Sermon Series
  • 1. Listening And Doing

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    3rd in a series on James.

    Did you realize that Howard Stapleton invented "the mosquito" in 2005. Not the annoying, disease carrying pest but a 17.4kh noisemaker intended to keep kids from loitering around shops and stores. It works because most people over 25 can’t hear that high a sound. Consider this; the same group of more

  • 2. Choosing The Right Gift

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2009

    2nd in a series on James for summer 2009

    During my undergrad years at Cal State Hayward I read about an experiment to determine if rats would seek out new places of safety when faced with danger. It involved random low-level shocks to the cage and a random "shock free" zone. After a while, instead of seeking a place that was free from the more

  • 3. Favoritsm And Faithful Deeds

    Contributed on Aug 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This is number four in a summer sermon series on the Book of James

    As the associate pastor in Abilene I was privilege to preach at several of the smaller congregations around there. After a while I learned not to be surprised at the various habits and rituals of the churches. One of the most unique surrounded the offering at Central Presbyterian in Stamford Texas. more