Sermon Series
  • 1. Mary - Nothing Is Impossible For God

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    God will do the impossible in us and through us as we allow faith to rise above human reasoning. As we place our total trust in God and His Word, He will work in our seemingly impossible situations.

    Mary - Nothing is Impossible for God The Characters of Christmas Series By Greg Johnson November 26, 2006 Are you facing something impossible in your life? Please draw encouragement from God and His Word today. God will do the impossible in your life as more

  • 2. Joseph - God's Plan For Us Is Best

    Contributed on Dec 3, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    We have choices to make throughout life. In every situation we have to choose whether we are going to follow our plan or follow God’s plan. Please know that God’s plan is much better than our plan. There are two criteria that, if followed, will enable

    Joseph – God’s Plan for Us is Best The Characters of Christmas Series By Greg Johnson December 3, 2006 Matthew 1:18-24 Joseph found himself in a tough situation in Matthew chapter one. Mary, the woman that he was engaged to be married, was found to be more

  • 3. Herod - God Delivers Us!

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    The devil will do everything that he can to try to destroy you, but God will deliver you as you trust His Word. In the story of Jesus’ birth, we see this at work. The devil does everything he can to try to destroy the new born King, but God delivers Jes

    Herod – God Delivers Us! The Characters of Christmas By Greg Johnson December 10, 2006 Matthew 2:1-18 The devil will do everything that he can to try to destroy you, but God will deliver you as you trust His Word. In the story of Jesus’ birth, we see more

  • 4. Magi - Divine Providence

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Beloved, please know that divine providence is at work in your life as you follow Jesus. Jesus directs your steps through your obedience to Him and His Word. Jesus provides for you. Jesus protects you.

    Magi - Divine Providence The Characters of Christmas By Greg Johnson December 17, 2006 Matthew 2:1-12 Followers of Christ are believers in divine providence seeing God at work in our lives and in our situations. We know that God is always making a way more