Summary: Heaven is a place being prepared for us, as well as a place for which we should be preparing.

If there were ever a subject about which we sing more but preach less, it is the subject of heaven. Today, I will begin a special series of

sermons on the subject of heaven that will, hopefully, help correct this.

As a result of this lack of teaching and preaching on the subject of heaven, many people have very unbiblical ideas about heaven.

Gary Larson in one of his “Far Side” cartoons, captures the idea that most people have about heaven which depicts a man with

angel wings and a halo sitting on a cloud, doing nothing, with no one nearby. He has the expression of someone marooned on a

desert island with absolutely nothing to do. He has the look of absolute boredom about him. The caption shows what he is thinking. It reads: “I wish I’d brought a magazine.”

This may not accurately describe the idea of most believers have about heaven, but unfortunately, it is not too far off.

John Eldredge, in his book, The Journey of Desire, speaks of the resulting impact of misunderstanding what awaits us in heaven on the typical Christian: “Nearly every Christian I have spoken with has some idea that eternity is an unending church service . . . We have settled on an image of the never-ending sing-along in the sky, one great hymn after another, forever and ever, amen. And our heart sinks. Forever and ever? That’s it? That’s the Good News? And then we sigh and feel guilty that we are not more ‘spiritual.’ We lose heart, and we turn once more to the present to find what life we can.”

An accurate view of heaven, however, can excite and motivate us as believers. My hope for this series is that we might develop a more

accurate understanding of what awaits us in eternity, so that we might be more motivated to live for Christ with all our hearts today. So, let’s begin today by dealing with the question: “What is heaven?”


1. Heaven is a place being prepared for us.

Twice, Jesus speaks of heaven as being a place He is preparing for us who have believed on Him. Jesus is clear: heaven is a real place and heaven is under construction! You heard me right. God isn’t through yet with heaven, that is, the eternal heaven.

The Bible says that when believers die, we immediately pass into the presence of our Lord. This is what Jesus means when He says that He will “receive us unto Himself.” Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:8 that to be away from the body is to be home with the Lord.

When the child of God dies, he immediately passes into the presence of our Lord and goes to heaven. In heaven today, the child of God enters the presence of Jesus; and in heaven today, the believer dwells in the wonderful city of God, the “New Jerusalem.” In fact, heaven is

described in the Bible as a country with a capital city.

“But they were waiting for a better country - a heavenly country. So God is not ashamed to be called their God. And he has prepared a city for them.” - Hebrews 11:16 (Easy to Read)

God’s plan is for His people to experience more than life through-out eternity as disembodied spirits dwelling in a celestial city. God’s plan is for His children to live a resurrected life in a resurrected body, with the resurrected Christ on a resurrected earth. In fact, Peter says that what the Christian should look forward to is that when eternity is ushered in, there will be a new heaven and a new earth.

“But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness.” - 2 Peter 3:13 (NLT)

“I saw Heaven and earth new-created. Gone the first Heaven, gone the first earth, gone the sea. I saw Holy Jerusalem, new-created,

descending resplendent out of Heaven, as ready for God as a bride for her husband. I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: ‘Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! They’re his people, he’s their God.’” - Revelation 21:1-3 (The Message)

The Bible teaches that now, before the resurrection of the saints which will take place at Christ’s return, when the Child of God dies, they pass into the presence of the Lord to dwell in the “New Jerusalem” in what is an “Intermediate Heaven.”

One day, however, when eternity is ushered in by means of our Lord’s return, there will be a new heaven and a new earth. This earth will be incorporated into the heavenly home of the Child of God, as the “Eternal Heaven” is brought into being.

When speaking about preparing a place for us, Jesus uses the imagery of the Jewish wedding tradition. If a boy and girl were to marry, they would first go through a betrothal ceremony, wherein they would be promised to each other as husband and wife. The betrothal ceremony, in the eyes of Jewish law, was just as binding as marriage. In fact, the only way a betrothal could be nullified was through a decree of divorce.

The prospective bride and groom were considered to be husband and wife in every way but one: they did not live together. Instead, the bride remained with her parents and prepared for the day when her betrothed husband would come and they would be

married and live together.

The groom, on the other hand, would dwell at his father’s house and would prepare a place for he and his bride to one day live. If his family was wealthy, he built a separate house, if not, he added a room to his father’s house. This period of betrothal lasted until the groom had finished preparing the house for he and his bride. When the home was prepared, he would then return for his bride, and they would be married and live in the place he had prepared.

Now, Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. When the time of preparation is complete, He will return and bring us, all the redeemed, His bride, into the eternal heaven, which will consist of a new heaven and a new earth! When will the preparation time be complete?

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” - 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)

One day, when every person who is going to trust Christ has done so, Christ will return, and the eternal heaven will become a reality; as with His return, there will be a new heaven and a new earth.

2. Heaven is a place for which we should be preparing. How?

A. By deciding to accept Jesus as my personal Savior.

If I am going to dwell in Christ’s presence one day, Christ’s presence must dwell in me today.

When I trust Jesus as my personal Savior, He enters my life through the person of the Holy Spirit; and because of His presence in me, I know I will one day be present with Him in heaven.

B. By daily living in the reality of Christ’s presence.

Salvation isn’t just about God taking me to heaven one day; but it is about heaven coming to me today. Therefore, I should learn how to daily walk in the reality of His presence so that I might experience the blessings of heaven today.

I prepare for the day when I will be eternally present with Jesus by daily celebrating the fact that Jesus is present with me today.

C. By devoting myself to God’s eternal purposes.

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” - Colossians 3:2 (NIV)

In heaven, we will worship God, we will be like Jesus, we will serve God and one another, and enjoy the fellowship of God’s family. In preparation for our life in heaven, it stands to reason that we should seek to live a life of worship, of discipleship (becoming more and more like Jesus), or service, and of fellowship with God’s family. If the priorities of heaven are also our priorities on earth, when we go to heaven, we’ll only be taking another step in our walk with the Savior.

D. By determining to participate in God’s redemptive work.

Peter says we should be “looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along,” (2 Peter 3:12 NLT). How can we “hurry along” the return of Christ and the ushering in of eternity? By endeavoring to see others come to faith in Christ. Who knows but what the next person we see come to Jesus will be the last person the Lord is waiting for before the New Jerusalem is completed and it is time for His return?


“It becomes us to spend this life only as a journey toward heaven, to which we should subordinate all other concerns of life. Why should we labor for or set our hearts on anything else, but that which is our proper end and true happiness?” - Jonathan Edwards

As followers of Christ, we need to invest our time for the sake of eternity. What on earth are you doing for heaven’s sake?