I. The giant that keeps us from miracles—Fear
II. The fear giant will paralyze you
a. When fear is present people are unreasonable
b. Fear causes people to imagine the worse
c. Fear leads to unbelief
III. Unbelievers cannot enter the promise land
a. Unbelievers make excuses for their lack of faith
b. Unbelievers allow their circumstances to dictate their faith
c. Unbelievers focus on the problems
d. Unbelievers do not believe all things are possible
IV. The Fear Giant keeps us from recognizing Jesus
a. The disciples thought Jesus was a ghost
b. Peter said, “if it is you”
V. Fear will blind us to the work of the God
a. The disciples attributed the power to walk on water to a ghost
b. Fear – False Evidence Appearing Real
c. Fear keeps you in the boat of doubt
VI. Doubt is the result of fear
a. Fear makes you look at the natural
b. Fear shows you a partial reality as the only reality
VII. Faith is the weapon that defeats the fear giant
a. Faith shows you the supernatural
b. Faith reveals what fear was hiding
c. With faith, all things are possible
d. All things are possible for those who believe
e. Faith makes the impossible possible
f. Faith eliminates the fear giant
g. Faith makes miracles possible