Summary: It has been said, “God didn’t call us to be successful, he called us to be faithful.” Yet in John 15, Jesus speaks of examination, inspection, and fruitfulness. He speaks of bearing fruit, more fruit, and much fruit that God maybe glorified.

What is success? General view of success is defined as fulfilling your role in ministry. It is trusting that your employer has placed you in a position where can achieve the God-given goals for your life, and you work faithfully toward completing those individual duties as effectively as possible for the Glory of God.

It has been said, “God didn’t call us to be successful, he called us to be faithful.” Yet in John 15, Jesus speaks of examination, inspection, and fruitfulness. He speaks of bearing fruit, more fruit, and much fruit that God maybe glorified.

“Success is the state or condition of meeting a defined range of expectations. It may be viewed as the opposite of failure. The criteria for success depend on context and may be relative to a particular observer or belief system.” (Wikipedia)

During this season, 18 months in a pandemic, unemployment, sickness, and death, and trying to do virtual ministry, it is hard to gage my success. I do not know about you but speaking in a camera is challenging to say the least! One key challenge is discouragement—discouragement that appears to be bordering on defeat. I have talked with many good people…leaders who care, who are trying to make a difference, who are usually sacrificing, trying to make things better for others. How do we encourage others when we are discouraged ourselves?

Think about your own situation. In many cases, you may be trying to keep yourself together and your family together. You might be leading a smaller group of people than you were a year ago (many organizations plateaued or lost momentum this year). Budgets are tight. The future is unclear. Yet our desire is to be successful ministry and fulfill God’s call on our lives. The disciples in John 15 faced a similar situation. Jesus reveals to them the secret to their success. Jesus in the last few chapters of John prepares his disciples for successful ministry beyond the trauma of the coming days. Their world would be turned upside down. Their new normal would be chaotic. Their faith would be tested. Jesus reaffirms His identity – “The I AMs of God” to them! Recognizing who Jesus is and what we are to him and in Him is a great source of encouragement. We are not alone, and our success is not dependent on my strength alone. We are workers together with Christ.

The trauma of Pandemic and the chaos it has created has caused much uncertainty. Our world has been turned upside down. Our new normal has become chaotic. Our faith is being tested. Our future seems unclear, yet I believe this same message given to the disciples can help us.

John 15 reveals the last of the “I AM” statements for Christ. In John, Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life”; In John 8; “I am the light of the world”; John 10 “I am the Good Shepherd”; John 11 “I am the Resurrection and the Life” John 14 “I am the way, the truth and the Life, and finally John 15, “I am the true vine.” John has given us seven miracles and the seven “I AMs” to confirm the deity of Christ and affirm Jesus as God’s manifestation of Himself in the world. His disciples are identified as His friends and personal choice to carry out His ministry in the world.

The disciples sat in awe as Jesus said to them, John 14:12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Jesus spoke of greater works, and now in John 15, he speaks of Fruit, more fruit, and much fruit. Jesus give the disciples and us the secrets of success. You see Jesus demonstrate his confidence in the disciples and the advance of his kingdom in the earth. He understands their doubts and fears. He knows the trauma of the future events, yet Jesus is confident because of who He is, Who the Father is and what His disciples are capable of. How can we experience success in ministry during difficult days? We must recognize our true position. We are the garden of God with the best plants, best source of life and light, care for by the best caretaker. We are destined to bear good fruit, more fruit and much fruit.

1. We are in relationship with the source, Jesus is the true vine, the source of life and nourishment, he is their supply and the source of all they will ever need. Jesus is the ideal, perfect vine, symbol of the spiritual life which Christ imparts to believers, who are the branches. Their success depends and flows from the true vine.

2. We are in relationship with the caretaker, His Father is the husbandman, who watches over, out for and looks after every need of the plant to increase their productivity. My father is the husbandmen who not only cares for the vine but owns the vineyard. He carefully examines every plant and selects every worker.

3. We are called to simply abide in Him, our divine connection of real value. Their connection and our is

maintained by obedience and love. The most often repeated word in John 15, is “Abide” which shows the power of God and the responsibility of man. The power and grace of God is available, but a disciple must abide in him. We are not equipped to go it alone. To separate ourselves from him is live like a fish out of water. We would experience a short and unproductive existence.

4. We are friends of God, selected to be successful. Jesus said, “I have chosen you; you have not chosen me. You shall go forth and bring forth much fruit and your fruit shall remain.” Your life will flourish with the fruit of the spirit; your testimony will be fruitful, and the Father will be glorified. Those who desire success in ministry should listen to these words carefully! Without me you can do nothing! Joh 15:7 “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” Be encouraged, by God’s grace, we are going to make it!