
Summary: The true test of our faith, love, and fear of God is our obedience to Him.

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GEN. 22 1-19


Gold Rush 1849—Testing Gold

Scratch the object with a file and apply a drop of Nitric Acid. If the object turns a bright green it is gold plated or gold filled on base metal. If the object turns a pinkish cream color it is plated or gold filled on silver. 10 karat gold will turn dark brown. 12 karat gold will turn light brown. 14 karat or higher will have little or no reaction.

How can you tell if your love for God is genuine?

How can you tell if your faith in God is genuine?

How can you tell if your fear of God is genuine?


A. If you are not obeying God then your faith/love/fear are faulty!

1.If you life is only faith-plated or love-plated or fear-plated then your lack of obedience will reveal it!

2.Obedience is crucial in the Christian life, not because it is necessary to earn heaven but because it reveals the true quality of our faith, love and fear of God.

B. In our passage today God put Abraham’s faith, love and fear to the acid test!

1.In this passage we can learn some important principles about obedience.

2.Gen. 22:1-19


*God had entered into a covenant with Abraham some 50 years earlier

*God had promised him that through his son Isaac, he would become a great nation

*Through his seed the nations would be blessed


"Now it came about after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, " Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am."

A. The Hebrew word means “to prove, to assay, to examine for the purpose of showing quality”

1.God puts test before His children to show the quality of their faith/love/fear

2.God’s sincere desire if for you to pass the test

*like a home schooling parent giving his child a test

*you want them to make a 100

*But if you make it too easy it will not mean anything

3.God tests us to show us and others the quality of our walk with Him

B. This word can also be translated “to tempt.”

1.God does not tempt, satan does that!

2.satan tempts you because he wants you to fail-

3.he is out to destroy you.

C. You say, “But how can I know if God is testing me or if satan is tempting me?”

1.Does it really matter?

2.Whichever it is, God wants you to succeed and satan wants you to fail.

3.Just obey God and do the right thing!

*it won’t matter then if it’s a test or a temptation

*We know God will not allow satan to tempt you beyond what you can stand.

Illus. I God testing you right now in some area of your life?

*has He shown you some area where he wants you to obey Him

*has He placed His finger on something in your life and said “I want you to give that up to Me.”


"He said, "Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you."

A. Both the Hebrew and Greek words for "obey" carry the idea of hearing and then doing what you have heard.

1.Obviously you must first know what to do before you can obey and do it.

2.Men and women of the Bible obeyed the voice of God

*Noah built an ark although there had never been any rain…

*Abraham left his home because God told him to leave

B. As Christians our obedience must also be based on the Word of God.

1.It is not for us to do what we think God wants us to do or what we may want to do for God

2.We must make sure our obedience is grounded in God’s word.

3.God would never tell us to do anything contrary to His revealed Word.

Illus. Take the area of divorce

*God says He hates divorce

*God’s design is one man-one woman for life

*God allows divorce for only two reasons

*If those reasons are not there, then God does not want you to divorce that person

4. Our obedience must be based on the Bible.


"He said, "Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you."

A. This act of obedience was the ultimate personal sacrifice for Abraham.

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