
Summary: The deeper the cleansing, the deeper we hear the Lord’s calling and commission to labor for the salvation of souls.

They fished at night because they did not have nylon nets back then; they used thick linen nets which the fish can see during the day, so they fished at night; but they caught nothing.

Ask: Where is the hinderance, Lord?

When Jesus does for us what we can’t do for ourselves by removing the obstacle, incredible blessings can happen.

Peter said, as it were, “Who, me?!”

He was purged by his astonishment at the catch of fish, saying, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”

Isaiah, in our First Reading, had his mouth purged by an ember from the altar of God when he acknowledged, “For I am a man of unclean lips.”

We are Called, Cleansed, and Commissioned...

but the cleansing is continuous.

Although baptism washes original sin off our souls, the effects of original sin remain which leaves our souls and human nature weak by the inclination to sin called concupience.

Our hearts turn quickly to things like excessive food, items, images, and T.V. because the effect of original sin is that our hearts are filled with love for ourselves instead of pleasing God.

By God’s grace, we are responsible for taking ourselves out of situations that demean us by crossing our boundaries that we have for ourselves that protect our integrity, energy and spirit.

Positively this means- avoiding idleness, intemperance, custody of the eyes, frequenting the sacraments, and constant prayer.

The miraculous catch of fish is a metaphor for fruitful evangelization.

In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis says that “an evangelizing community is filled with joy; It celebrates at every small victory.”

For this week- Ask yourself with joy, “What is the hindrance Lord? Because I believe: The deeper the cleansing, the deeper the calling and commissioning to labor with joy for the salvation of souls.


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