Summary: God, according to His love and grace, sovereignly elects us to be adopted into His family, to make us part of a special people, and to shower us with every spiritual blessing in His Son Jesus Christ.


ACT I: Foundations Of A Supreme Mystery – Identification



I think it is safe to say that we would all like to have a deeply satisfying life. But how, in the midst of all the junk in which we live and must wade through, is this absolutely and consistently possible? There is an old Chinese proverb that attempts to tackle the human striving for happiness:

You want to be happy for one hour – get drunk

You want to be happy for three days – get married.

You want to be happy for eight days – kill your pig and eat it.

You want to be happy forever, become a gardener.

I’ve been trying to pick up gardening as a hobby and let me tell you, it’s not always a bed of roses. There’s bugs, maggots, thorns, dirt, stones, unpredictable weather, sore back, creaky knees, and unreliable tools to deal with as well.

In fact, this Chinese proverb is a perfect example of the limits of human wisdom when it comes to finding lasting happiness and fulfillment. In fact, dare I say it’s something like a Chinese dinner. No matter how much you take in or how good it ’tastes’, you’ll still end up hungry again in two hours!

So, where do we go?



1. In Christ (v. 7a) “In Him we have redemption through His blood”

What exactly is redemption? The word literally means to “buy back” or to “ransom.” In the first

century this term was commonly used to refer to buying back someone who was sold into slavery: “to liberate by the paying of a ransom in order to set a person free.”

Illustration: Abolitionists.

Likewise, Christ, through the payment of His sacrifice of His sinless life, bought us back from our

slavery to sin.

“Blood” is the price Jesus had to pay to set us free. It recalls both the OT Levitical system for the

symbolic removal of sin and how Jesus’ perfect sacrifice is a present and permanent redemption.

Hebrews 9:22

Illustration: In a city on the shore of a great lake lived a small boy we’ll call ’Keith.’ Keith loved the water and sailing. So much so that he spent months with his father designing and making his very own beautiful model sailboat. One day, while Keith was sailing his boat at the water’s edge, a sudden gust of wind blew his boat far out into the lake and out of site. Keith returned home distraught and deeply depressed. Day after day he would return to the lake looking for any sign of his lost boat, but never did find it. Then, one day, as he was walking through town he saw his treasured boat! Even though it was sitting in a store’s display window with a grand price tag on it, he knew without any doubt it was the one he had made with his father. Excitedly, he ran into the store and declared he had come to re-claim his boat. The owner informed Keith in no uncertain terms that he had bought the boat for good money from a local fisherman and that if Keith wanted it, he’d have to buy it! Being hand-made, the price was enormous. Nevertheless, Keith went about day after day doing everything and anything he could to earn the money to buy back his boat. Finally, after great sacrifice, Keith had enough, returned to the store, and bought back his boat. At last, holding his precious boat in his arms, he said with great joy, “You are now twice mine – because I made you, and because I bought you!”

(Further Study: Mark 10:45; Hebrews 9:11-27; 1 Pt. 1:13-21)

2. Forgiven by Grace (v. 7b) “the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the

riches of His grace”

Only the guilty can be forgiven. We only appreciate our forgiveness to the extent that we recognize

our guilt. Our trespasses (or sin) is any offense or “falling aside” in respect to God, His design and

His will. Do we honestly see our true selves as Paul did when he proclaimed himself, “the chief of


Furthermore, we can only celebrate our forgiveness as we also realize our utter inability to redeem

ourselves. Forgiveness comes ONLY by God’s grace. And there are NO greater riches than this!

If we are not eager, even compelled to constantly celebrate God’s grace of forgiveness, then truly we

do not recognize just how deep is our sinfulness and how rich is His sacrifice and grace given

undeserved to us!

Illustration: There is a story of a girl in the South during the days of slavery. She was a beautiful, ebony girl being paraded and prodded on the slave block to be sold. A man well known as a cruel and brutal slave owner began to eagerly bid on her. Every time he would bid, the girl would cringe and a look of horror would come over her face. Another plantation owner, who had a reputation for being very good to his slaves, entered the fray and won the bid. After paying the agreed price, the man began to walk away and the girl followed. Her turned to her and said, “You misunderstand. I didn’t buy you because I needed a slave. I bought you to set you free.” Stunned, she simply stood there for a moment and then fell to her knees exclaiming, “Why, I will serve you forever!”

Friends, that’s just how it is in our relationship with God. As we’ve been learning in SS, He is

Almighty and perfectly self-sufficient. In no way does God need us. He does not save us out of any

need. Rather, He saves us in order to free us because He loves us!!! Likewise, He does not demand

that we follow or serve Him because He is bigger, stronger, or ’has us at His mercy.’ His desire is that

we choose to follow and serve Him because we in turn love Him! It is a love-love relationship!!!

(Further Study: Ps. 103:12; Isa. 44:22; Jer. 31:34b; Micah 7:19; Mt. 26:28; 1 Jn. 1:9)

3. An Abundance (v. 8a) “that He lavished on us with all wisdom and


God’s “good and pleasing will” is not just to bless us, but to do so lavishly!

Within His abundance of grace, God not only gives us redemption & forgiveness, but wisdom and

insight as well.

Illustration: As some of you know, I have been working on making a memorial garden for my mom. A group of her friends very generously, even abundantly, contributed to this project. But simply receiving the beginnings of a plant or garden does not produce an abundance of flowers or beauty. Having received the gifts, I must now take the time and effort to carefully work, cultivate and protect the garden. The same is true of the gifts of wisdom and insight that we receive from Christ.

(Further Study: Romans 5:20-21; John 10; Proverbs 1-2; Psalm 1)


1. His Good & Purposeful Revelation (v. 9)

It is God and God alone who reveals His will - His plan and purpose.

This will is always according to HIS good pleasure -

a.) not according to our desires

b.) He takes pleasure in bestowing grace and blessings upon us.

As most also know, I’m an avid reader. And, of course, everyone loves a good mystery! Even if they

don’t read, just look at the TV Nielson ratings. The vast majority of top shows are suspense/mysteries

of one sort or another.

Nor would the idea of “mystery” have been foreign to the Gentile converts in the Ephesian churches.

Ephesus was loaded with ’mystery cults’, where adherents are sworn to secrecy about the teachings

and activities of the cults. Something like the Masons of today. Many of the converts had likely

belonged to one of these cults prior to knowing Christ and Him crucified. But, when Paul writes to

them of God’s mystery he means something different.

In the Bible, mystery refers generally to truths formally unknown/not understood, but now revealed

through Christ. Specifically, the mystery here is that God’s salvation, plan for His people, and His

“Body” is now made up of ALL who believe - Jew & Gentile alike!

2. ALL Things are Summed in Christ (v. 10)

“Administration” or “dispensation” simply refers to the way God runs something at a particular time.

His way of doing things.

Right now, creation – Heaven & Earth – are ’out of tune.’ The ’players’ are using different styles and

reading off different sheet music. While one part is playing classical, the other is hard rock. While

one plays Southern Gospel, the other celebrates baroque. There’s no harmony, no unity, no

completion, and no happiness. God’s administration is that this is a temporary state of affairs.

We are told here, that according to God’s way of ordering Creation, in the end, when ALL things are

tallied (or added together), the sum will be manifest together on the same page and in harmony as one

in Christ! A symphony for the Ages!

God’s plan for the reconciliation of human beings in and through Christ to Himself and to each other

in unity is the beginning of an ultimate unification of all things - the universe united together in

Christ! This is God’s ultimate purpose & pleasure!

Past, present and future are all moving together toward the same ultimate, seminal event and this is

the mystery here revealed. That event is the day when all creation is brought under the complete

rulership of Jesus Christ – when every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus is


(Further Study: Romans 8:19-21; 1 Co. 15:24-28; Phil. 2:5-11; Col. 1: 16-20)


1. The Inheritance (v. 11a) “In Him we were also made His inheritance”

As God’s adopted children, we too receive the inheritance of His blessings. This too is part of God’s


Note that the verb is in the passive voice. That is, God is the one acting and we are the ones

passively receiving.

He gives us an inheritance that we do not deserve and can not merit, because it is His will and great

pleasure to do so.

(Further Study: Deut. 32:8-9; Ro. 8:17; 1 Co. 3:21-23)

2. Our Lives Pre-determined by His Purpose (v. 11b)

“predestined according to the purpose of the One who works out everything in agreement with the

decision of His will”

We, or others, may disobey God’s will and seek to go in another direction, BUT His ultimate plan

and purpose can NOT be thwarted!

Anyone who has a TV (or lives on a street with a pothole) knows that we are near an election. We are being bombarded with how vitally important government is and an endless stream of generalized solutions to the world’s problems. All of these men and women (and many more) are ’hard at work’ presenting the blueprints for a better and perfect country and world. But, you know what? In 100 yrs they’ll all be dead and our problems will still be here – if not worse. Politics is all about proposing unrealistic plans at election time and then working hard to forget them. All in all, even the greatest and grandest of plans made by people down here are largely unimportant. Not so the plans of God! God’s great plans WILL be carried out and completed! It has already been determined.

3. Jewish Believers Appointed for His Glory (v. 12)

“we who had already put on hope in the Messiah” refers to the Jewish believers.

“might bring praise to His glory” Using the Jewish believers as an example as a known people set

apart for God, Paul makes the greater point that all who are saved by His purposeful grace are saved

for the express purpose of bringing glory to Jesus! Even the role of the Holy Spirit is to bring glory to

Christ’s word! He does not exist for us, we exist for Him!

Q: When you examine your own daily life, to what extent can you say it brings Him glory?

4. Gentile Believers included In Christ with the Holy Spirit (vv. 13-14)

a.) The Word of Truth (v. 13a) “when you heard the Word of truth, the gospel of your salvation”

Once again, our hearing and understanding the things of God begins with His Word, the Bible.

Even the Holy Spirit, Scripture here tells us, speaks to us not via feelings or ’coincidences’ but

through the Bible!

b.) Sealed (v. 13)

“you” The change of pronoun here signals a change in address from Jewish to Gentile believers.

What follows is an assurance to Gentile believers that they are not any less than their Jewish

brethren, nor is their place in God’s Kingdom or His inheritance.

Up to now, God has spoken about His work for us. But now, the focus switches to His work

in us through the Holy Spirit!

“sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” Reference is to an official or royal seal, a mark of

ownership and authority. When an official or royal personage puts his seal on a document, it is

His guarantee that it will be completed as such.

c.) The Down Payment (v. 14a)

* “the down payment of our inheritance” - the Holy Spirit Himself is our guarantee!

* “down payment (guarantee)” - This was a word of Semitic origin, borrowed in Greek. It was a

commercial word referring to an object given by a buyer to a seller until the purchase price was

paid in full. Today, we would call this a down payment or perhaps more appropriately


- the Greek word here could also be used to refer to an engagement ring. In this context the

ring, a down payment of promise (the Holy Spirit), is given from The Bridegroom (Christ) to

His bride (us, the church) in anticipation of the long-awaited marriage or complete union.

Rev. 19:7-8.

* “for the redemption of the possession” In one sense, as mentioned in v. 7, we

already have our redemption through Christ’s sacrifice. But while that redemption has been

guaranteed, it will not be fully realized until the day of resurrection when God calls forth His

own for complete and eternal union.

* God’s “possession” What a glorious affirmation for the uncertain Gentile believers! In the

OT, only Israel is referred to as God’s possession. But now, it is true of all believers, Jews

and Gentiles alike!

(Further Study: 1 Peter 2:9; Acts 20:28)

d.) To the Praise of His glory (v. 14b)

* Again, to His praise and His glory! This is the 4th time in 11 verses that Paul refers to this

(see also vv. 3,6,12).

* We MUST celebrate and we MUST live to His praise and glory! ARE WE?


God, according to His love and grace, sovereignly elects us to be adopted into His family, to make us part of a special people, and to shower us with every spiritual blessing in His Son Jesus Christ. Having elected us for this, God has further accomplished this purpose through the redemptive death of His Son – paying the only just price for our sin in order to free us for our new identity and position in Him. Then, having been chosen by the Father and redeemed by the Son, we are re-born, sealed, preserved, empowered and united in the Holy Spirit.

As the late theologian, B.B. Warfield once said, “... The real thing for you to settle in your minds, therefore, is whether Christ is truly a redeemer to you, and whether you find an actual Redemption in Him?”!