Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Greetings fellow brothers and sisters in Marriage. We have come together these couple of days to center in on our Marriages. Wow! What a task!

"I Do, I Do - Because I Love You!"


Greetings fellow brothers and sisters in Marriage. We have come together these couple of days to center in on our Marriages. Wow! What a task!

I honestly believe that everyone here at this Couples' Seminar is here because they want to enhance their marriage. They want to make to it better, stronger and more fulfilling. Their heart's desire is to either reignite their passion for one another or to strengthen their passion for one another.

I would like you to take a moment to have you reflect back to that very special day when you made a commitment to your spouse. You know, "The Big Day"! All the presents, glamour, songs, fun, anxiety, excitement and especially when we were asked to say, "I Do!" That was the beginning of your journey into marriage.

It started with He saying "I do" and she saying "I do". They both made these commitments because "I do", "I do", equals, "I Love You".

Since the beginning of Kathy's and my marriage, we have learned a few lessons about this incredible journey or should I say "adventure"!

I have learned to say "I Love You" in many ways. Here are some examples:

1. "I Do."

2. The song I sang, "I Could Never Promise You On Just My Strength Alone!" I realized the best way to say I love her is to first and foremost tell God that "I love Him with my whole heart and soul first". Then I have prayed and continued to pray, "Lord help me love my wife like Christ loved the Church!"

3. Praying for her.

4. Saying to her that I love her!

5. Navigating the bedroom without turning on the light when she is sleeping.

6. Giving her love notes with my love graffiti on them.

7. By saying, "I'm sorry!"

8. By filling her car with gas and checking the oil.

9. By not getting mad at her when she neglects the car.

10. Helping around the house!

11. By doing shopping for her.

12. By supporting her and telling everyone how smart she is!

13. By letting her pelt me with snowballs.

14. By truly listening to her when she speaks to me. This means shutting the T.V. off.

15. Saying, "thank you."

16. Saying how great a cook she is.

17. Creating a romantic evening.

18. Not spending too much money.

19. Spending time at her mom and dad's house.

20. Sharing my feelings with her when I'm down. Has its limits though!

21. Doing the repairs around the house.

22. Believing in her.

23. Holding hands together.

24. Hugging her.

25. Starting new traditions.

26. Enduring her frigid feet in bed on a cold winter's night.

27. Going hiking together.

28. Holding the door open for her.

29. Learning to laugh more at her pranks.

30. Giving her flowers.

31. Giving her a new ring and re-asking her to marry me.

32. Calling just to hear her voice.

33. Going over to say "hi" when she is teaching.

34. Taking her to lunch.

35. Cooking dinner once in a while.

36. Taking her out to eat because you know she is tired.

37. Knowing when I should be quiet.

38. Reading books and going to seminars to enhance our marriage.

39. Warming the bed for her on a cold night.

40. Breaking an irritating or unhealthy habit. (Still working on some!)

41. Warming up her car.

42. Flirting with her and always telling her how beautiful she is.

43. Cleaning the bathroom.

44. Laughing at her jokes.

45. Dating her regularly.

46. Listening to her talk late at night when all I want to do is sleep.

47. Giving her the chance to go back to school.

48. Learning to listen with an open mind.

49. Learning how to be romantic.

50. Snuggling under a blanket on the couch.

51. Giving her a hug when she doesn't expect it.

52. Learning how to ask directions when I'm lost.

53. A special smile across a crowded room.

54. Trying to keep a good attitude when the little ones have exhausted me.

55. Learning to listen to her advice about child-rearing.

56. Supporting her decisions with the kids.

57. Being protective of her.

58. Walks together.

59. Taking her to Hawaii.

60. Telling her everything.

How do you say “I Do?”

This list can go on indefinitely because each day I learn new ways to say "I Love You!"


I DO! I DO!" -- Because I Love You!

Outline of Sessions 1-3

I. COMMITMENT THE KEY TO A LIFELONG HAPPY MARRIAGE: Marriage is an adventure that takes continual work and planning. We must intentionally concentrate on keeping the romantic flame burning in our hearts, but we must meet each others emotional, physical and cognitive needs. Yes, We need romance and sex in our lives. But, we also need companionship, respect, fun and laughter in our adventure.

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