Summary: Joshua 1:1-9

SUPER MEN - Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous

June 2, 2019

Joshua 1:1-9 (p. 147)


Franklin Delano Roosevelt ascended to the Presidency of the United States after fighting the corrupt tyranny system in New York City. FDR was a veteran of World War I and had seen the country ravaged by the Great Depression. He watched carefully the drastic changes that were taking place in Europe as Hitler’s Germany began to be a conquering and invading bully in the region. He hated war…He’d seen it and experienced it…but he also knew what was coming…or at least believed he did.

After taking the oath of office, Roosevelt delivered the first of one of his many memorable speeches as president. Within the opening minutes of his 1,883 word-long 20 minute address, he uttered a line that for many Americans, would encapsulate FDR’s twelve years in the oval office: “Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

Pearl Harbor would galvanize this country for World War 2…December 7, 1941 would be a day that would live in infamy…And D Day on June 6, 1944 would require young men to exhibit courage over fear in ways we cannot even imagine…but because a generation…The Greatest Generation…chose courage over fear, we are free today.

FDR died before the end of the war and a young Vice President named Harry Truman ascended to the presidency…he had to cross the finish line…he had to make unimaginable decisions that would cost thousands of lives but would save millions.

Moses has led the Israelites from slavery to the entrance to the Promised Land…it’s the second time they’ve reached the entrance…The first time the Israelites sent 12 spies into the land. When they came back, 2 of them: Joshua & Caleb said, “Let’s Go…It’s a land God has blessed and given us to conquer.” But 10 of the spies said, “No way…the people are too strong…We’re like grasshoppers compared to them.” And the people rejected the chance to enter the land…Because of their doubt God made them wander in the wilderness for 40 years until all those people except Joshua and Caleb died…each funeral in the desert was a reminder that they’d chosen fear over faith. For 40 years they grumbled their way through the wilderness under the leadership of Moses…During one of those times Moses got angry. There was no water and he was supposed to speak to the rock telling it to bring forth water…Instead he smacked it with his staff…and because of this disobedience He was not permitted to enter the Promised Land…I hate this punishment…but understand God’s perfection. After Moses dies…Joshua finds himself in the unenviable position of leader. Can you imagine trying to fill Moses’ shoes (or sandals)? He also knows why they ended up in the wilderness for 40 years…and He’d heard all the grumbling, murmuring and complaining too. And now God looks at Joshua and says…

“You’re the Man.”

As we study Joshua’s life we learn a great deal about leadership and why he’s one of God’s Super Men…3 times God instructs Joshua to “Be Strong and Courageous.”

It’s an easy instruction…but under the circumstances a hard one to obey.

Maybe today you need this same encouragement from God to be strong and courageous so He can take you to a new place in your life. Well, God not only commands Joshua to be strong and courageous…He tells him how to be strong and courageous…


JOSHUA 1:3-4 (p. 147)

My promises to Moses are still true! Even though Moses is dead…God’s promises are not! God is reassuring Joshua that he can still rely on the promises He made to Moses. The covenant is still in force. He’s telling Joshua “Just like I kept every promise I made to Moses…I will keep every one of them with you.”

God never breaks His promises…“Get ready to go across the Jordan River into the land I’m about to give them…the Israelites…I will give you every place you set your foot as I promised Moses.” (Joshua 1:2-3)

It’s time to go…the problem is many of God’s people would much rather sit on the promises than stand on His promises!

It’s why God commands Joshua to do this:

JOSHUA 1:7-8 (p. 147)

Joshua wasn’t expected to be the same man as Moses but he was expected to follow the same rules and guidelines…If Joshua was going to lead God’s people into the Promised Land the only way he was going to do it was through God’s roadmap. “Follow my guidelines, be obedient to my Word, don’t turn to the right or the left…stay on my path…trust my promises.”

It’s why David wrote in Psalm 25:4-5 “Show me your ways O Lord - teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God My Savior and my hope is in you all day long.”

God’s commandments are not burdens. They are not meant to hinder His people. They are given to protect and guide His people.

Joshua and the people of Israel are about to enter a land filled with people who worshipped all kinds of false gods…They would be surrounded by tyrants and sexual perversions. The temptation to be like everyone else would be strong…especially for their children…It’s why God said you must constantly teach your children my promises…because I promise you this result…

DEUTERONOMY 6:6-12 (p. 126)

It’s still true for God’s people today. We are a forgetful people surrounded by a world that has completely different gods and priorities.

[We drift from church and the foundations that keep our families strong and connected…the promises of God’s Word take 2nd, 3rd and 4th place to other activities and pursuits and we wonder why our children don’t love Jesus or His family…As one great leader said, “Our job isn’t to get our children into Harvard. Our job as parents is to get our children into heaven.”]

Not only is Joshua commanded to follow this truth, so is the church today…Jesus said, “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” (James 17:15-17)

The word sanctify means “set apart,” “different.” Joshua was to teach God’s people to be different than the idolatrous people of Canaan…God’s Word still “sets His people apart” today…if we live out its truth…

But not only are we to live in His promises to remain strong and courageous…we are to:


God tells Joshua…“As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will never leave you or forsake you.” (v. 5)

God promises Joshua…“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!” (v. 9)

That’s an amazing promise…“You’ll never be alone…I’m with you…I’ll protect you…I’ll watch over you…I’ve got your back…and your front.”

It’s the same promise that Jesus gave us, “I will never leave you or forsake you. I will be with you to the end of the world.” (Matt. 28:20)

A cloud guided the Israelites during each day…if it moved…they moved…a column of fire guided them at night…It was a visible proof that God was leading them and was present with them.

Jesus promised the gift of His Spirit to be within each of His followers…you cannot get closer than living inside someone. It’s how we are born again…it’s the living proof we are indeed God’s children and fellow heirs with Jesus.

Peter promised this truth in his pentecost sermon.

ACTS 2:36-39 (p. 759)

The Apostle Paul tells the Romans and us:

ROMANS 8:14-17 (p. 787)

Clouds and Pillars of fire no longer lead God’s people showing His presence…The Holy Spirit leads God’s people…His presence is within us…“Abba Daddy” is the joyful cry He makes from within our souls.

When we walk and live in His presence daily we can be strong and courageous even in this broken world…finally…

God gives Joshua and us a 3rd command concerning being strong and courageous:


Joshua commands the leaders: “Go through the camp and tell the people…Get your supplies ready. 3 days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you.” (Joshua 1:10)

God had a purpose and plan for His people. They were being given a Promised Land and they were to be “a covenant people” for all to witness…His people weren’t just to hear His Word, or live in His presence…They were to take possession of the Promised Land.

God tells Joshua…“Be strong and courageous because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.” (Josh. 1:8)

And what did God’s people say…“Whatever you have commanded us we will do. Just as we fully obeyed Moses (uhhh, not so much by the way) so we will obey you.”

Joshua had tough shoes to fill…but God never calls you to a ministry without equipping you for that ministry…and we have that same promise.

Our calling is to make it to the Promised Land of Heaven and to lead as many of our family members, community and friends as possible with us.

My dad used to tell me over and over again, “Son, you can’t push a chain.”

I know what he meant by that…leaders show the way by example…leaders set the pace…and as long as we’re following Jesus and His Word, we’ll keep our eyes on Him and His purpose…we’ll make disciples…we’ll reach the Promised Land with a lot of others in tow.

But, it’s really important for us “To Be Strong and Courageous.”