
Summary: To overcome a seemingly hopeless situation, you need to (1) get to the right person, (2) assume a right posture, and (3) maintain the right perspective.

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We thank God for Jesus Christ - who frees us from SIN and everything that comes with it.

Our burden of guilt, of hopelessness, and a meaningless life - and we are no longer BOUND. This FREEDOM gives us renewed purpose for life, we experience a different kind of peace and joy in this freedom.

But there are times when we seem to return to the old life and continue to carry those old burdens. Paul says in Heb 12:1

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

In this race, we are suppose to TRAVEL LIGHT, because the Lord has already carried all the burdens we have, that come with sin. That’s why He says in Matt 11:28-30

28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

If you’re still carrying some burdens with you, then we need to RELEASE the burdens you were never intended to bear.

Travelling light is not easy.

ƒá We go jogging - take the phone to stay in touch, then a walkman, a small pouch so you can bring a water bottle, and a small towel, wallet for emergency, oh yes, the home keys... when you step out, you’re loaded.

ć Packing for travel, or for retreat... "Just in case you need them..." More and more things get into the bag.

There is another type of luggage we carry through life. Not physically but mentally. We carry BURDENS in our MIND - the burdens of guilt, discontent, hurts, loneliness, fear... When we carry leather bags, we feel tired at the end of the day. When we carry burdens in our minds, we feel very depressed and unhappy.

And so Jesus has to tell us, "Put it down!" In fact, He is saying to us, "Leave it to Me! You’re carrying burdens you don’t need to bear."



A wedding is enacted in which we hear the thoughts of the bride and groom. The groom enters, laden with luggage. A bag dangles from every part of his body. And each bag is labeled: guilt, anger, hurts.... This fellow is loaded. As he stands at the altar, the audience hears him thinking, "Finally, a woman who will help me carry all my burdens. She’s so strong, so stable, so..."

As his thoughts continue, hers begin. She enters, wearing a wedding gown but, like her lover, covered with luggage. Pulling a hanging bag, shouldering a carry-on, hauling a makeup kit, paper sack-everything you could imagine and everything labeled. She has her own bags: prejudice, loneliness, disappointments, ... And her expectations? Listen to what she is thinking: "Just a few more minutes and I’ve got me a man. No more counsellors. No more struggling. Goodbye to discouragement and worry. I won’t be seeing you anymore. He’s going to fix me."

Finally they stand at the altar, lost in a mountain of luggage. They smile their way through the ceremony but when given the invitation to kiss each other, they can’t. How do you embrace someone if your arms are full of bags?

FOR THE SAKE OF THOSE YOU LOVE, learn to set them down. We have to TRUST GOD with the burdens that we’re never intended to bear. How can we help others, when we ourselves are carrying burdens through life? How can I introduce them to a loving Father and a wonderful Saviour - when they see that we’re dragging heavy burdens through life?

And, FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOD YOU SERVE, do the same. He wants to use you, you know. But how can He if you are exhausted?

God has a great race for us to run. Under His care you’ll go where you’ve never been and serve in ways you’ve never dreamed. But you have to DROP SOME STUFF.

ć How can you share grace if you are struggling with guilt?

ć How can you offer comfort if you are full of worries?

ć How can you encourage if you are disheartened?

ƒá How can you lift someone else’s load if your arms are full with your own?

There are certain weights in life you simply cannot carry. Jesus wants us to trust Him.

1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."

The first baggage we want to consider today is HOPELESSNESS. We have to show CONFIDENCE in life because of our faith in a good God.

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