Summary: "Seven things you can become" - These are good things you want to be "That don't necessarily cost money" So we can afford to develop them "That can help meet the needs of others" - And that is important! (Powerpoints available - #179)






(Powerpoints used with this message are available for free. Just email me at and request #179.)

This sermon is one where the title is much longer than usual. But I think we'll get some good out of it. Let's start by examining the title:

"Seven things you can become" These are good things you want to be.

"That don't necessarily cost money" So we can afford to develop them.

"That can help meet the needs of others" - And that is important!

Ready? Let's look at some of the things that other people need but which won't cost us money to become.


#1 become a healer. Almost everybody can be classified as either a "healer" or a "hurter." And there are far too many "hurters" in the world today. Some people use guns & knives. While others use hateful words to hurt those around them. Some people make things better; others make matters worse.

ILL. The Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25 37 is a case in point. It is rather disappointing that we specifically call him the "good" Samaritan. Wouldn't it be so much better if we thought of his behavior as "normal" or "average?" We should all be the kind of person he was.

Jesus was trying to explain how we should treat our neighbors. So He told about a mugging. A man was beaten, robbed, & left for dead beside the road. Three people happened along in succession.

The first was a priest. That was fortunate ... wasn't it? Now you know a priest would help. But no! He didn't want to get involved. Do you suppose that it might have made him late for an appointment? Or that it might have messed up his robe? So he just crossed over to the other side of the road & passed the man by.

A Levite came along next. Perhaps he felt that he just didn't have time for this. It wasn't his fault the man was in trouble. Besides, no one would know. So he, too, passed on by.

And then the Samaritan came along. Remember, the Samaritans were at the bottom of the social totem pole. No one would help him if he were the one lying there. But he had pity on the man.

He bandaged his wounds, put the injured man on his own donkey, & took him into town. To put it into modern terms, he took him to a Holiday Inn, registered him for a room there, & put it all on his own credit card. He also told the manager, "If he needs to stay longer, just add it to my bill."

Then Jesus turned to the crowd of Jews who were listening to the parable & said, "Go & do likewise."

And in this same spirit, later on the Apostle Paul writes, "Carry each other's burdens, & in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2)

So the first thing we can strive to become is a "healer," not a "hurter." Yes, I realize that sometimes this trait may cost you something, just as it cost the Good Samaritan, but Oh, what a reward you will receive!


Secondly, be an "encourager." Romans 12:5 8 lists 7 gifts God has distributed to His people. Among them is the gift of encouragement. It surely belongs near the top of our list of traits that we need to develop.

ILL. In Acts 4:36 Barnabas was called "Son of Encouragement," & that was certainly an obvious trait in his life. Do you remember? He & Paul were selected by the Holy Spirit to travel to the region that is now called the country of Turkey to spread the Good News about Jesus.

Barnabas had a nephew named John Mark. And he encouraged John Mark to go with them on the trip. But as they traveled, some difficulty arose. We're not told what it was. Perhaps the going was just too tough, or maybe John Mark got home-sick. Whatever the reason, John Mark quit & returned back home.

A few years later, when Paul & Barnabas were preparing to go on a 2nd missionary journey, Barnabas wanted to take John Mark along again, but Paul refused. He didn't want to take a quitter again.

So Paul & Barnabas decided to split their efforts & go as 2 mission teams. Barnabas would take John Mark, & Paul would choose a new partner, Silas.

We don't hear about John Mark again until years later, near the end of Paul's life. Paul was in prison in Rome, writing to Timothy with instructions about coming to visit him. He writes, "Get Mark & bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry." (2 Timothy 4:11)

SUM. Some people seem to have the knack of showing you where you went wrong. Others have the gift of encouraging you to do better, to try again.

We thank God for the Barnabases in this world those who keep believing in us. They tell us we can do it. They're heavy on compassion & ready with a helping hand when we fall.

Many of the greatest leaders of our day would not be where they are if not for an encourager in their lives. It doesn't cost money to be an encourager. And it is a trait that is greatly needed. So learn to be an "encourager."


The third thing that you can become that doesn't cost money is a "listener."

ILL. A few years ago a man placed an ad in the "Personal" section of the news-paper that said: "I'll listen to your troubles $20 per call." And he got lots of takers.

Real communication, or the lack of it, is behind many of the hurts we experience. Do you ever feel as if you're not getting through or that you're not really being heard?

ILL. Some pollsters reported that husbands & wives spend about 37 minutes per week talking to each other. And they also stated that parents with children still at home spend even less time talking with them. Is that really true?

Now, I don't mean small talk, or lecturing our children - but really talking, sharing together, asking how they're doing, listening for an answer, really trying to understand what they're saying & where they're coming from.

If you really want to do something that doesn't cost money, that other people need . . . become a listener.


Fourth, be a "forgiver." Grudge-bearing is harder on the "grudger" than the "grudgee." Forgive people because they need it. Forgive because you need it. Forgive when they did it to you on purpose. Forgive your parents for failing you. Forgive your children.

Jesus taught forgiveness. He said, "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." (Matthew 6:14 15).

ILL. Peter thought he had it just right. In Matthew 18:21-22 he said, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to 7 times?" Jesus answered, 'Not seven times, but seventy-seven times." In other words, be a perpetual forgiver.

ILL. The crowning example of forgiveness is in Jesus' words on the cross: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) They didn't think that they needed forgiveness. But forgiving is what Jesus was doing on Calvary. So be a "forgiver." People need it so badly, & it doesn't cost; it pays!


Fifth, be a "helper." God's conversation with Moses in Exodus 4 is a classic. The time was ripe to free the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. God picked Moses to lead them out. But Moses was full of excuses: "They won't listen to me. I'm not a good speaker. Please send someone else."

God reassured Moses of His divine help. He also gave him Aaron as his personal helper with the task. The result was the rescue of the Israelite nation & the subsequent coming of Jesus Christ into the world. God isn't going to leave any of us without help.

ILL. The Book of Nehemiah tells of the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem. There were opposing forces who didn't want the job done. But the walls were rebuilt in spite of enormous obstacles.

One of the keys to their success is seen in the expression, "next to him" (mentioned 11 times in Nehemiah 3). They helped each other. One took over where the other one left off. Many hands make light work. And in this case, this "helping" provided fellowship, encouragement, security, & faith.

APPL. So be a helper. Don't you appreciate people volunteering at hospitals? They are called by many different names: "Pink ladies," "grey ladies," "candy stripers," all giving freely of their time to help others.

It's also great to see the same spirit in our churches people giving freely & generously of their time, talents, & treasures in the work of God. This is the way to real joy in the service of our King!


Sixth, be a "supporter."

ILL. Professional basketball teams are pretty much alike. They hire the best players they can find. The players sign million dollar contracts. On any given day any one team can beat another.

But there is one factor that helps win more games. It is called "home court advantage." Teams generally win most of the games that are played "at home," in front of their own fans.

Now the courts are all the same size. The balls are the same size & weight. The basket is the same height. There is basically no difference in playing in one gymnasium or another. But teams win consistently in front of their own fans their supporters, their boosters.

A supporter is one who stands by your side, who cheers you on to victory. There is power in the home court advantage. Teams are brought to peak performance. They just win more in front of their own supporters.

APPL. It works that way for families too. Husbands & wives should be one- another's greatest cheerleaders. Parents should support their kids.

You can praise them into greatness. Kids should know that their greatest fans are their parents. And kids should support their parents, too. What a difference it would make if everyone in the family really supported one another.


Finally, be a "saver." You can save a lot of things. But I'm referring especially to bringing lost people to Jesus. Do you remember Andrew's first action after meeting Jesus?

The Bible says, "The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon & tell him, 'We have found the Messiah' (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus." (John 1:41 42)

Bringing another person to Jesus is the greatest work in the world. Jesus left heaven & came to earth to reconcile people to God. "The Son of man came to seek & to save the lost." (Luke 19:10) Jesus instructs us to bring people to Him in the command we call the Great Commission.

"Therefore go & make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit, & teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:19 20).

So think of those you know who do not know Jesus as their Lord & Savior. Get into the business of seeking to bring others to Him. Of all the things that we have talked about or mentioned this morning, none is more important than that.


(I undoubtedly got the idea for this message from someone years ago, but I no longer remember from whom. If it sounds familiar, please let me know. - Melvin)