Sermon Series
  • 1. Rebekah, A Marvelous Mother

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    Good wives and mothers are those who know they cannot do all things, and so they specialize in doing well what they can do to please their mates and benefit their children.

    Nathan Ausabel tells of the Jewish couple with 9 children who went to the Rabbi to get a divorce. When the question of custody came up the wife said she wanted 5 of the children and he could have 4. The husband said, "Why should I have only 4? You take the 4 and I'll take the 5." In more

  • 2. Rebekah A Marvelous Mate And Mother

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    In almost every Mother's Day sermon I have ever preached one of the qualities that most stands out in the great mothers of the Bible is that they were first of all loving and loyal wives.

    Annie Taylor was the first person to ever go over Niagara Falls in a barrel and lived to tell about it. That was in 1901. In 1932 Pearl S. Buck was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize in literature. In 1979 Susan B. Anthony became the first woman to ever appear on a United States coin. There more

  • 3. Hagar, A Mother Sees God

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    Hagar was an Egyptian servant girl in the house of Abraham and Sarah. She was a comparative nobody, but she became a somebody that God used to change history by her motherhood.

    Sarah was the oldest mother in the Bible, and likely the oldest woman to ever have a baby. She was 90 years old when she gave birth to Isaac. This is not a record many are striving to match or break, so it is likely to stand for all time. Abraham is the father of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. more

  • 4. Rachel, A Winning Mother

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    History reveals that mothers who have died when their children were young, as Rachel did, can still have a powerful impact on their lives.

    The problem with cliches is that we forget they are true and relevant because we have heard them so many times they have lost their cutting edge. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world," is a good example. It is so trite and trivial that it does not even invoke the response of a more

  • 5. Jochebed, A Great Mother

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    Is motherhood all sacrifice and no reward? No, for nothing done in God’s will is without its reward. This just shows us the humor of God, for out of Pharaoh’s treasury is coming the support for the child who will one day set His people free.

    Mother had worked hard with her little girl in teaching her a part for a church program. The little girl had gone over it again and again, but when she stood up in front of people her mouth went dry and her mind went blank. She did not know what to say. Her mother sat in the front and tried to more

  • 6. Bathsheba A Mother Who Made A Difference

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    You can bad-mouth her all you like, but God used this mother to change history in ways that no other mother has ever been used. God’s judgment is that being sexually assaulted does not make a woman a bad mother.

    Everything you can say about mothers is true, no matter how good or how bad. But it is surprising when you discover that one who you thought was so bad turns out to be so good. Who would ever dream of holding up Bathsheba as an example of motherhood? Is she not the hussy who seduced David into more

  • 7. Sarah, The Mother Of Nations

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    God chose only one mother to be the mother of nations, but every mother is called to so live with and love their children that they will want to love Jesus and know God's will for their life.

    An Indian chief's daughter by the name of Shell Flowers came to appreciate the ways of the white man. She learned English, and then took for herself the Christian name of Sarah. She was fortunate to come under the influence of General Howard, the commanding officer of Fort Lynn, for he loved more

  • 8. Woman Of Tyre A Mother’s Faithand Dog Food

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    Jesus never complimented anyone in a higher way than her, and yet she was a nobody. She was not the wife of a great man, or the mother of outstanding children. We don't even know her name. Her only claim to fame was her faith, for it was great, and it was motivated by her love as a mother.

    Lucy Webb Hayes was one of the greatest mothers to ever live in the White House. She was the wife of the 19th President of the United States, Rutherford B. Hayes, who was elected in 1877. She was the first college educated first lady of the United States, but more important, she brought to the more

  • 9. Ideal Mother

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    Most women play two major roles in life, and they are being a wife and being a mother. In the role of wife she is to be submissive to her husband, and in the role of mother she is to be sovereign over her children

    A young man went into a bookstore in Boston and asked the clerk if she had the book Man, The Master Of Women. The pretty salesgirl merely tossed her head and said, "You'll have to look for that in the fiction department." In the battle of the sexes modern women feel they are gaining more

  • 10. A Servant Mother

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    She is the only mother of the twelve that is referred to in the New Testament, and she is the mother of two of the twelve that Jesus picked for his disciples, and these two were in the inner circle with Peter.

    One of the paradoxes of life is the many famous people we don't even know, and many of them are mothers. F.W. Boreham, the great Australian preacher, tells of the English mother Mrs. Trollope who saw her husband and children dying of consumption under her very eyes. She nursed them and more

  • 11. Proverbs Ideal Mother 2

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    Every mother has her ideals pictured for her in Prov. 31. It is not an easy picture to examine because it makes the mothers feel that they have fallen so far short.

    Harry Houdini as a young 20 year old performer, still years away from fame, met an 18 year old singer named Wilhalmina Rohnes. She sat in the front row of his performance and he spilled a glass of colored liquid that spotted her dress. To make amends he got her to give him her measurements. He more

  • 12. A Mother's Comfort

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2021

    Here in Isa. 66:13 God says to His people who have suffered His judgment: "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you." God is impressed with motherhood, and especially her ability to comfort her child.

    Charles Connick was an unknown artist in Boston who brought his mother to live with him. They spent a summer at Cape Cod where they met a Mr. Swift. All summer Mr. Swift noticed how Connick honored his mother. He was so impressed that he decided to do something unusual. He was rich and had given more