Sermon Series
  • 1. So Loved

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In a fresh look at John 3:16 we look at what it means to be so loved by God. Pt 1 investigates in scripture what Creator Love, Father Love, and Bridegroom love look like.

    For God So Loved the World Pt 1 - So Loved John 3:16 Have you ever stopped and watched a sunset and wondered at the richness of God’s love? Have you ever been in turmoil or struggle and questioned it? Have you ever been in need and seen God’s love poured out through the hands of a friend or more

  • 2. So Loved - He Gave

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In a fresh look at John 3:16 we look at what it means to be so loved by God. Pt 2 investigates in scripture how Gods love gives to his people.

    So Loved Pt 2 - He Gave John 3:16 We began last week working through this most familiar passage in scripture as we point our hearts towards the beginning of Advent. We began talking about this God who So Loved us. Remember this morning that His is Creator love boundless, endless, perfect and more

  • 3. So Loved - Whosoever

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    In a fresh look at John 3:16 we look at what it means to be so loved by God. Pt 3 investigates what it means to be a whosoever in the heart of God.

    So Loved Pt 3 - Whosoever John 3:16 We began last week working through this most familiar passage in scripture as we point our hearts towards the beginning of Advent. We began talking about this God who So Loved us. Remember this morning that His is Creator love boundless, endless, perfect more