
Summary: This message takes a look at the account of the Rich young Ruler in Mark 10 and how it is is a mirror of those that are seeking convenience through religion.

Battling Convenient Religion

Mark 10:17-22

I. The Man’s Presumptions (v. 17)

A. He presumed his inheritance could be earned

“…what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” – v. 17

B. He presumed discipleship was about doing

“..what must I do…” – v. 17

1. Discipleship is about following

2. Discipleship is about sacrificing

C. He may have presumed he could buy influence

“…for he had great possessions..” – v. 22b

II. The Man’s Possessions (v. 17, 20, 22)

A. He possessed proper manners (v. 17)

1. He knelt

2. He asked and did not demand

3. He called Jesus by the right name

B. He possessed proper morals

“..Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth.” – v. 20

There many things that people think will give them eternal life:

• Ten Commandments

• Golden Rule

• Know about God

C. He possessed much money

“…for he had great possessions.” – v. 22b

III. The Man’s Problem (v. 21, 22)

A. He lacked discernment

1. He missed the message

2. He missed the way to true inheritance

B. He lacked devotion

Jesus Tested His Devotion by:

1. Challenging his worship of material wealth

2. Challenging him to give out of his abundance

3. Challenging him to put Christ first

C. He lacked discipline

IV. The Man’s Preoccupation (v. 22)

His preoccupation with self worship resulted in:

• A saddened heart

• A sealed fate

• A settled issue

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