offer up burnt offerings to the Lord.

Romans 12:1

It’s our lives the put off a spiritual smell. As Christians, we are called to be like Christ. Let’s find out what the aroma of Christ is.

2 Corinthians 2:12-14

The aroma of Christ is…

1. The smell of success.

Paul went to Troas to preach; but when he got there, he realized that he wasn’t supposed to stay. He traveled on to Macedonia where he did find Titus. The reason that it was so important for Paul to find Titus is because Titus had been to Corinth and Paul wanted to know how the Church was doing. When Paul found out from Titus that the Corinthian Church was doing much better and that most of his critics had calmed down; he was thrilled.

Paul says that the smell of Christ is like a victory parade. The Roman army after a great victory would ride into town and go down the main street as people would cheer them on for their victory.

In Christ, we have victory. People around us can know of that victory in us by the way we act. What is your attitude about life? If you just survive day to day and complain the whole way; does that smell like victory or death? People want to be around people who celebrate life and enjoy the blessings of the Lord. I don’t understand why Christians are down all of the time, when we know that we have the victory.

2 Corinthians 2:14

The aroma of Christ is…

2. The smell of service.

Jesus came to this earth to seek and save that which was lost. One day, the mother of 2 of Jesus’ disciples, (James and John); bowed down before Jesus and asked if her sons could sit at His and left in Heaven. When the other 10 disciples heard that they were furious.

Matthew 20:25-28

Paul tells us that God spreads the knowledge of Jesus Christ through Christians. When we serve others, we are spreading the aroma of Christ. We must serve others so that others will know who Jesus Christ is.

2 Corinthians 2:15-16

The aroma of Christ is…

3. The smell of sacrifice.

Christians are called to be a living sacrifice. Jesus gave His life for us so that we can have eternal life with Him. We lift up Christ so that others will be drawn to Him. People are not drawn to Christ when our lives stink. We are to lift Christ up and let Jesus do the rest. To those who are saved, we are the smell of life; but to those who are not saved, we smell like death.

2 Corinthians 2:17

The aroma of Christ is…

4. The smell of sincerity.

One of the key elements missing from the Church today is sincerity. We can either try to grow the Church or grow the Kingdom. There is a different between the 2. If our goal is to get more people to attend so that we will feel better about ourselves then we can preach a feel good message and do things to make people feel better about themselves; but if we want to grow the Kingdom of God, then we need to be real. People need to realize that we are no better than they are. What we have as Christians that they need is life. That life comes through Jesus Christ.


This Church isn’t going to be a place where people act like they are better than others and we just go through the motions. If we are truly God’s people, then this is going to be a place where life is overflowing. We need to be about growing the Kingdom of God and let Him do the rest.

So let me ask you again: “What do you smell like”?