Sermon Series
  • 1. The Divine Call To Discipleship

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2021

    The ascent to godliness begins in the heart of God’s love, in sovereignty of his purpose, process, and timing. He calls us to salvation in Jesus Christ. Reflecting upon God’s will and purposes for the world, we are challenged to acknowledge God’s call to discipleship, aspiring to godliness.

    We are curious people. People have a fascination about learning the “scoop” on other people. Live is approached like a virtual soap-opera. Some will intentionally go public with very private and personal areas of their life. There are a growing number of people who have given internet access to more

  • 2. Serving With Integrity And Passion

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2021

    God placed it upon Paul's heart that the church in Crete needed to grow up to maturity. Titus had demonstrated that he was ready for the responsibility of organizing the churches in Crete; he would lead the people to avoid the Cretan worldview and the legalism of the Jews.

    “Come, follow me.” The words resound with authority that could emanate only from the heart of God. My heart is tenderly touched each time I view a video clip that depicts the early disciple walking away from their known life to live according to a calling God places upon their lives. As the more

  • 3. Will You Be My Spiritual Counselor?

    Contributed on Aug 16, 2021

    The call to discipleship is a call to serve as a good neighbor. This call is more than a mere social event where pleasantries are commonly shared. In the call to discipleship, we are challenged to ascend to godliness and become a spiritual friend to people in our sphere of influence.

    The call to discipleship is a call to serve as a good neighbor. This call is more than a mere social event where pleasantries are commonly shared. In the call to discipleship, we are challenged to ascend to godliness and become a spiritual friend to people in our sphere of influence. In John more

  • 4. Excelling In Goodness And Mercy

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2021

    In the pursuit for godliness they will discover there are some negative characteristics that will block their ascendancy to excellency. Yet, disciples also learn lessons about how to experience a life characterized by goodness, mercy, grace, and joy

    A major part of learning how to do something is learning the "do nots." To illustrate: One of my first lessons related to learning how to be a locomotive engineer involved learning certain things that I must not do—such as going to sleep. While pulling a train, you do not reach down more

  • 5. Follow My Example

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2021

    Jesus invites us into a fellowship with all of humanity. In this family there is no room for prejudice. We understand the value of grace in our lives when we busy ourselves with extending grace and fellowship to all people, having a philanthropic spirit.

    In the early years of my ministry Christianity was too often measured by church attendance and how well you excelled at Bible trivia. Don’t get me wrong, as observed through these messages, a key part of discipleship must focus on the study of Scripture. We will not fair well as Christians in the more