Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: "I would rather see a sermon than to hear one any day: I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way. Beloved, You may be the only Sermon that your neighbor ever Sees!

Today's Gospel text can be difficult to understand.

The disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith, and He responds:

BIBLE " If you had faith the size of mustard seed you could say to this mulberry tree, be uprooted and planted into the sea." END

Then Jesus speaks about a servant doing his duty.

(Slow) He is to do his duty ..... not seeking .... praise or glory.

He tells the disciples you are doing what is expected of you ..... no more .... and no less.

It seems to me Our Duty is to live by faith in Christ Jesus ..... and to be performing that duty each and every day.

We are not to expect praise or glory from God.

Beloved ...... we must never seek the glory. We must not ever ..... touch the Glory (Pause).

Living the Christian Life is what is expected of those, .... who have been saved through Christ Jesus.

So.....How do we unravel these words this morning?

I would like to help unravel these words by sharing with you a poem written by Edgar Guest as found in "Doing the Gospel."

Keep these words in mind ..... for they are a key to Some understanding of our Lord's words in our Gospel text from Luke.

(1) "I would rather see a sermon than to hear one any day:..

I'd rather one should walk with me .... than merely tell the way...

(2) The best of all the preachers are the ones who live their creeds...

For to see good put to action,..... is what everybody needs...

(3) I soon can learn to do it ......if you'll let me see it done.....

I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue, too fast may run...

(4) And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true,...

But I'd rather get my lessons ..... by observing what you do;...

(5) For I might misunderstand you, ..... and the high advice you give... But there's no misunderstanding ...... how you act ..... and how you live...

(6)When I see a deed of kindness, ..... I am eager to be kind...

When a weaker brother stumbles .... and a strong man stays behind...

(7) And all travelers can witness, that the best of guides today...

Is not the one who tells them ..... but the one who shows the way...

(8) Who stands with men of honor, learns to hold his honor dear,...

For right living speaks a language ..... which to everyone is clear...

(9) Though an able speaker charms ..... with his eloquence I say... I would rather see a sermon than to hear one, any day. " (Pause)

I have shared this poem with some of you in the past .... It Speaks to my heart AND It speaks so clearly to our text today.

I would rather see a sermon than to hear one, any day. " (Pause)

The followers of the Christ must not just talk the talk, ..... they must walk the walk.

That is what Jesus is saying when he speaks about duty.

We have a duty ...... a glorious Duty .... to be faithful to Him in our daily life, ..... not just speaking about Christ, ..... but living in Christ.

Are you living in Christ? Are you producing the fruit of the Spirit?

Are you overflowing with Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self control?

Beloved ...... you should be.

How faith is applied in service to others, ..... is what Jesus is proclaiming to us.

And A servant's task, ..... a servant's duty is never done.

If the servant thinks that he or she has a compliment coming From God .... for this work, ..... they are mistaken.

For He or She ..... is only doing ..... what is expected.

If the disciples wanted to ask for an increase of anything, ..... it should not have been faith, .....but the energy ..... to apply the gift of faith ..... to the world around them.

Beloved ..... Regardless of how much we do ...... we cannot do more than what is expected of us."

Hear me on this ..... We cannot do more ..... than what is expected of us, God's favor and blessing are matters of grace -- they cannot be earned.

When we assume that we can deal with God on the basis of what God owes us, ...... we have made a big mistake.

We in essence ......have rejected grace as the basis of our relationship to God ..... and have based that relationship on our own worth and merit.

Grace is and always will be .... a free gift ..... A Free Gift from God.

Jesus is saying that kingdom people are expected to serve others, .... to worship God, ..... to fulfill the two great commandments He gave in the New Testament.

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Dana Rioux

commented on Sep 25, 2019

How we act speaks louder than words, our life is a sermon and if we act in a manner that pleases Jesus, then we are truly preaching a Holy Spirit guided life and one that approaches how jesus wants us to live. This is a great sermon, thank you for sharing these thoughts.

J Jeffrey Smead

commented on Sep 25, 2019

Thank you for taking time to comment and for your kind words. Blessings Always. Jeff.

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