Sermon Series
  • 1. Truth Or Consequences

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Peter has just ended the last chapter saying that no prophecy (no real word of God) has ever come from man or his own understanding, but only the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus himself claimed that everything he said came from the Father. Now Peter says “BUT”… t

    There is a great escalation in the middle East as we speak, and it is the old battle between religions. Down at its core is the spiritual battle between Satan with other false gods, and the true God of the universe. Every religion on earth follows a man, whether it’s Mormonism, more

  • 2. The Waiting Room

    Contributed on Nov 30, 2012

    This final chapter of 2 Peter is probably where the idea of meeting Peter at the pearly gates comes from. And while that is cute, the one who will really be interviewing us is Jesus himself. I thought the interview with a typical Christian in the waiting

    So, you call me Lord, how did you do the will of my Father? (Mt 7:21) Ahhh well I went to church most Sundays, I read some parts of my Bible once in a while, I prayed, gave 2 or 3 percent of my income to the church when times were good. How did you love your enemies? (Mt 6:44) “I more