Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Jesus declares Himself to be the bread of life.


Following the miraculous feeding of the 5,000, Jesus walks on water to the boat and goes with the disciples into the region of Capernaum. The people cross over to find Him and upon arrival ask how He got there. Jesus tells them that they are looking for Him for the wrong reason and with the wrong motive.

“You are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill” (verse 26).

1. The Bread of Life is not that which spoils or just feeds the body.

a. Many spend far too much time laboring for that which will not truly satisfy.

b. Momentary satisfaction can never replace true fulfillment.

2. The recipe for this bread is believing on and knowing Jesus and spending time in relationship with Him.

a. You can’t work up this life or bread in any other way.

b. Spending time with Jesus and being in His presence is the source to true life.

c. Life may have moments of happiness or meaning in and of itself, but completion is found in Jesus Christ alone.

d. The Bread of Life comes from Heaven and cannot be made by earthly means.

3. Those who feast on the Bread of Life will find true fulfillment and nourishment necessary to sustain their lives.

a. Psalm 34:8 – many have tasted and seen that God is good, yet they haven’t gone back for seconds.

b. God has placed eternity in the hearts of man and until that hole or vacuum is filled by Him and His presence, there will continue to be emptiness.

4. The hunger that a person feels for the Bread of Life is placed in their spirits by God and God alone.

a. You can’t force someone to be hungry for God.

b. Other things may pacify for a moment, but nothing besides Him will truly satisfy.

c. Many people try and justify or convince themselves that they are fine and things for them are good.

5. The Bread of earth has temporary benefit, but the Bread of Life has eternal reward and life.

a. Earthly bread and nourishment wanes or dissipates in time. Then you must find something else to partake of or eat.

b. The Bread of Life does not require any other ingestion, it simply involves drawing on and from what is inside of you – God’s Spirit.

6. Those who choose to not partake of the Bread of Life have no life at all.

a. Many left Jesus when He spoke of eating His flesh and drinking His blood. (John 6:66)

b. Life is more than merely existing.

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