Summary: Getting the best from life means being the person God wants you to be.


Getting the Best from Life

James 1:1

* One of the largest sections in any bookstore today is the “self-help” section. In this section, you will discover titles like “how to become a millionaire”, ‘how to do woodworking”, or even ‘how to build your own house.’ Self-help or ‘how to’ are seen on TV as ‘infomercials.’ The thought is that knowledge is power and empowerment leads to success. Today we begin a journey through THE “How-to” book in God’s word. We will call this “how to do life.” Over the course of our journey, we will cover 108 verses which contain over 50 imperative about everyday living and life.

* If you will join me in this journey, we will discover what God’s word has to say about trials, temptation, talking, responding, praying, receiving people, works, and much more. James is the original pragmatist. Martin Luther didn’t like the epistle of James because he saw it as a contradiction to the letter to Rome. However, it is not a contradiction rather it is a complement to the message. The book of Romans tells us that we are justified by faith not by works. James follows with, “by our works, our faith is identified.” In other words, we can say we have faith, but until that faith leads to godly works, we do not have a saving faith.

* As you can tell, James will hit us where we live (that is exactly where we need to be touched). If we stay with this journey, you and I will become better. We’ll become better men and women, children and parents, workers and bosses, as well as ‘believers and church members.’ That is the power found in the book of James.

* Quite honestly, my desire was to begin this trek by taking the first 12 verses and I discovered too much and too many truths which we need to deal with. So I moved to 4 verses and still sense we would miss so important truths. So today, let’s consider verse 1 of Chapter 1. (Read the Verse)

* At first blush, you may think this verse is a little ‘ho-hum’ and lacking in spiritual teaching, but I submit that in these few words we can find the secret to living the practical, personal, and powerful life of an authentic believer in Christ Jesus. The last word gives us the attitude of the writer. “Greetings” in the original language is the word from which we get our word “GRACE” from. It is a happy, glad, and cheerful greeting. Grace to you!

* James gives us 3 pictures to show us how to get the best from life.

1. The Servant that is Sold Out – He begins by identifying himself as “James.” While there are many man named James (at least 4) in the New Testament, suffice to say that the evidence is indeed the half-brother of our Lord. James grew up in the same home as Jesus, followed in His shadow in those formative years, & did not come to faith UNTIL after the resurrection.

* No doubt he endured the talk, innuendo, and general attitude of having a family member who ‘thought’ he was the Son of God.

* Yet, when he saw the risen Jesus and trusted in Him, an example of unparallel influence was born. He identifies himself as a ‘slave’, a ‘servant’, or a ‘bond slave.’ The Greek word is ‘doulos’ which means ‘one who gives himself up wholly to another’s will’ like a ‘bond slave.’ When James got it, he got a bad case of it. What I am saying is that when he finally committed to Christ, he sold himself lock, stock, and barrel to the risen Lord.

* You may ask, “How did that work for him?” As opposed to tracking his accomplishments in life, let me simply say that we see James in Acts 15 leading the church in Jerusalem through what is known as the council of Jerusalem. The issue (oddly enough) was whether white people could be saved and a part of the church. The church didn’t split and the arguments didn’t continue because, as leader of the Elders at the church in Jerusalem, James listened to the problems and gave godly leadership through the process and the people trusted his leadership. They recognized James as one who was completely sold out to Jesus & the gospel.

* In California several years ago, an atheist attended a Bible Study with a friend and came to faith in Christ in a glorious salvation experience. After the study he’d heard some folks mentioning the concept of becoming a fool for Christ. This impressed the new believer so deeply that he went home, got a sandwich board, and has an artist friend paint these words on it; “I’m a fool for Jesus.” Imagine all the smirks and comments he heard as he walked the street the next day. Not liking it, he changed the sign on the back of the board. When he approached it still read, “I’m a fool for Jesus” and when he walked by the back read, “Whose fool are you?”

* The point is that we are all sold out to something or someone. We can be sold out to making money, to our hobbies, to our favorite sport, and many other things. Never forget, people who know you know what you are sold out to! Ask the question, “What is it that drives your life, schedule, money, and desires?” To get the best life has to offer means we commit to our creator because He knows what He designed us to do! To what are you sold out? Psalm 119:5, “If only my ways were committed to keeping your statues, then I would not be ashamed when I think about your commands.”

2. The Saints that are Scattered – Our text says, “To the 12-tribes in the dispersion.” Other translations say, “Dispersed, among the world, and even the old KJV word, scattered.” Candidly, the original readers of this epistle were those who had been displaced because of the persecution of the first century believers. These were, in large measure, Jews. This group of Jews was considered to be “Completed Jews” or more clearly, “Converted Jews.” After the stoning of Stephen, these were scattered for fear of their lives.

* The larger application is for those who have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus and have developed into healthy and maturing believers. We, like them, are considered, Saints. Remember that a sinner is one who sins by nature, choice, and as a lifestyle, while a saint is one who has been forgiven and cleaned from sin and only slips and falls into sin. He is not one living a lifestyle of sin. Saints are not faultless people, we are forgiven people. We are not bound people, we are blessed people, and we are not perfect people, we are a pardoned people. We are all these things in Christ. Romans 1:7 says, “To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called Saints.” My slipping and failing into sin doesn’t diminish my position as a Saint, in fact, one of the ‘telling truths’ of my life is how I handle the slips & falls. When I slip & fall, Christ is there to pick me up, dust me off, & lead me on. Generally, rightly handled troubles and trials will make us stronger.

* Now for the word, “Scattered.” As I’ve already alluded to, the first readers were the 12 tribes of Jewish people who were redeemed. When Stephen was stoned, they were gone! They were running for their lives. Wherever they went, they told people about Jesus, began evangelizing people in their new residence, and started churches all across the region. Interestingly enough, it took the stoning of Stephen to motivate the believers to fulfill the commission of Jesus—‘to go into all the world.’ Until the trials of persecution came, they were content to stay at home. Yet, they (like us) are called to scatter into this world and make a difference in the culture.

* Think about it in this way; right now, we are the church gathered. As the church gathered we worship, disciple, pray, and fellowship. All these are good and needed for our spiritual development. However, it is only when we move outside of the security of our group that we can impact the culture through missions and ministry. Our ministry is always to touch lives at the point of their temporal need while our mission is to touch people at the point of their eternal need. We can only do this when we are scattered. When we drive off the grounds, we enter our mission field. Just as surely as everywhere I go, I am the Pastor of this church; everywhere YOU go, you go as a member of God’s family. We are His representatives. If we are to get the best from this life, we represent we our Savior. Why?

3. The Savior that is Seeking – When I look at this one verse, “The Lord Jesus Christ” falls almost dead-center of the verse. It begins with the Slave and ends with the Saints and it’s all drawn together by the Savior. Jesus said, “The Son of man can to seek and save the lost,” “I have come that you might have life to the full,” and “I give my sheep eternal life.” Jesus is seeking today. He’s seeks to take your life, transform it, reform it, and even make it better than it has ever been. He’ll replace your hurts and headaches.

Three thoughts for this series; salvation, examination, & preparation.