Sermon Series
  • 1. Having Fellowship

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    In the beginning, man had fellowship with God. They walked together and they talked together. But something happened that separated that fellowship.

    How do we have fellowship with God and where does it come from? Christ is our link to God. In the beginning, man had fellowship with God. They walked together and they talked together. Put it in today's perspective, you, and your earthly best friend. You can go to that person and share your more

  • 2. Do Not Love The Evil Of This World

    Contributed on Oct 28, 2022

    In this passage of scripture, John was writing unto all believers to urge them to obey Jesus and love all Believers

    In this passage of scripture, John was writing unto all believers to urge them to obey Jesus and love all Believers. In verses 12-14: 1. As Christians have their curious states, so they have unconventional obligations 2. There is obedience and statutes basic to all, and shared love and scorn of more

  • 3. Beware Of Fellowship Destroyers

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is John's warning against antichrists.

    In verses 18-19: • John is writing to warn of antichrists. • Not just the antichrist after the rapture. but of false teachers then and now. • These are people that profess to be Christians, supposedly teaching the Bible, but are actually giving false words. • Study the scriptures so that we can more

  • 4. God’s Children

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2022

    We are God's children. We should strive to become more like Christ.

    God’s Children 1 John 3:1-3 We are God's children. In verse one, it tells who we are. In verse two, it tells who we are becoming. In the rest of chapter, it tells us what we take as we grow... victory, love, and confidence. In verse 1: Our Position: “The sons of God.” • What are more

  • 5. Three Steps To Finding Victory Over Sin

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2022

    What is victory and what does it mean?

    What is victory and what does it mean? • Victory - a conquest, a gaining of superiority in a contest, overcoming an enemy, success in a struggle, to endeavor against odds or difficulties. • Defeat - to suffer, prevention of success, loss of a contest, failure, to be overthrown. Have you ever felt more

  • 6. Loving Others

    Contributed on Nov 2, 2022

    The life of grace is the start and first standard in the heart of a Believer. Those who have disdain in their hearts for their brother must be deprived of love.

    The life of grace is the start and first standard in the heart of a Believer. Those who have disdain in their hearts for their brother must be deprived of love. Jesus taught that hate is the same as murder. The life of Jesus, eternal life, cannot abide in us if we hate others. Do we detest any of more

  • 7. Are You A Whosoever?

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2022

    When we accept Christ as our Savior, we become a child of God and have eternal life.

    In verses 1-5: • We know that if we love God and keep His commandments, then we love the children of God • God determines who our family members are, we are to accept and love them • As we love our earthly family, we should love our spiritual (Christian) family • Jesus never promised that more

  • 8. Sins And Idols

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2022

    All believers have sinned, but we have an advocate with the Father to ask for forgiveness. And, we are not to put anything between us and God.

    In verses 16-17: • Commentators differ in thoughts regarding what the sin unto death is. • Is it a physical death or a spiritual death? • The Apostle Paul had written that a few Christians had died since they took communion disgracefully o 1 Corinthians 11:27-30, Wherefore whosoever shall eat more

  • 9. Where Love Comes From

    Contributed on Nov 2, 2022

    If we center ourselves on God, abiding in His giving Love, there could be no avenue for the works of the flesh to enter our lives.

    Agape - unconditional love (Godly) Storge - family love Philia - beneficial love (brotherly) Eros - romantic love If we center ourselves on God, abiding in His giving Love, there could be no avenue for the works of the flesh to enter our lives. In verses 7-10: • We know that love comes from more

  • 10. How Do We Know The Truth?

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2022

    Do not just read but obey. To walk in truth, one knows how to act, what to do, is willing to learn, and is determined to do so.

    In verses 1-3: • John was an elder, he loved the church, he was writing this letter to warn the church and congregation to watch out for false teachers. • The Truth is Jesus. o 1 John 2:21, I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the more

  • 11. Is Church Hospitality Still There?

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Where is our hospitality? Are we a Diotrephes or a Demetrius?

    In verses 1-8: • Letter gives important glimpse into early church • John is telling how he felt after hearing about Gaius. • Concerned for health and well-being • Romans 12:13, Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. • In early church days, traveling preachers/teachers were more

  • 12. Are We Truly Loving Others As We Should?

    Contributed on Aug 27, 2023

    The life of grace is the start and the first standard in the heart of a Believer.

    Those who have disdain in their hearts for their brother must be deprived of love. Jesus taught that hate is the same as murder. The life of Jesus, eternal life, cannot abide in us if we hate others. Do we detest any of our fellow Christians, or for that matter, anyone else? How can we say that we more