Summary: We are continuing our discipleship with a study of Genesis and the Sunday Round pen Bible studies and Sunday sermons cover the same text in different ways.

Please feel free to use any or part of this sermon

All scripture in from the NLT bible

I have power points if you would like them

I write like I preach so ------

Genesis – People relating to God

Part 1

“Legends of the fall”

Text Genesis chapter 3





There is something refreshing and optimistic about these words

These words often bring visions or feelings of fall for me

I truly love fall

Going out in the early morning

The dew thick

Steam coming off the breath of the cows and horses

Just for a while early in the morning

Before it warms up

Before we truly begin the day

A nip in the air

Cool enough to need a jacket or vest

I always get a feeling of newness

Or a fresh start

Some think of spring

Or Summer

Some even winter


Fall has signified a new beginning in many ways for me

The start of a new calving season

Shipping last year’s calf crop

Planting the wheat pastures and watching as the once barren and dusty ground turns green almost over night

Deer,Duck and Elk Hunting

The start of a new School year

Or even in years past the end of the long hot days in the hayfield

A time to catch my breath

A time to unwind a bit

Sit on the porch and kick a pig a little more often

As we start a new direction here at Caney Creek

As we truly focus on discipleship

On your and my spiritual growth

As we focus on all ages

In all areas from diaper to grave

I think it is fitting that fall is in the air


I think it is more fitting that we will begin at the beginning

The very word Genesis means


Or “ origins”

I also think it is fitting that it is the “Fall”—That causes us to begin to truly see Gods plan

The book of Genesis is where we first begin learning about

God and his nature

About homes and families



Ethnic diversity

The Nations and Languages

About His plan for us and where we fit in

The book of Genesis builds for us the very foundations of our faith

In this great book

Written so long ago

We see God’s creation of this world

The first 2 chapters give of the very basis of our belief that God is the creator

It gives us the first glimpse of the one God in three persons

With just a word

God created all that we know

We may not understand how this all works

We may never know in this life how this all works

But this is where faith comes in

We read

We trust


We believe

Just like the very air we breathe

Most of us don’t completely understand the biological and physiological functions of the body

Or how the human body uses Oxygen from the atmosphere

But we trust



That the air

The air we cannot even see

Will sustain our lives

That’s faith

Just a little

But faith all the same

As the story of creation unfolds

We see that

We-- us



Are the final creation

God made us in his image

Male and Female

So that he could love us

So that he would have someone to love

God was not lonely

He was and is and always will be complete

We see

God the Father in the very opening of the book

God the Holy Spirit just a couple of verses later


God the Son makes his appearance in chapter 3

3 in one

Known as the trinity

The very foundations of our faith

Once again the concept of the Trinity is outside the complete or clear understanding by our limited human mind

The concept is also a faith issue- a mystery that we cannot fully understand

But one we must readily accept

Genesis is not a complete history of mankind

It is not a exhaustive history of humanity

But instead Genesis is a history of

God relating to his people

And it is a history of

People relating to God

It is a history of God’s plan of redemption for his people

We started this morning with our Round pen bible studies


We began by looking at Genesis

We studied this morning about Adam and Eve

We looked at their creation

Their purpose

We looked at Gods plan for them



We saw

Them make Choices

And we saw the consequence of those choices

We saw those choices change the direction of their lives

Life got hard

Let me preface with this

God’s plan

His master plan

That is his plan of salvation

His plan of redemption

His master plan cannot be altered

Satan as we will soon see tried

He tried in Genesis

He tried in the Gospels as he tempted Jesus

He tried as he watched Our Savior hang on that old cross

But he could not Change God’s plan

Man throughout time has tried

Tried so hard to Change God’s plan

Tried to change his mind

Tried to rewrite him

Or mold him into something they want

It ain’t happening—God does not change



As human beings

Those created by a loving God

Those that God loved so much

That he gave us free will



The plans /or steps for our personal lives

The choices we make

The choices we don’t make


Send us in many directions


Always has consequences

Every action in our lives

Has consequences

This is where we come to today in this first of 8 Sermons on people relating to God from Genesis

Let’s read Genesis Chapter 2 verses 8-21

And see God’s plan for humanity



Adam and Eve though wrong choices

Changed their story

But in no way changed God’s plan

8 Then the LORD God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man he had made. 9 The LORD God made all sorts of trees grow up from the ground—trees that were beautiful and that produced delicious fruit. In the middle of the garden he placed the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Verses 10-14 describe the garden

Skipping to 15

15 The LORD God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. 16 But the LORD God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden— 17 except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”

Verses 18-21 describe the man’s job and the creation of the woman

God created man

God created woman


He created them so he could express his love

He placed them in a perfect place


The garden

They had everything they could ever want or need


No briars

No stickers

No fire ants or bull nettle

No hot or cold weather

A perfect environment in every way

So perfect in fact that they did not need to wear clothes

Nor did they have shame in their nakedness

And then


Ya’ll have all heard about the snake

Old sneaky snake

Old slick


Came calling

Let’s read Genesis Chapter 3 verses 1-4

“The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”

2 “Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. 3 “It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’”

4 “You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman. “

I want to really focus on this verse

Because this morning I want to really focus on Old Slicks plan

Satan’s plan of doubt

His plan of Discouragement

The snakes plan of Diversion

The serpents plan of Defeat

As I told you God’s plan involved creating us

Loving us

Providing for us

Caring for us

But we know that God did not want to force us to love him

Forced love is not love at all



Took a shot at altering the steps of the first 2 people on earth

And he takes a shot at all people daily

Notice the first thing that Satan did after introducing himself to Eve

He caused doubt to enter her mind

“Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”


He caused Eve to doubt God

He caused her to doubt God’s goodness

He caused her to doubt God’s love

He caused her to Doubt God's word

Notice in verse 4

After asking Eve about eating from the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil

She tells old sneaky snake ----we are not supposed to even touch it or we will die

God had told Adam and he had told her (verse 17)

“You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman.

We know now this was spiritual death and a death yet to come/not instant death

But either way he caused doubt

Then came the Discouragement

Satan discourages her

Verse 5

5 “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”

He is telling Eve

God does not want you to be like him

God does not truly love you

If he did why would he withhold something this pretty?

This sweet

This Good

And discouragement set in

In this same verse and the one prior


Sets a trap that leads to diversion

He causes her to first doubt God and his Goodness

Then he discourages her cause he to question God’s love and God’s motives

The he causes a diversion

This is one of Satan’s favorite tricks

He points to

Or even as I imagine

Holds up this fruit

We don’t know if it is an apple or a pear or what

It does not matter


Old slick

He tempts her with diversion

Gets her to focus on the fruit

Gets her to focus on the possibility of knowledge

Causes her to focus on herself and her desires

And diverts her from focusing on God


Then he unleashes his plan of defeat

Verses 6-7

The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too. 7 At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves

Satan wooed her

Sweet talked her

Lied to her

And she was defeated

Not killed


Defeated meaning she surrendered to temptation

She allowed sin into her life

And allowed

Sin into the lives of all humanity

Adam on the other hand ate what his wife offered

I don’t know where he was while Old slick was tempting his wife


I know where he should have been

He should have been right there

Shovel in hand

Chopping the head off that old snake


Instead he let his wife surrender to temptation

And then willingly surendered as well

The bible dose not says this


In my mind

I can hear God


" Where were you man"

What were you doing while your wife was being deceived?


With 2 bites of forbidden fruit

One bite coerced

One taken willingly

Humanity was plunged into sin— this is known as the fall

The fall of humanity

Adam and Eves personal steps were altered

But Skipping down to verse 20

We see God’s first hint of his plan of redemption

20 Then the man—Adam—named his wife Eve, because she would be the mother of all who live.[d] 21 And the LORD God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife.

Most everyone here are county people

Or at least have county roots


Let me ask you

Can you skin an animal without shedding blood?

In order to remove the skin of a critter

In order to make clothes of those skins

The animal in question must be killed




A blood sacrifice

God clothed them

And then

He protected them from the other tree in the middle of the garden by banning them from the garden

Many think this harsh

But once again this is a sign for us

Sin causes separation from the very God who created and loves us

So why did they need protection from the other tree

Why did God

Place Angel with a sword at the entrance of the garden to prevent them for coming back

In their new sinful state

God new that Adam and Eve

Would never find peace if they were to live forever

He knew that in their knew sinful state they would suffer for years

He also knew that their only hope was death

Death in this life , so they could experience the glory of life after death

With him, back in his presence

He knew that in their new sinful state

That evil would tighten it’s grasp


God in his mercy gave them an out

While in the garden before the fall

Eternal life would have been great

But now in the darkness

In the wilderness

It would be torment

Satan used




And Defeat

to cause Adam and Eve

To fall from grace


He uses the same tactics on us

Make no mistake

Temptation is not sin

But all

All surrender to temptation is

And all sin

All sin

No matter how small you think it might be has consequences

It can cause us to miss our chance at salvation

Or cause us to lose the joy of our salvation

Sin can cause us like Adam and Eve to have shame


To hide from God

Breaking the fellowship that God so desires

There is one more tactic that Satan uses

He will use Delay

Often times Delay is cause by

The doubt

The discouragement

More often by the diversion of the shiny bobbles and things of this world

Then often times we feel defeated

Feel that we have made too many mistakes

Gone down too many wrong roads

So we delay

We don’t move when the Holy Spirit prompts us to Accept Christ

We don’t move when we feel God moving in our lives calling us to surrender

To Submission

To Salvation

To service

So we Delay


We miss our chance


There is Good news

Remember I talked about the blood

The sacrifice?

God created you

Because he loves you

Because you are precious to him’

Because he wants to fellowship with you

To pour out his love on you



He shed blood so you could be redeemed

So you could be forgiven

So you could be restored

That Blood sacrifice came from his one and only Son

Jesus Christ

Jesus gave his life

Gave his blood for you and for me

Don’t let Satan’s evil plan keep you from

The place that God has planned for you

His plan

God’s master plan is that one day

His children will walk with him in glory

I am excited

I can hardly wait

What about you

Close from the heart
