Sermon Series
  • 1. Becoming God’s Catalyst For Changed Lives – Part 1

    Contributed on Jan 26, 2016

    This chapter contains an incredible story about Jesus Christ and demonstrates the compassion of our Savior as He reaches out to help one lone lady who needed help. She was an immoral, socially-unacceptable Samaritan woman.

    Becoming God’s Catalyst For Changed Lives – Part 1 John 4 Introduction: 1. This chapter contains an incredible story about Jesus Christ and demonstrates the compassion of our Savior as He reaches out to help one lone lady who needed help. She was an immoral, more

  • 2. Becoming God’s Catalyst For Changed Lives – Part 2

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2016

    The past few weeks, we have seen from God’s Word that God’s heart and desire is not for us to simply be a church that exists for us, but to be a church that exists to glorify Him and serve others.

    Becoming God’s Catalyst For Changed Lives – Part 2 John 4 Introduction: 1. Last week, we began studying John 4, focusing on Christ’s encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. 2. The past few weeks, we have seen from God’s Word that God’s heart and desire more

  • 3. Becoming A Catalyst For Changed Lives (Part 3)

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2016

    Many times Christ’s disregard for tradition infuriated the Pharisees. But He wasn’t about pleasing them or keeping their rules; He desired to give the Father praise and uphold His standard of righteousness. Jesus never let men’s traditions hinder His min

    Becoming God’s Catalyst for Changed Lives – Part 3 John 4 Introduction: 1. The last two weeks we have studied and analyzed Christ’s meeting and conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. 2. Christ’s actions provide believers today with a great example of how more

  • 4. Jesus: Teach Us How To Love (Part 1)

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    To love and be loved is life’s greatest gift. Love is divine. Love is from God. Nobody knows more about love than God Almighty. He is the originator. Love was God’s idea.

    Jesus: Teach Us How To Love John 15:9-14 Introduction: 1. To love and be loved is life’s greatest gift. Love is divine. Love is from God. Nobody knows more about love than God Almighty. He is the originator. Love was God’s idea. 1 John 4:8 • This being Valentine’s more

  • 5. Jesus: Teach Us How To Love (Part 2)

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2016

    Previously, we learned that to love and be loved is life’s greatest gift. Love is divine because God is love. Love is from God. Also, we learned that God is the originator of love; love was God’s idea.

    Jesus: Teach Us How To Love John 15:9-14 Introduction: 1. Previously, we learned that to love and be loved is life’s greatest gift. Love is divine because God is love. Love is from God. Also, we learned that God is the originator of love; love was God’s idea. 1 John 4:8 2. We more

  • 6. Overcoming Fear During The Storms Of Life

    Contributed on Feb 29, 2016

    Fear is a terrible thing. According to God’s Word, fear brings “a snare," “torment," and “bondage.” The good news is that no believer has to be paralyzed by fear.

    Overcoming Fear During The Storms Of Life Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, John 6:15-21 Introduction: 1. Physical storms can be very scary (hurricanes), but the storms of life can bring incredible fear (sickness, loss of job, death of a loved one, divorce, etc.). 2. Here in our text, the more

  • 7. The Kind Of Caring That Jesus Loves

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2016

    Isn’t it easy to care for and love people who love us, care for us, and do good to us? God is calling every believer to a life of compassionate caring.

    The Kind Of Caring That Jesus Loves Luke 10:29-37 Introduction: 1. How many of you find it relatively easy to love those that love you? How many of you would be really nice to me if I gave you a $10,000 check each Sunday for the next four weeks? How many of you would be kind and friendly to more

  • 8. The Cost Of Compassionate Caring

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    There is a principle that we see throughout Scripture – God looks beyond the action or service to the cost involved. Mark 12:41-44

    The Cost Of Compassionate Caring Luke 10:30-37 Introduction: 1. Ladies, what if your husband brought you home a beautiful bouquet of flowers? You would be touched and moved by his kindness and thoughtfulness. Then he says, “Yeah, they delivered them to the office by mistake. We had to more

  • 9. Seeing Jesus In The Good Samaritan

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2016

    Has anybody received a compliment today? Everybody likes a compliment. But what is the greatest compliment that anybody could ever give you? For a Christian, it would be when another person tells you that they see Jesus in you.

    Seeing Jesus In The Good Samaritan Luke 10:30-36 Introduction: 1. Has anybody received a compliment today? Everybody likes a compliment. But what is the greatest compliment that anybody could ever give you? For a Christian, it would be when another person tells you that they see Jesus in more

  • 10. Defeating Death

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2016

    Now, it is possible for every person to overcome and defeat death.

    Defeating Death John 11 Introduction: 1. In this day of modern medicine, it is not unusual for a person to quit breathing and be resuscitated. “Resuscitate” means “to revive from apparent death.” 2. But when someone has been dead (person or animal) for four days, more

  • 11. Seeing Christ Do A Great Work (Part 1)

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2016

    How can we see Jesus Christ do a great work in and through us? And I am talking about a mighty work, a work changing us from the inside out, enabling us to become the man or woman in Christ we are capable of being.

    Seeing Christ Do A Great Work John 11 Introduction: 1. Most of you have probably seen a sign similar to this – “Men at Work.” I saw a funny sign that said this, and under it, it said, “Women work all the time…” 2. But did you know, God the Father and more

  • 12. Seeing Christ Do A Great Work (Part 2)

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2016

    How can we see Jesus Christ do a great work in and through us? And I am talking about a mighty work, a work changing us from the inside out, enabling us to become the man or woman in Christ we are capable of being.

    Seeing Christ Do A Great Work John 11 – Part 2 Introduction: 1. According to Romans 8:34, Christ is in heaven doing a great work – He is praying on our behalf to the Father. 2. Discussed previously, today we are not seeing the outward, physical signs and wonders that were so more

  • 13. The Choice Of Self Or Surrender

    Contributed on May 23, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    In order to become a true Christ-follower, it takes a heart of surrender.

    The Choice Of Self Or Surrender Luke 9:23 Introduction: 1. In order to become a true Christ-follower, it takes a heart of surrender. 2. Humanly speaking, this presents a problem because our nature wants its own way. This preoccupation with our own self-interest and self-desires has been more

  • 14. Preparing To Live; Ready To Die

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2016

    Our text today will be Luke 12:15-21. This text is one of Christ’s parables about a man described by two phrases.

    Preparing to Live; Ready to Die Luke 12:15-21 Introduction: 1. Our text today will be Luke 12:15-21. This text is one of Christ’s parables about a man described by two phrases. • A “rich man.” vs. 16 • A “fool.” vs. 20 2. On this earth, money more

  • 15. God Is Looking For True Worshippers

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Worship is the adoring response of mankind towards God. It involves expressing our love and thanks to God by magnifying Him and exalting Him. It can involve singing, praying, giving, thanking, reading, and obeying His Word

    God is Looking for True Worshippers Luke 18:9-14 Introduction: 1. The Bible teaches that you were created to worship God. Psalm 95:6 2. Worship is the adoring response of mankind towards God. It involves expressing our love and thanks to God by magnifying Him and exalting Him. It can more

  • 16. How To Be A Builder

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    God’s desire is for us to be builders of people (our family, fellow church members, co-workers, spouse, and kids). How can we do this? Let’s look at the negative example of the Pharisees and turn it into some positive principles.

    How to Be a Builder (not a Bulldozer) Mark 7:1-23 Introduction: 1. At the time of Jesus’ ministry to Israel, the Pharisees and scribes were the religious leaders who knew about the true God, knew the Scriptures, and knew about the prophecies of a coming Christ. 2. They didn’t more

  • 17. When You Find Yourself In A Storm

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2016

    Life’s storms are pounding your soul. You feel like you are not going to make it, and you’re going under. What should a person do? How do we handle the storms that come our way? How do we survive? I want to share with you three principles from our text

    When You Find Yourself In A Storm Luke 8:22-25 Introduction: 1. There are a couple of different accounts of the disciples of Jesus encountering really bad storms. We looked at one of those storms back in February of this year, but this morning I want to examine a different account, a more

  • 18. Let’s Not Miss The Harvest! (Part 2)

    Contributed on Aug 22, 2016

    Jesus was too concerned about the souls of people to get distracted with minor, unimportant matters. If we aren’t focused on Christ, we can become self-absorbed and inwardly focused like the Pharisees, and we’ll miss the harvest.

    Let’s Not Miss The Harvest! Matthew 9 – Part 2 Introduction: 1. Did you know that religious people can be very mean and cold-hearted? People who are religious, but aren’t truly walking with God can be some of the nastiest people you’ve ever met. 2. In Jesus’ more

  • 19. How To Keep From Missing The Harvest (Part 1)

    Contributed on Aug 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Did you know that God can use you and wants to use you? His plan is to use His children to bring in the harvest of lost souls. But how can we keep from missing that harvest?

    How To Keep From Missing The Harvest Matthew 9 Part 1 Introduction: 1. Imagine a farmer spending weeks of sweat, toil, and money to plant seeds and then forgetting to gather in the harvest of crops. The crops grow in the fields, but they all die because the farmer simply neglects to reap more

  • 20. How To Find Laborers For God’s Harvest

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus proceeded to give the disciples the key to finding laborers. What is the first word of verse 38? “PRAY ye therefore the Lord of the harvest…”

    How To Find Laborers For God’s Harvest Matthew 9:37-38 Introduction: 1. The context of this passage is found in vs. 35-36. Jesus is very disturbed because He sees multitudes of people that need somebody to care and to show them the way to true life. • He said, “They have more

  • 21. How To Keep From Missing The Harvest (Part 2)

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2016

    There is a harvest of people with spiritual needs. They need Jesus Christ. I am sure that you know people that need Christ in their life. You desire for them to know Jesus and the life and peace He brings.

    How To Keep From Missing The Harvest Matthew 9 Part 2 Introduction: 1. There is a harvest of people with spiritual needs. They need Jesus Christ. I am sure that you know people that need Christ in their life. You desire for them to know Jesus and the life and peace He brings. 2. You may more

  • 22. Loving The Unlovable

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2016

    God’s desire is for us to reach out and love the unlovable.

    Loving The Unlovable Mark 5:1-20 Introduction: 1. In this text, we have one of the most dramatic conversions in the Bible. Look at how the Bible describes him (vs. 1-5). Read Luke 8:27. 2. So here we have a man full of Satan, homeless, running around in the mountains and graveyards naked, more

  • 23. Becoming Part Of Somebody Else’s Story

    Contributed on Sep 26, 2016

    Your life can have a divine, eternal impact on others. How? Let’s learn from the greatest evangelist that ever lived – Jesus!

    Becoming Part of Somebody Else’s Story Luke 8:26-39 Introduction: 1. People love to see before and after pictures. In an effort to get you to buy their product, weight loss programs use these all the time. And the same goes for workout programs, muscle-building programs, more

  • 24. The Power Of A Personal Testimony

    Contributed on Oct 3, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Every believer can share their testimony with others. Our text is a story about Jesus changing the life of a woman He met at a well in Samaria. After Christ changed her life, she proceeded to share her testimony with everybody in her town.

    The Power of a Personal Testimony John 4 Introduction: 1. I think we all grasp and understand the power of a personal testimony. Advertisers use this tool all the time in an effort to get people interested in their product, and ultimately, get them to buy it. • There is something more

  • 25. Understanding Temptation

    Contributed on Oct 31, 2016

    Why do we sin against God? Why do we mess up, make terrible choices, and then have to live with the consequences? Why do we get ourselves into bondage to sin and certain destructive patterns of behavior?

    Understanding Temptation Matthew 4 Introduction: 1. Why do we sin against God? Why do we mess up, make terrible choices, and then have to live with the consequences? Why do we get ourselves into bondage to sin and certain destructive patterns of behavior? • Have you ever done more