Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: This is a sermon series about how God meets our Deepest needs Through the prayer in which Jesus teaches the Disciples and us how to Pray.


God Is The Answer to Your Deepest Needs Part 3 of 7

Matthew 6:10

A friend once asked Isidor I. Rabi, a Nobel Prize winner in science, how he became a scientist. Rabi replied that every day after school his mother would talk to him about his school day. She wasn't so much interested in what he had learned that day, but she always inquired, "Did you ask a good question today?"

"Asking good questions," Rabi said, "made me become a scientist."

Often I find that people are asking many questions like What is life all about? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is the purpose of life? Why Did God place me here?

Many of God's people spend their whole Christian life searching for the answers to these questions, but God's word tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that God has a plan, a purpose for our lives.

Many of God's people are depressed because they don't know or don't understand God's purpose and will for their lives. The prayer that Jesus taught His Disciples was to pray to God our Father:

Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

I'm convinced that many of the problems in our life come because we don't have a clear understanding of God's purpose and will for our life.

It's as though you're driving somewhere and you come to an intersection, but before you can choose which way to go you've got to know where you're going….

It’s no different in life, if you don't know where you're headed in life; any intersection is going to cause you a lot of confusion and insecurity. A lot of people are insecure because they don't have any purpose for life.

Understanding God's purpose can be summed up in one sentence. Matthew 6:10 "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."

There are two phrases here. The first phrase summarizes God's purpose for the world -- "Your kingdom come" -- that's God's purpose for the world. Ephesians 1:10 "God's purpose, which he will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together with Christ as head." History is moving toward a climax.

The second phrase summarizes God's purpose for your life -- "Your will be done" -- God has a will, a plan, a purpose for your life.

There is a purpose in life and God's going to bring it all together in the kingdom of God – that is to bring heaven and earth together.

You ask What about now Pastor? What about me? What about my life? Does God have a purpose for my life? Yes, He does. In fact, God has four purposes for your life.

1. God made me to know Him.

2. God made me to be like Him.

3. God made me that I might serve Him. He's is God and He has a job for you to do.

4. God made me to live with Him -- to eventually go be with Him in heaven.


Ephesians 1:4-5 "Before the world was made God had already decided that through Jesus Christ he would bring us to himself as his children. This was his pleasure and purpose."

The fact is you did not choose to be born, that was beyond your control. You did not choose to be born, but God planned it and God had a purpose in it. The fact that you are alive today, that you're sitting here in this building, breathing and taking up space means God has a purpose for your life.

"This was his pleasure and purpose." God takes pleasure in you. God made you to love you. You were made as an object of God's love. You were made to be loved by God. The Bible says, "God is love", it doesn't say He has love, but He is love.

Not only were you made to be loved by God. You were also made to have a relationship with Him. The implication of that is this, if you're not spending time on a daily regular basis getting to know God, then you are missing out on one of the very purposes for which you were created.

If you're too busy to know Him you're missing out on one of the very reasons you were created. No wonder you're frustrated. The better you get to know God; the more you're going to love Him.

That's one of the purposes. God made me to know him.


ISV Romans 8:28 "We know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans. For from the beginning God decided that those who come to Him should become like his Son."

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