Sermon Series
  • 1. "going Public With Our Vision"

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022

    Over 100 times in scripture, OT and NT combined, God reminds us of the power of vision. I believe Vision is the ability to take a glance into the future to see what God has for us.

    GOING PUBLIC WITH OUR VISION Isaiah 40: 28-31 David Henderson Over 100 times in scripture, OT and NT combined, God reminds us of the power of vision. I believe Vision is the ability to take a glance into the future to see what God has for us. It is the ability to dream, to hope and to realize as more

  • 2. "the Woman At The Well"

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus came to make salvation accessible to all. He came to remove any barriers. Here He was breaking down the barrier of sin between man and God. The water the woman had come to draw from the well could only be obtained through hard labor. There was no button to push on the fountain.

    “Going Public with Our Faith” John 4:1-26 Last week we welcomed we welcomed in the New Year by talking about what it means to go public with our faith. In the Scripture today we find that Jesus having gone very public with Hi ministry, was now traveling. He had to go through Samaria. While more

  • 3. Friendship Evangelism

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022

    Paul writes to call them to a higher standard. And to call us to a higher standard as well. There should be a difference in how we live and how the world lives.

    GOING PUBLIC “Friendship Evangelism” 1st Corinthians 3:1-10 In our text, today, Paul is addressing the church in Corinth. This is a church that Paul started around AD 50. This letter appears to have been written about 5 years later. So this is a very young church, full of men and women who are more

  • 4. "the Rest Of The Story"

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022

    The great radio broadcaster, Paul Harvey died in 2009…. He was known for his writings and radio broadcasts that reached up to 24 million people a week.

    “The Rest of the Story” John 4:27-42 The great radio broadcaster, Paul Harvey died in 2009…. He was known for his writings and radio broadcasts that reached up to 24 million people a week. Such a dynamic voice -– and one of the things that made him so popular was the way he could craft story to more

  • 5. "born Again"

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022

    If you were to take a walk through a cemetery you would find some interesting words inscribed on various tombstones. One found in Maryland reads: Here lies an atheist; all dressed up and no place to go.

    “Born Again” John 3:1-16 If you were to take a walk through a cemetery you would find some interesting words inscribed on various tombstones. One found in Maryland reads: Here lies an atheist; all dressed up and no place to go. From a cemetery in Georgia this one was found: Remember as you more

  • 6. "how Long Should We We Keep A Secret?

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022

    According to John, Joseph was a disciple but only in secret. This was for good reason because of the crucifixion of Jesus; Joseph feared the Jewish leaders.

    “How long should we keep a Secret?” John 19:38 For 5 Sundays, now we have looked at what it means to go public with our faith. Last Sunday, I told you that there were two men in scripture who went public by coming forward to request the body of Jesus following His crucifixion. One of those men more

  • 7. "lame Excuses"

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Going Public will require me to throw away my excuses. Look at verse 7. Notice that this man actually dodges the question, Jesus asks of him.

    “The Power of Going Public” "Lame Excuses" John 5:1-15 In this series of messages we have been looking at what it means to go public with your faith and why it matters; why it is so important. In this passage Jesus has gone to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish Holy Days. The city wall has more

  • 8. "one Mat For Sale, Cheap!"

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022

    As Jesus began to go public with His ministry he was about 30 years of age. People were beginning to realize He was the Messiah and it became more and more difficult for Him to remain private. Now you may ask, why did He remain private anyway?

    “One Mat for Sale, Cheap!” Mark 2:1-13 As Jesus began to go public with His ministry he was about 30 years of age. People were beginning to realize He was the Messiah and it became more and more difficult for Him to remain private. Now you may ask, why did He remain private anyway? The answer is more

  • 9. "transfomed"

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022

    This was the first. This was when His ministry is launched into the public eye and this miracle changed the course of His ministry and nothing would ever be the same again

    “Transformed!” John 2:1-11 So, it’s good when you start, to start at the beginning. The miracle we just observed is the famous miracle at the wedding of Cana. The changing of the water to wine. John tells us this was the first time Jesus revealed His glory. So we arrive at the belief that this more

  • 10. "risky Business"

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022

    So the popularity of Jesus is beginning to grow and once that happens, the haters begin to show up. You know who the haters are, right?

    GOING PUBLIC WITH OUR FAITH “Risky Business” Mark 3:1-12 So the popularity of Jesus is beginning to grow and once that happens, the haters begin to show up. You know who the haters are, right? Once things start going well in your life there are those individuals who will show up and speak up. And more

  • 11. :what If I Am The Hypocrite?"

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2022

    A hypocrite is a person who puts on a false appearance. A hypocrite acts in a way that is inconsistent with their beliefs. A hypocrite pretends to be something he is not.

    GOING PUBLIC WITH OUR FAITH “What if I am the Hypocrite?” Luke 12:1-9 So the excitement is building and is all centered round Jesus—so much so that right out of the gate we read that there are literally thousands of people “milling about and stepping on each other.” ? That’s a pretty clear more