Summary: How should we live each day as Christian Citizens?

The bloodiest day in US history was Sept. 17, 1862 when 4,700 Union & Confederate soldiers died in the Civil War battle of Antietam. That was until Sept. 11, 2001, when over 3,000 people were killed in a well planned terrorist attack. By comparison, 2,388 Americans were killed at Pearl Harbor, and 1,465 Americans were killed on the first day of the Normandy invasion.

As a result of 9/11, our nation has been involved in a "war on terror" for 15+ years. This was the focus of our president during his recent trip to the middle east. It's a war unlike any our nation has known. It's been a long, drawn out affair. Not only are our armed forces in harm's way, but civilians have also been targets of the enemy in this war. What's our responsibility as Christian citizens in times like this? Let's to see what Paul says in Ephesians 6:10-20. (READ TEXT)

Our military has a system of terrorist condition indicators. It's the Threat-Con (threat conditions) system. Posted at entrances and key locations on military bases are Threat-Con signs. Most of the time they read "normal". That means standard operating procedures are in order. Do your job; go to class; put in your time. Normal Alert conditions are INWARD focused. It's all about the base - graduations, classes, degrees, promotions, inspections.

But since 9/11 we have moved beyond "Threat-Con normal." You see, the Threat-con system has multiple levels.

Next is Threat-Con Alpha. This is when there is an unpredictable general threat of possible terrorist activity. Personnel are reminded to be on the look out for anything suspicious. Next is Threat-Con Bravo. This leads to measures like barricading streets and setting up barriers. After that comes Threat-Con-Charlie. This applies when an incident occurs against a military base or installation.

Finally, we come to Threat-Con Delta. This applies when there has been an actual terrorist attack and the community needs to be warned about the possibility of other attacks. On September 11th, 2001, our country went from Threat-Con Normal to Threat-Con Delta overnight. Threat-Con Delta is a state of "high alert."

In a state of high alert everything changes. There's an OUTWARD focus. The normal things may still happen but they aren't what is focused on. The focus is on what is going on in the world, and what our military's

responsibilities are in light of what is happening.

In verse 12, Paul says there are spiritual realities at the root of every physical reality. This is illustrated well by the war on terror. This is perhaps one of the most unique things about it. The physical realities of this war have their root in spiritual realities.

The terrorists are involved in a jihad - a holy war. Their motives are based on an empty religious system calling its followers to contend for their faith by bringing death to others. Christ, on the other hand, calls on His followers to contend for their faith by bringing life to others. While terrorists use methods of death and destruction, we are to share a message of life and deliverance!

Certainly, as American citizens, we have an obligation to involve ourselves in whatever way is necessary to deal with the physical realities of this war. But we who have been made spiritually alive through faith in Christ cannot be content with contributing to our nation's well-being on that level alone. We must commit ourselves to living in a state of "high alert" spiritually! But does that look like?

1. There is a visible change in activity - vs. 10-11

When a nation is in a state of "high alert," daily life is no longer standard operating procedure. People are armed and ready. Troops are being moved. Routines are changed. Everything is focused on the war.

Over the last several years, thousands of reservists have been called to active service. Though trained, they weren't actively involved in the military on a day to day basis. But in a time of "high alert," such people are activated to full time status.

Likewise, Paul says believers can't go on with business as usual. We must be armed and ready to obey when our "commander in chief" calls on us. This will result in a visible change in our activity.

How? Well, for one thing, if we are living in a state of high alert, we'll be on our knees more. Not only as part of public gatherings, but we will be spending time with God more on a daily basis - verse 18.

Also, those of us who have been living on reserve status will report for active duty! When believers are living in a state of high alert, they'll go from being "Sunday only'' Christians to "seven day a week" Christians.

During Desert Storm some reserves were interviewed. They said they didn't want to go to war. They had signed up for the benefits, the sign up bonus, the college education - but one weekend a month and 2 weeks a summer was all they had planned on giving.

Some Christians like that. They want the benefits that come from knowing Christ, and are willing to give up a Sunday now and then - just don't ask them to go to active duty. It was never part of their plan. But listen, it doesn't matter whether or not it was apart of your plan, active service in the work of the kingdom is part of God's plan; and every Christian needs to be living in a state of high alert - which means it is time for each of us to get active!

2. There is increased readiness for action - vs. 14-17

Each day, those in our armed forces go through training to insure they'll be effective in battle. Believers should also submit to training!

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and

who correctly handles the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV)

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." - 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)

If someone were to ask you why you believe in Jesus and why you believe the message of the Bible, could you give a reason (vs. 19-20)?

I understand that the terrorists who flew the planes on September 11th gave at least 9 months of their lives to training so that they might be prepared for one day - one event. Most Christians, on the other hand, won't give 1 hour to participate in training!

When will we get serious about God's work? When will we realize that a high calling requires a high level of preparedness? Living in a state of high alert, requires training to make sure we're ready for action!

3. There is eagerness for assignment - vs. 11; 13

How grateful we should be for a military who are passionate about their job! They are ready to be given an assignment at a moment's notice.

Every Christian should also be eager to accept an assignment in the work of God's kingdom; and we each have a job to do! Paul says we each have a stand to make. When we're living in a state of high alert, we'll be eager to do our part!

At its annual picnic, a company rented 2 boats & challenged a rival to race. On the day of the picnic, bands played, banners waved, and the race began. The rival team won by 11 lengths. The host company was embarrassed & a committee was appointed to place blame and make recommendations for the next year.

They met for 3 months & then issued a report. The rival crew had been unfair. "They had 8 people rowing and 1 person steering and shouting out the beat," the report said. "We had 1 person rowing and 8 people steering and shouting out the beat." The committee was then asked what they recommended should be done different next time. Their recommendation was, "Our guy has to row faster."

That's the picture of too many churches. The population in the US is growing faster than the growth of our churches. We're falling behind. So, what do we do? We tell those who have accepted responsibility to work harder. Instead, more of us need to get working!

4. There are people who have a sacrificial attitude - v. 13

Many fellow citizens, both military and civilian, have died in this war on terror. And every Christian citizen must be willing to do what every American should be willing to do - to lay down their life, if necessary, in doing our part to see terrorism defeated.

But for the sake of God and country, we must be willing to go a step further. We must be willing to die to ourselves and live for God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength! We must "seek Him first and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33) regardless of the sacrifice involved. As Paul told Timothy, we should be willing to "endure hardship . . . like a good soldier of Jesus Christ," (2 Timothy 2:3).

The 9/11 terrorists sacrificed themselves for a dead founder, a false god, and an empty religion that cannot fulfill anything it promises. We, on the other hand, are called to sacrifice ourselves for a living Savior, the true God, and a faith that delivers everything it promises.

When it comes to discussing the state of our nation, Christians are fond of quoting Proverbs 14:34: "Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." We often emphasize the latter part of the verse and speak of the deplorable state of our society. I believe God wants us to emphasize the first part and understand He is calling us, through living in a state of high alert, to promote righteousness in our nation. After all, if Christians won't, who will?

Conclusion: For the sake of God & country, let's be outward focused, rather than inward focused. Let's become active in the work of our church; participating in training when it's offered; let's request an assignment and fulfill it; and make whatever sacrifice of time, talent, and treasure is necessary to see the cause of righteousness advanced. Let's answer the call of God to live in a state of high alert!