
Summary: going after God’s glory

Intro: one of the dangers of reading the Bible is we can have ears and not really hear. Mark 15:38—where the veil of the temple is rent in twain, do we realize the full impact of what Christ accomplished on the cross. There is now no more separation between man and God.

Today, I would like to visit the four places of the tabernacle, and preach on moving into the glory of God.

Moving Into The Glory of God

Mark 15:38

The holy of holies where the ark of the covenant stayed represented the place of God’s glory, today we have access to this glory through the better sacrifice of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

I. Outside the gate—

a. darkness—no light outside of God

b. dogs—running through the garbage dump looking for food.

c. Unclean—lepers—symbolic of sin, couldn’t enter into the city.

II. Outer Courts-

a. altar of sacrifice---salvation from our sins

b. laver of cleansing—symbolic of purification or cleanness

III. Holy Place

a. table of shewbread—prayer, fellowship, communion

b. lampstand---word of God, light of the gospel

c. altar of incense—worship

IV. Holy of Holies

a. presence of God

b. power of God

c. glory of God—His glory will fill the earth

close: move into the glory

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