
Summary: Why not Jesus heal you emotionally, physically and spiritually?

Many people suffer needlessly from emotional, physical and mental ailments. Billions are spent every year on medical, psychiatric and herbal cures for the suffering masses around the world. \

Example: Some will even go as far as using witchdoctors, psychics or folklore medicinal cures to relieve their agony. However, most people do not realize that the Lord may allow sickness to come into our lives to bring us to a deeper level of spiritual intimacy with our Heavenly Father.

In John 9:4 when men brought a blind man to Jesus they asked Him, "Who sinned, this man or his parents. Jesus replied, "It was neither that this man sinned nor his parents, but this happened so that the work of God could be displayed in him. The Lord knew that God could cause all things to work together for good, if we love God and submit to His planning. Jesus also said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." (Matt 9:12)

Example: In other words, the Lord’s healing ministry is available only to those who are willing to humble themselves before God and submit to His treatment. The Pharisees became angry whenever Jesus entered the home of tax collectors and sinners to dine with them. The religious leaders questioned why such a man of Christ’s reputation would associate with low life sinners. Perhaps, the single greatest reason why many continue to suffer today is that they are not willing to admit their helplessness to the Lord and cry out for His healing powers.

1. Jesus’ knowledge is infinite. The Lord knows the cause of every ailment as well as the cure. His sovereign will is not to be questioned. Deut. 29:29 says, "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed (In the scripture) are given to us for our obedience."

2. Our Savior knows the stage at which each illness has progressed in every person. He is aware of every symptom that arises from all diseases. Christ is able to perfectly diagnose every emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual malady. He is omniscient and is eager to use that knowledge for our good.

3. Jesus’ power is almighty. There is no AIDS virus that too difficult for him to cure. He possesses all the authority in heaven and earth. No political, organizational, or national power is able to overcome His power to bring reconciliation, renewal and restoration.

4. Jesus’ success in infallible. When the Lord brings restoration, it is without fault. His ways are always perfect. When God brings healing He does it in a way that is complete.

5. Jesus compassion reaches to every willing heart. There is no barrier so thick that God’s love cannot penetrate. His tenderness is so deep that He is able to reach down to the deepest pit of degradation. He love knows no limit to its reach. The breadth of His concern knows no ethnic, national, religious or denominational borders.

6. Jesus’ understanding of history is totally objective. The Lord does not allow history to be viewed from subjective perspectives that could cloud His discerning judgment. He measures everything with complete justice, fairness and balance.

7. Jesus’ healing is done within the will of God. Occasionally, the Lord will choose not to heal someone so that a greater work of God could be done in him or her. The Lord allows some to be blind, crippled, or handicapped for His perfect reasons. (John 9:1-4)

8. Jesus’ invitation to healing is impartial. The Lord shows no partiality in which He heals. Christ’s offer to bring spiritual healing is available to anyone who will believe in Him for the forgiveness of their sins and the free gift of eternal life.

9. Jesus’ truth is constant. The Lord does not waver from one season to another depending on outward circumstances. Jesus is not moody or subject to declining standards of morality. His promises for healing apply to all people everywhere and at all times.

10. Jesus’ hope for healing is eternal. The Lord promises healing that provides one with hope for an eternity of health. When the Lord brings healing to the soul, it remains eternally well.

11. Jesus’ healing is given freely. The Lord restores us without any medical bills. When He performs miracles in bringing restoration and renewal, we do not have to worry about paying off our debt.

12. Jesus’ preventative medicine saves us from further ailments. When the Lord heals us, He also encourages us to practice His preventative medicine that restrains us from further deterioration.

13. Jesus’ prescriptions of healing are great gifts for our neighbors. The Lord not only heals our diseases, but also gives us the privilege of promoting His health plans to those around us. David writes, "He heals all your diseases and redeems your life from the pit. He crowns you with loving kindness so that your youth is renewed like the eagle." (Psa. 103)

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